Not all data is created equal. See why real estate professionals are making the switch from PropertyRadar to BatchLeads, and start finding better leads today.
Missing real estate data in PropertyRadar? BatchLeads combines property, listing, mortgage, and demographic data to give you a complete picture of properties and their owners.
Building relationships with real estate agents is crucial for investors, property lenders, title agents and home services providers. With a database of more than one million agents, BatchLeads helps you connect with agents.
BatchLeads integrates with all your favorite apps for free, includes free skip tracing credits, and our in-app marketing tools help you connect with property owners faster and streamline your business.
If you’ve ever tried to run comps or identify leads without listing data, you get wildly inaccurate results, which can make or break a deal. BatchLeads compiles property and owner data from more than a dozen sources.
BatchLeads also has a method for verifying phone numbers in a way that PropertyRadar doesn’t. We ingest data from our sister product, BatchDialer, so we can determine the accuracy of phone numbers and continually improve our skip tracing data.
Our customers certainly think so! While BatchLeads and PropertyRadar share some similar features, our customers especially love us for:
If your business has anything to do with residential or commercial property, chances are you’d benefit from building relationships with real estate agents. Whether you’re seeking referral partners or you’re looking for someone to give you the inside scoop on future listings, real estate agents have a wealth of knowledge. BatchLeads is proud to offer the industry’s first agent directory, helping you target agents by geography, number of active or sold listings, total sold price, and average listing price. Quickly find agents that are ready to partner and uncover phone numbers to connect with them right away.
Tyler Uvia TrustpilotBatchleads has been a game changer for agent outreach since they released it! Their listing data has also gotten significantly better. I’m blown away!
BatchLeads is one of the few solutions that provides demographic and mortgage information, and it’s included in your subscription. Search, sort, and filter with data points like age, household size, marital status, loan type, interest rate, number of mortgages, and more.
So does BatchLeads! Better yet, our phone numbers are the industry’s most accurate, with a right-party contact rate that’s 3x better than what you’ll get from PropertyRadar.
Unlike PropertyRadar, record imports are free in BatchLeads. Simply upload your property list and the data will be enriched almost instantly. Each BatchLeads plan includes unlimited address storage, giving you the ability to both import and build new lead lists.
Matthew S via TrustpilotBatchLeads is Excellent! I use BatchLeads for data, skip tracing, lead tracking, follow up, marketing and cold calling (through BatchDialer). Their products are second to none, but their service is even better!
BatchLeads | PropertyRadar |
Lead Generation Tools | ||
Free Monthly Leads | ||
Import Properties | $0.05/each | |
Nationwide Listing Data | X | |
FSBO Leads | X | |
Demographic Data | +$40 | |
Real Estate Agent Directory | X | |
Built-In Direct Mail | X | |
Unlimited Integrations | +$20/mo per integration | |
Lead Scoring | X |
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