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How to know if you got a good deal

How do you know if you got a good deal or not. Let me show you!

what is up everybody Nathan Payne here you all know me painless wholesale this
is not Costco Wholesale it’s painless wholesale this is what we do we work we do it the easy way we do it the painless
way all right what I’m going to show you guys today is how do you determine if you got a good deal all right I know a
lot that’s kind of difficult these days and kind of the structure of what I want to tell you about is the importance of
knowing what a good deal is how to run your numbers and how to have buyers in that area so you can piggyback and ask
them straight up if they think it’s a good deal too now if you’re doing a nationwide model that’s completely fine
but it’s hard it’s going to be hard to have relationships with Buyers all over the country and uh so so I recommend if
you’re brand new you need to start in one market and just focus there get the relationships you need there thanks to
batch leads you can pick a market you can pull data in a neighborhood you can pull data anywhere you need when it’s
time to start marketing to the criteria of the buyers that you have now a lot of people what they do when they first get started if they just go and find leads
and they call and they really don’t know what a deal is they don’t know who’s going to buy it but they’re like oh if I find a good deal I can find you know
find a buyer for it what I recommend is you connect with the buyer you understand your Market first then then
go market right because then you can have a good uh buy box a good criteria what you’re trying to market for so
again thanks for hopping the call this is the painless wholesaling hour where you guys can come on ask questions and
I’m here to help you out now I know this might be a little bit of a weird situation uh like kind of area I’m at a
hotel right now I’m at a mastermind networking it’s called the family Mastermind I’m here to network with
other investors throughout the United States we’re in Tampa so I’m not in Salt Lake City where I’m normally from and
guys networking huge so important I’ve met tons of great buyers here tons of people that have platforms where you can
sell your deals to hedge funds it’s kind of crazy what’s going on but uh I want to let everyone know that networking is
so important so integral is part it’s such an integral part to growing as an investor you need to always be learning
from others so anyway today like I said if you guys just tuning in let’s show
you how you can determine if you have a good deal one of the best ways to determine if you have a deal is asking a
buyer you have a relationship with right so first I’m going to show you guys how I find buyers and how I use bachelor’s
specifically to find buyers and that conversation I have then I’m going to show you how to analyze a deal from a
buy box criteria they have all right so let’s freaking dive right into it let’s go for it and guys I’m starting a little
late but yeah I’m at this Mastermind they’re having lunch right now I hopped out so I’m like hey you committed I love
batch I love uh what they do so I’m doing my call and I appreciate the opportunity to be here with all you guys
I want you guys to be watching this live give me a shout out say what’s up Nathan tell me where you’re watching from let
me know if you have any questions because again I do this call not for me not to show you guys like the knowledge
I have because who cares I do it so you can learn so you can ask questions so you you can take action and make money
all right so let’s go right into it let me share my screen so the first thing we’re gonna do is when you go to a new
market it’s time to find some buyers all right because you you if you don’t understand what buyers are buying in the area or
you don’t understand your Market it’s going to be kind of difficult you’re going to pull a list and you’re not going to really know who’s buying what
they’re buying so if you go to batch pretty simple first thing that I would start off with and before I actually go into this let me show you my mind map
this is actually what how I teach people I say first thing you got to do to getting started obviously go through this process but mindset you got to be
prepared wholesaling it’s great it’s awesome but it’s not always easy especially when you’re first to get
started you have the right mindset you have to have the right um grit to basically take rejection
because not everyone’s going to accept a low offer no one’s always going to accept an offer from you that they don’t know you just call them so you’ve got to
get your mind right and understand that you’re not always going to uh get the deal that’s okay especially especially
when I first started I lost out a lot of deals I would have been able to close now but you get the right mindset going then you pick your Market pick your
Market’s pretty freaking simple all you got to do is pick you should be working your backyard now the only reason you
would not work in your own backyard is there’s just not enough data there there’s not enough buyers and you can
check on bachelor’s if there’s a lot of buyers all you got to do is uh usually you can see how much activity is going
on if you draw a boundary and uh you filter it for the right kind
of cash buyers so you could even go in here go to cash buyers you can see how much action is going on so if you were
like yo Nate I’m going to start investing in Stillwater that’s my market I’d say you know I don’t recommend just
investing straight in Stillwater there’s just not enough activity at the that I can see out of the jump usually you can
just determine okay am I in a heavily populated area well if it’s heavily populated that means there’s more
activity for investors going on it’s pretty simple so you you definitely want to hit bigger areas if you’re a new
investor just so there’s enough opportunities for you to go after so that’s how quickly you can pick a market
all right and I usually say pick one that you’re near so you can go visit sellers if you need to if you’re new you
want to go you know uh shake hands with people I don’t I don’t go meet with sellers now because I’ve learned how to
close deals over the phone but if you’re new and you feel like you got to go shake hands you know meet the seller that’s fine I I don’t recommend it I
think it can be a waste time but in the getting certified so after you get your mindset and you pick your
area it’s time to find some buyers all right so I have a couple different ways to find cash buyers uh there’s different
things to say to buyers a lot of people have that question like what do I say to a buyer if he asks me like what do I you
know what what do I say to them so I can get that relationship but I’m about to show you guys exactly what to say to a buyer
um right here says what to give to them all right what do you give a buyer once you talk to them so they don’t forget you and where to find them so let’s
start really quick with where to find them if you’re Balling on a budget like most of us um I would join local rias for free
local meetups super easy to get get a hold of them you just look them up online any networking meetups go if
you’re new don’t be intimidated everyone starts somewhere uh so you can go to meetups you can network with agents and
uh you can call investor friendly title companies those are my top ways other than using batch leads which I’m going
to show you right now there are hundreds of ways to find buyers uh if you go down here there’s you know you can uh
you build a buyer’s list you can use websites you can use the MLS you go to foreclosure auction so this goes on and
on but to not overwhelm you and anyone else I’ve talked to my top ways and
again batch is one of the top ways that I find buyers so let me show you exactly how you do it so let’s for example let’s
say um I’m in the Salt Lake City Market right so I would go here let’s say I
have a deal that I need to Wholesale in Kearns Kearns Utah all right so all I
would do is I would go here and I’d Mark Kearns
okay where are my cash buyers Insurance okay so you go to the quick filter cash buyers
and this filters all the cash buyers or agents that represent cash buyers and it’s as simple as clicking on it and
calling the buyer or the owner um or the agent that is representing them at this moment which is this is
active listing so I could go in here click on it and say hey agent I noticed that your flippers got its house listed
if you’re looking for any more now if I’m talking to the buyer you all have that question like what do I say to the
buyer super simple this is what you say to a buyer once you got them on the hook
the best way to build a rapport with a new buyer you don’t know is to talk about previous Deals they have done you
research on batch leads or any other software out there that you’re using ask them questions about those deals and be
interested in them talk to your buyers and get really tight with them make them feel like you’re only looking for deals
for them build rapport with your buyers and find out their buy box criteria here
are some of the ways to find out what they’re looking for okay so you can make a phone call or you can take them out to
lunch I recommend either one of those two or Zoom call is good and if you ever have questions on you know what to say
to buyers like when you’re on that call other than referencing the property like calling hey I noticed that your property
flip looks beautiful are you looking for any more these are other questions to ask uh to buyers I I made a little
script for you guys so you can take a screenshot of this video and you can just say oh cool they gave us all the
good things I could say I even go a step further and I actually create a uh before a form that I make on Google my
drive and I give this form to my cash buyers form to buyers I say can you fill
this out so they fill this thing out they their email their phone number all this information it goes directly into
my spreadsheet and I have all my buyers there with their buy box criteria so for
any of you that don’t know what I do I have a wholesale and have a coaching business and actually put my top buyers
uh their criteria in um I guess my uh my platform so people
can look for deals for these specific buyers and it’s really cool because with batch leads for example if I have a
buyer in Ogden that wants specifically this area Utah uh three bedrooms south
of 27th Street maximum budget 500 you can literally go in and filter for that criteria you can go to Ogden
you can be like okay Nate’s got a buyer or I have a buyer that wants anything in
Ogden which is up here south of 26th Street there’s 24 so 26 is
down here um south of 26th Street let me just start hitting up all the absentee owners
or let me start hitting up all the entire landlords or whatever filter you want to do right pre-foreclosures let me
hit up those people you can call and text it’s not rocket science it’s it’s pretty simple you just Target an area I
wouldn’t when I first started I would just get all the absentee owners in the state of Utah or like in Salt Lake City
it would be a giant list and I’d be calling them and I don’t recommend you do that uh Because unless if you want to
do that but I recommend just being targeted right target what your buyers want so I take my buyers list I put them
in a criteria is there this is a head hedge fund I use uh we work with I know
their criteria so that’s that’s pretty much how it goes you find you pick a
market you find out what people are buying and then you start marketing it to that way all right
um so in a nutshell there’s a ton of different ways to find buyers but the
goal is to know what people are buying all right and I’ve been sharing my screen let me see let me give a shout
out give me a shout out if you’re watching this and if you have any questions because again I want to help everyone in here that uh you know needs
any needs any help but uh other than um networking after finding your cash
buyer when you start looking at deals when you start finding deals through regeneration and marketing whether you
do it for free on Market or through jving or you start marketing using you
know pulling lists and Skip tracing them and then texting your call calling you need to know what a deal is and that’s
what we’re going to go into next so let me just make sure uh I’m not uh Missing
anybody’s um questions all right looks like uh looks like
there’s not a lot of questions come through that’s okay a lot of people don’t really even know what to ask so that’s okay when I was new I was like I
don’t know what to ask I just want to just tell me what to do so I’m telling you all what to do all right
so if you go to um making offers right here so once you find your cash buyers it’s
time for you to uh learn how to analyze what a deal is now the thing is if
you’re just a brand new wholesaler you might just say Okay wholesaling is the only thing I can do once you get more
experience there’s actually a lot of different ways you can make offers to Sellers and and make money okay so I
just want everyone to know that you are not just a wholesaler wholesaling is a strategy it’s an extra strategy which is
fine but it’s not the only thing you can do it’s not the only thing you should should do and I don’t think anyone
should just be like I’m a wholesaler right because you’re an investor you’re a real estate investor you need to know how to do all the extra strategies so
let’s let’s go into how to analyze a deal maybe I can analyze a couple deals for you guys uh to show you how to use
how to do this so analyzing a deal is super super important right you find out
if it’s a deal or you can’t be bringing those deals to your buyers because they’re eventually going to stop talking bringing taking your calls if you keep
on sending them crap so let’s look at something um in my uh platform that I use uh for
the painless wholesaling Club paints wholesaling stuff I actually have a JV um channel so people can post deals that
they need help moving so let’s take let’s see if there’s anything in here that I can come
all right so this is one in Utah uh let’s see if they put the address
see a second floor condo and I’ll see the address in here let’s see if there’s anything else let’s see
um it’s a lot of chatting a lot of asking questions let’s let’s find a deal
okay here’s one it’s actually one that I put out so let’s go to uh actually I think
someone messaged me directly and they had a deal they needed help with let’s see if the and I don’t always respond to people’s
that uh send me messages because I’m pretty busy I don’t think she gave me the address either on that one
a son of a contract second floor condo in Lehigh it’s awesome uh so they didn’t give the address I would have to message
him and get the address but there’s just a does anyone have an
address they want me to comp really quick uh in the chat because if not it’s all good
um I can just get one but we do need to find a property uh
that we can verify like we can run the comps on and the thing is batch leads it
does run comps but I like to do dive a little bit deeper after I see what batch leads thinks the property’s worth and
then you know I run it through my calculator that gives you all the offers you need so let’s just pick a random one
let’s let’s go to let’s just find a random address
actually let’s do one that I have so this is one that I’m selling on terms let’s see
Fort Myers okay so this is a house that I have uh
that I have on terms but let’s just run the comps on this so you guys see right here it says 310 uh two uh 200 dollars
three hundred and ten thousand two hundred dollars let’s see what this thing would be worth
right now okay so we’re gonna go here we’re gonna put it right into batch leads and we’re gonna get a good idea of
what batch thinks it’s worth I always check batch and Zillow no matter what just because I like to check out additional information so that’s just
saying 334 000 right and batches checking uh the data that it’s it has in
Fort Myers so I’m not going to actually click in here because we can’t uh when I’m live we can’t go too deep into uh
looking at the data the batch has because YouTube doesn’t like it and I know I can block it off but I’m just we’re just gonna go really quick off of
the 334. all right so I’m gonna take that and I’m gonna say okay back to using its algorithm totally get it
there’s a copying tool that’s inside here not going to go deep into it but this is a uh you know 334 all right and
and Zillow is around 310. all right let’s give it a shot so you go here this is how you do it you take the
address after checking out batches I check out the address I put it in here in this field and It Centers the
property right here I zoom out a little bit and I don’t really like to look at Souls
right now I look for I look at to look at for sale I want to say what’s for sale in this area that uh you know meets
this uh that’s similar to the property that I have so if I go right here duplicate that
so let’s go back here
so this is three bedroom two bath 1224 square feet so I would go here
three bedroom and the cool thing about batch is it already does all this for you but you know I double check everything you know what I’m saying so
you go here we want just homes and this is anywhere between square
footage is anywhere between a thousand and fifty actually make a wider range thousand seven seven fifty uh don’t
really care about the year built lot size blah blah all right so let’s apply that so what is
for sale in this area that’s close to Orange River Boulevard okay
doesn’t seem like there’s a lot that’s for sale uh that’s close to there all right so this one 485
but this is uh 0.38 Acres mine is smaller
than that and then you want to look at how long it’s been on the MLS if it’s been on for a long long time then uh you’re
definitely like not you know they got it listed too high but it’s not salary if it’s been on for Market forever
so 485 that’s the first thing that I get so let’s bust out my calculator this is my wholesale calculator
right here so let’s just say this house is worth 45 just from the data that we have it I
know it’s not because batches 334 is this is 310. let’s just say 45 just from the quick looking around so 485 the
seller the seller wants uh around 300 000 okay the seller wants what uh what
it’s worth in my opinion but I’m buying it on terms so we’re trying to do like a two to five
to ten year balloon with payments I’m trying to negotiate that currently I have like a two year balloon which is not long enough I’m gonna have to
renegotiate it but uh yeah anyway so you put in the arv what you
feel like the property is worth so I don’t believe it’s worth 485 but uh let’s keep looking keep going now the
problem with comping is you can’t go too far because if you know you don’t know if this is a crappy neighborhood over
here you don’t know if you’re in a crappy area so if you Stover like past major roads major areas you don’t really
know but let’s just at least look around so this is 4-2 this is bigger this is a
complete flip 324. 229 days for 324 uh yeah so that’s not
moving isn’t everybody so maybe either this is a bad area or there’s something
going on and what I do sometimes if all I call the agent I’ll call the agent and
just say hey uh I see this has been listed for a long time I have a house that’s similar so
why isn’t it selling and uh you know I’ll get a lot of good information that way but I I don’t really like that
uh uh this but it is closer to the water so is that is that a good thing
again I’m not in Fort Myers so I don’t know 100 percent this area 235
and this is saying it’s worth 228 it’s pretty similar before listing it for a little bit above
all right so I’m not getting uh a ton of information over here so maybe I need to
loosen up my filters you do the same thing in batch I’m gonna get my filter the thing that blocks out
what people can see better on batch for the next call sorry guys but all right so I loosened it up a little bit
um let’s see so three two
I’m not getting a lot of good info all right so we’re gonna have to go to solds let’s see what solds have so we don’t
want to get too many solds from any we want to go within 90 days the shorter the better okay so here’s a short range
all right so this is one three eight four it’s sold uh a couple months ago
see that lot lots can make make a big difference let’s see if there’s a giant lot going on here
I’m sorry if I style a little stuffy I don’t know what I I guess I’m see this look there’s three acres so that’s not
really a cop for for me because I don’t have three acres but it is around the area uh let’s see 425
and you can filter for lot size too so I’m I just haven’t at the moment since
1.1 Acres all right let’s let’s just filter for lot size what’s my lot size
lot size okay 0.85 all right so let’s go over here and let’s filter for lot size
0.85 let’s go half to one acre
okay so this is 260 sold that’s not that’s not good for me but
these pictures don’t look very good so I’m probably in the situation that a lot
of you might be in as you’re you’re making offers you’re I’m not sure that’s
kind of where I’m at right now I’m like well shoot I don’t know like and that’s okay that happens to some people some of
us as we’re going through this process we’re like well I’m running the comps it’s not giving me like a a hundred
percent like accurate as I would like information what do I do
so I’m going to show you exactly what you would do all right I’m I’m gonna call it a dang agent I’m gonna call an
agent because agents are uh the masters of the area like they they should be at
least right they should know what’s going on uh in their in their Market uh
they’re the ones that priced it so I’m going to call the an agent around here and ask them a question about the
property I have that’s on Orange River Boulevard now before I call that agent let’s let’s
go over here right very quickly let’s just say all right Matt says three third this says 310 that says 330 four let’s
just from that information that we have let’s assume that it’s between 3 15.
okay so if I sell this house if I take this house 300 000 as you guys can see
doesn’t really need any repairs it’s currently Airbnb it’s in good shape but so this is not a
flip opportunity so you’re probably like Nate what the heck are you trying to do with this property it’s not a flip opportunity well you’re dang right it’s
not a flip opportunity let’s say even if it needed five thousand dollars let’s say it didn’t need a lot of money so if
you put five thousand dollars if I were to buy this house and get use hard money
put some money down and it took me two months to buy it put a couple of five thousand dollars into it and then resell
it I’d have to pay six percent in commissions to an agent one percent uh closing costs and uh you’ll say I wanted
a wholesale this to someone I wanted to make ten thousand dollars that flipper whoever I would sell that
to if I got this deal the blue is thirty four thousand dollars because of the cost of their money and their time and
closing costs and fees so obviously this deal does not work obviously for for a
wholesale deal for this deal to make sense the wholesale deal we would have to drop it
even lower than that let’s see 225 okay so in order for us to even get
remotely close to this being a wholesale deal uh we want to get this in the green so
one of our buyers will buy it so 220 so there you go so the question is will
a seller sell me their house that’s perfect condition that they’re Airbnb right now
for 220. absolutely not she actually owes 220 on it so not even close not
even gonna happen and I know a lot of everybody everybody’s watching this or we’ll watch this we run into this a lot we run into okay well for this to be a
good deal I’m gonna have to get it way lower um but you know we make that offer we
hope they accept it and we put them in a follow-up campaign this person I know because I’ve been working they will never accept this offer it’s just not
gonna they’re an investors no it’s not gonna be on the radar so what can I do what are my other options well let me
show you this is uh a sheet that I use to show me the different options that I
have all right so there are options that you have to sell a personal deal is you
have your cash offer you have you can tell them to renovate themselves and they can make money and you know you
want to give sellers options so hey you can fix it up yourself you can sell it yourself you can do an ovation you can
do an owner carry back program which is essentially a seller creative financing you don’t want to say creative financing
to sellers in my case just say hey we can do an owner carry back program you can say whatever you want but I try to
avoid saying creative financing seller financing they get kind of scared with that and if they don’t want to do any of
those options you can say hey we just list these things as is for you and I know an agent in the area that might be
able to help you out so um let’s see
let’s just go drag down a little bit there you go so I made a
offer option decision tree for everyone to see exactly depending on the
situation a seller what options we have to offer them so this seller does not really need to sell ASAP right she does
so she doesn’t need speed and she does have time so a cash offer
is not really going to make sense uh for someone well if she needed speed and has no time
yes cash would work but if she has time right here uh house needs what’s worse
minimal repair spots speed inconvenience there it is Juan’s highest price which this seller does she wants highest price
and she has time so she can wait for as long as she wants her options are these she can renovate then sell uh then sell
the house herself well that as as we can see the house doesn’t need to be renovated she we can do a Novation with her
because we can offer her more if we list it for her and take a fee we can do terms if the terms make sense we can
offer more money and uh or we could list it as is so that’s if someone wants the highest price so again cash will not
work if someone has tons of time they don’t need convenience they don’t need speed and they want the highest price
that it’s just not gonna work okay um now if they the house is currently listed you can’t do Innovation the only
thing you can do with the house listed is wholesale it a cash offer or owner carry back buy it and you pay the agent
through uh you know the creative way you do the deal if the house needs a ton of repairs and
the seller has time or you can still do cash the house needs ton of repairs or you can tell them to uh or you can list
it for them and do the repairs through innovation uh if it’s minimal repairs in the seller
wants speed and convenience you can still do a cash because they want that speed and convenience you can do an
owner carry program or you can do a full service program which is innovation all right so in this situation they’re
running these numbers we’ve looked and we’re like okay well we know that this seller
is not going to accept 220 I know because I currently have that 300 000. so
uh let’s go back to that sheet of the offer options and so she wants the
highest price and has time so I told her hey you can just renovate this thing yourself and sell it she’s like look it
doesn’t need to be renovated and I don’t want to sell it on the MLS so uh then it’s like well we can do a full
service program where we do Innovation again it doesn’t want to list it okay that’s not an option we can do an owner
carry program where we you know structure I give you you give me the terms I give you the price you want and
that’s what we agreed on so I go in here and just to show you guys how this works in this calculator if you fill out the
the price over here of what you’re buying it for uh or it’s actually here you got to fill it
out it populates the information like what you’re going to offer what they’re going to get so it gives you the options
so you can present this to sell I like presenting options for the sellers so I know from looking at that chart
it’s not going to work uh to do a wholesale offer it’s not going to work to do Innovation she doesn’t want to
list it Burr I’m not going to buy it and refinance out of it so the only thing really to do is do a
creative deal okay so this is my creative calculator let me see if I can walk you guys through this thing
so she wants uh she wants to sell this thing for 300 000. the only reason I’m
entertaining this is because she’s doesn’t isn’t requiring any money down she’s willing to just let me take over
uh with no money down so I’m like okay so no down payment loan amount three
hundred thousand and four percent interest amortized term length over 30 years and the first payment would start
uh April right so that means my payment to her would be one thousand four
hundred and thirty two dollars she told me that this thing rents and she actually showed me receipts that she
currently airbnbs it out for three thousand dollars a month so if I got to make payments to her at 1432 then I
would cash flow right after expenses and all that stuff I would still be making money and you want to be making at least
three hundred dollars a month after expenses uh after paying them in the expenses you have so this meets that
criteria right now if I have to balloon pay her out she wants a two-year balloon so that means
in two years she would get paid if we did this deal 23
592.44 in interest okay um let’s just make sure that’s correct yeah
so 225 if you did it and if you change these I think it changes the date yep so
it changes the date so if I could get two years is too soon right most people are like oh look I need at least five
but we somehow if I decided to do this right and Airbnb for two years and refinance out of it and uh sell it or
refinance out in two years I would basically be saying I hope this deal is
worth more than 300 000 and I can sell it or refinance out of it in two years and my balance my principal after paying
the principal and interest would go down to 289 so when I have to pay her out that’s what I would have to owe her so
if I sold this thing for like 310 let’s say it’s worth 320 in two years uh I’d
have to pay her the difference after my fees of you know for cashing her out at that time the the longer you get
obviously the better because it pays it down you have more time to cash flow and you’re you have more time for the market
to appreciate right so in this deal that I currently have with this lady I said okay I can do four
percent two-year balloon and um you know I’ll rent it out for two years and then refinance or sell it I’m
a little iffy about the two years just because in two years again if the market vision pre-sharer goes down then I can
lose money so but that is really the only option we have at this moment to to
work with the seller because again she’s not taking a wholesale offer she’s not taking a Novation she doesn’t want to
list it the only thing I can do is take this over and uh rent it out for two years or whatever balloon payment you’ll
give me for this to make sense so if we did this I can I could cash flow
uh and this actually shows you what I would cash flow so let’s see so if it’s 3 000 a month on Airbnb let’s just say
so it’s 36 000 so I think that says uh
the property the insurance the property taxes the HOA all the fees it’s actually
included in the payment that’ll be making rehearsal have to worry about that stuff so let’s see uh what this is
saying so 2182 this is saying that it’s dividing
the 3000 divided by the operating expenses uh and these these have all the operating expenses management vacancy
all that stuff so it’s saying after all my expenses I’m
making two thousand one hundred and eighty two dollars minus the principal of what I
pay this seems to be uh Capital expenditures maintenance blah blah blah uh it’s all just
for me it doesn’t I don’t want to go too deep in explaining this to you guys but basically uh this is telling me that I
would make um nine thousand eight hundred thirteen dollars or 818 a month on my investment
and I put zero dollars down my assignment fee I’m not assigning this my closing costs me 3 000. so this is
saying that this would be a 327 uh percent return on my money if I did this
so it’s tough because you’re like well it seems like a good deal seems like it makes sense but you’re also uh writing
on the fact that the property does not depreciate or it doesn’t go down in time and that’s why people that do creative
Fields they want more time they don’t want a balloon payment a year because who knows what could happen they want to
they they at least everybody says at least five okay but at least the numbers here kind of give me a good idea of uh
you know what what I should do I am curious this is a newer calculator that I just added I’m wondering if this is
calculating uh the balloon that I have I’ve got over two years or is this
annual just one year so let’s see let me look at the formula 67 25 minus
B5 and just put it here annual minus um
V8 so this is 10 operating expenses yeah okay so this is saying yearly so
this is saying over a year I’m doing a 327 um percent 327
return on my money since I’m not bringing any money down I see well obviously that’s sweet right I had I
brought zero money down other than the closing costs to make nine thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars so
pretty sweet but do you want to gamble do you want to gamble that in two years do you want to
say hey do I believe this is going to go up or do I believe it’s going to go down because if it goes down you still got to
buy it you still got to refinance it you might have to bring money to the table to get it done so in the comment section
I’m curious if you guys you think I should do this deal I’m not I didn’t get the longest term on it that I would like
two years is again not as long as they tell you that you should do your systems
I’ve done a couple seller finance deals I haven’t really kept a lot of them I’ve actually just assigned them and I could
assigned this too I could just uh put on wrap it and then assign it to someone for like uh 310 so let’s have a 300 and
the 10 I could say give me ten thousand dollars now when you buy this I could collect the 10 and they could take over the terms uh a lot of different options
I hope this wasn’t too confusing it takes some time to to learn this stuff but all I want to let you guys know is when you’re talking to sellers they have
options do not feel like oh I have to make a lowball offer every time uh
because if you do the options when taking it are pretty low if that’s the only arrow in your quiver
so just know if you look at this take a screenshot of this everybody if they
have speed if they need speed and they have no time these are their options if they want the highest price these are their options if they’re want the house
listed option if the house is currently listen they’re trying to sell to you these are options the house needs tons
of repairs uh and they have time well the shot and then minimal repair but
they want to speak convenience this is what you have I’ve made this because you know for the processes of my virtual assistants my leads managers my business
it makes it easier for them to present options and that’s what sales in my opinion is everybody sales is presenting
the right options the right like to the seller trying to solve their problems if all you have is just okay let me tell
you exactly well let me make you a low ball offer and just hope you accept it and I’ll put you in my drip campaign
with you forever that’s what I did when I was first started I was I was when I was a noob I would just make a low offer
didn’t accept it I’d be like okay I’ll just follow up with you and I would follow follow up and they’d sell with an agent they’d sell somehow else right so
you have to make sure you’re maximizing your opportunities if you’re getting a deal if you’re getting a lead
and uh they want to sell but they don’t want to accept the low offer then pitch
them a creative push them pitch them terms pitch them hey maybe you should fix this up yourself and this is like
the sales process that I go through it’s you have to solve their problem and
again if they uh don’t want to accept your offer don’t it’s nothing that you should take personal just be like well
let’s see what we can do to get it done so anyway guys I hope this was helpful I did show you just recapping I did show
you how to pick your Market using batch how to find buyers how to have that conversation what to say
attributes whether it’s from JB whether it’s from targeting what your buyers want you have to know what a deal is
right so I use the calculator and I say okay if they don’t want my low ball offer they don’t want my wholesale off
my cash offer first then it’s time to Pivot and make some other offers you’ve got to squeeze everything you can out of
these leads because you know you’re spend if you’re spending money on marketing you’ve got to
maximize your marketing spend and if you’re not you just got to be good at you know knowing what what can solve the
seller’s problem that’s what we’re here for we’re here to solve Solutions we’re transaction Engineers we’re here to
figure out what is the best option to help the seller succeed and if you have an option that’s not going to help us to
see you shouldn’t even be mad if they don’t accept obviously I wouldn’t someone called me right now and said hey Nate you want to sell your house cash
I’d be like no man I don’t need a move I’m good right there’s you can’t make someone want to sell so don’t don’t feel
like you did you need to and that’s kind of how I felt at the beginning I was like hey I got to make every I I suck on
that cold call they didn’t say yes well yeah like you randomly call that person they’re probably worth thinking about selling that’s okay you got to find the
right opportunities so anyway sorry about being stuffy sorry about being a little bit late guys because uh you know
I’m at this Mastermind I’m loving it networking is the key I’m telling you network with everyone that is that is
how you’re going to grow when I started networking when I started trying to help others out that’s when my business exploded I believe that’s going to be
the same for you guys if you are interested in learning more about what we do at pinless wholesaling check go to
parents wholesaling.com I do uh I’m doing a Master Class A free master class this Thursday if you join I’m going to
show you more about the process of finding the buyers developing relationships and doing wholesaling the
painless way you know instead of just randomly just trying to get a deal and get lucky okay because it doesn’t work
out very well for a lot of people at the wrong side I know because when I first started I gotta I they told me to do
mail so I was like okay so I spent ten thousand dollars on mailers I just sent it to absentee owner list just all over
Utah I was like I don’t know I hope someone calls me I got 30 calls back couldn’t convert any of them because I
just wasn’t that good at the time I didn’t know what I was doing and there I pretty much lit the ten thousand dollars
on fire so I don’t recommend now if I did it again if I did mail I’d say Okay Johnny uh where do you want to buy it
okay I want to buy in this area this ZIP code okay so I’ll send mailers to that zip code to this specific criteria that
you have and anything that I get I’d like to either sell to you if you can’t pay if you if it doesn’t work for you
obviously I can work with someone else but you would say that to him you you send out the mail to the Target area you
get someone on the phone the phone’s like the person’s like so I was like yeah be open selling what would you what’s your offer you’d say hey look I
don’t really know at the moment I’m working with you know a couple of my uh other people on this so I really need to
do my research let me see let me ask you some questions you ask questions you run the numbers in the calculator you
realize that they’re a little too high you can negotiate a little bit but you can also call Johnny and say hey Johnny I got someone they want to sell but I’m
really not sure what to offer I ran my numbers what would you pay and I’ll just try and get the deal locked up for you and he’s like well I need some pictures
like okay well let me get you some pictures hey Miss uh Mr seller Mrs seller um I’m talking to one of my
partners I work with can we just get some pictures of the property just to see the condition or could we walk it uh
and I’ll send my guy out there so he gets pictures he send it to him he’s like oh yeah this house I’d probably pay 300 000 for it well installer wants 340.
so you’d go to the seller and say hey look I know you want 340 but the best I can do is to 285. would that work for
you if I could close and you know 14 business days or 14 days they’re like
um yeah that would work so there you go you already have Johnny Ben told you to offer you didn’t have to you know get it
under contract and Shop it around he kind of told you yeah now maybe you can make more money than just going straight
to Johnny but when you’re brand new having someone like that that is the buyer who knows exactly what he’s going
to pay is extremely helpful I still do this before I lock up property sometimes I’ll just call to my buyers be like hey
what would you pay and I’ll try to get it lower simple as that all right so anyway guys I hope that was helpful uh I
got a lot more I can tell you please come on these batch calls every week the goal and the purpose obviously is to
help you succeed I want to help you guys grow and make money this is how you make money you you’re basically connecting a
buyer and a seller and making a fee okay that’s on a wholesale deal now there’s other ways I’ve showed you whether you
do Innovations you do terms whether you list listed as is and you get a commission from an agent a lot of
different ways to make dough okay but don’t get stuck in the mindset that you can only make money off of just offering
low offers because there’s a lot of ways to skin a cat right so the more options that you provide the seller the more
you’re going to win you gotta learn that stick stick around on batches see batches uh you know this channel the
show I do with you guys because I’m going to show you that stuff I’m going to help you out please come ask
questions I’m here to serve here to help you out Bachelor leads for life this has been painless wholesaling hour it hasn’t
even been an hour but I got to go gotta eat some lunch and because I’m at this Mastermind but I’m always taking action
and helping you guys doing my best to help you out so have a great week remember you’re not going to get a deal unless
you’re making calls unless you’re taking action that’s 100 the truth without making calls to buyers connecting
without making calls to sellers agents whether you’re pulling lists and relief you’re not doing those things you’re not
doing those kpis you’re making you know five options today making 50 calls a day hitting those specific key performance
indicators that’s what kpi stands for if you’re not doing those things and it’s you’re 10 months down the road and
you’re like I don’t know I haven’t got a deal well no surprise if you haven’t done the activities actually get you paid you
can’t buy a house without making an offer so if you’re not doing offers you’re not doing that you’re not going
to make money register for the free Master Class hope to see you guys there where we go deeper into how to do the
strategy and how to use batch leads in your business hope to see everyone there peace out

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