Investor Thrive Live with Nathan Payne and Landree Morby

Nathan Payne + Landree Morby – an agenda = a chance to learn what you really want to know about wholesaling real estate.

what is up everybody we are live right now on the investor Thrive live batch
call combining what is up Landry how you doing doing pretty good excited for the call today how about you Nathan I mean
I’m I’m stoked for today because what we’re gonna do I we’re gonna answer some questions from the audience I know that
you’ve been Gathering some questions from the batch Community right yep yeah I have some pretty good ones and a
couple that I gathered um on YouTube too just from like the comments that I thought were really good so I have a good handful today I love it
I love it and what we want to do is we want the audience everyone that’s watching this uh the watching it live is
huge just because you’re going to be able to ask questions and we’re going to be looking at what those questions are so if you if you watch this like at
another time make sure to tune in we’re doing this uh once a month right um yeah I can’t remember is it the third
Wednesday of every month yes I think it will be the the third every every single
month yeah so everybody tune in if you have questions on how to use batch how to wholesale how to real estate invest I
mean we have experience pretty much doing everything Landry she’s she’s the expert at batch I I don’t think I’m an
expert I do know how to use batch and I use it in my business but she’s here to help she got a ton of experience and then I have the experience on the end of
you know wholesaling and uh you know I’m in the market with you guys right now I I see the pivots I see the shifts I know
what’s going on so yeah I’m very candid very open with what’s going on uh so I’m an open book so let’s get right into it
if you’re ready to go I’m ready I’m ready let’s do it are you able to see uh
is this going to be coming into our area with chats or is it coming straight onto YouTube by the way just to make sure
that I can it should be coming in um to to the stream yard that we’re
we’re here uh so if anyone drops a comment if you guys can just tell us where you’re from where you’re watching
this from so we can we can see make sure it’s working uh and again we’re pumped because my goal is to for everyone out
there that’s taking their time to work and wholesaling and real estate it can be a grind it can be tough so if I can
make this any easier on anyone watching um and help you make more money that’s my goal I want to help you guys out help
you succeed so let’s get into I think we have some questions that you you yeah get right into yeah let’s start with
these I had some really good ones that uh actually from our community that we’re growing that I took a couple of
questions that did get answered from the rest of the members which I thought was really cool to see everybody kind of collaborating with one another and
helping each other out but um I was like that’s a good question that I’m sure a ton of other people are wondering as
well so this question was really good how do you get reasonable funding and at
what point do you need it oof well I guess that depends on what your strategy is right because as a
wholesaler you don’t really need funding it’s it’s all paperwork uh and a lot of
people worry about earnest money right they’re like well I need I need earnest money the way that I wholesale 99 of
time I never put down earnest money because I have a buyer that I use to and
I use their earnest money for my earnest money right for example let’s say that
I’m talking to a seller and I sign a contract with them and I say I’m going to put down a hundred dollars for
earnest money they never really have a problem but if they do I say hey what what’s what’s the issue with the earnest
money they’re like that’s not enough money I’ll say well what were you looking for 500 okay we can do 500. and
I explained sometimes I only put 100 down because I have mole I do Mo I buy multiple Properties or I’m working on
multiple properties so I don’t like to have all my earnest money out on multiple properties if I don’t have to
and uh they’re like oh I totally get that so if let’s say we agree on 500 my due
diligence period is seven days within seven days I signed into my buyer he brings his or non-refunctional earnest
money deposit of five thousand or whatever I I get and I use that earnest
money for my 500 or 100 or whatever now in Texas a couple States since we do
this wholesale Nationwide there are a couple states that like they they won’t let you use the earnest money of the
buyer but yeah for that just don’t put a lot down with that being said too what
you just said there Nathan is everybody has such a because it kind of reminds me about when you get into the your due
diligence process or kind of that period and running the numbers and everything for you because everybody does it
differently especially when getting started and when you’re more sin when you’re more sin when you’re more sin when you’re more sin when you
hmm I don’t know if that it looks like she just popped off let me uh
I don’t know what happened uh looks like her device connected but hey I think what she was just
elaborating on the earnest money potentially um I we’ll we’ll keep rolling uh Alex is
from Phoenix what’s up Alex anybody else want to come in here and uh you know
shout give us a shout out we love Phoenix
but again when it comes to earnest money deposits don’t get too uh strung up on
uh hey are you there sorry this it happens with my adapter sometimes it just like shuts down it’s really weird
um hey I tried to hold it together while you were gone yeah well I that what I was saying is that
everybody does it differently in terms of like when they’re running their numbers and uh you know getting with
something that we can show and batch today with like uh running your comps and everything are you going after when
finding a property you’re interested in immediately making your offer and then running your numbers or do you like to
run them first and and uh you know really do the work because some people will say that’s a waste of time make the
offer and then run the numbers after what are your thoughts I don’t like running my numbers while before I get a
hold of them because that is a waste of time uh you could you could run your numbers be like oh this is exactly I need to be and you’ll never get a hold
that person they won’t answer so this is how I rock I roll uh I call if I’m
talking to them then I run the numbers using batch I also I use batch and Zillow when I’m running comps like like
hand in hand and uh while I’m on the phone now if I can’t concentrate I do
have the dual monitor so it’s really easy to run both if you have one screen it’s a little bit more difficult but uh
I never I try not to run I’d say like never run the numbers before you call a
lot of newer noobs it’s okay we’re all noobs like to get stuck in that they’re like well I gotta know the numbers no no
you don’t you need to find the opportunity and then you run the numbers love that because that’s I know that
that’s a big big thing to get hung up on it’s like what comes first finding you know everything needs to be perfect
before you make that offer because it just comes down to making the actual offer you never know what somebody’s
gonna say I think it’s a big thing 100 and it’s really it’s it does stop a lot of people so I I do coach that’s kind of
what is check it out if you guys are interested but uh a lot of people they do get stuck on you know
what’s going to happen down the line like what would I say if this happens or this happens I’m like the only way to
learn is to fail right like I can’t tell you everything to do you’re gonna have to do it and figure it out and I’m here
or anybody else that is there to Mentor you or work with you is there along the way to answer those questions but you
can’t prepare yourself for everything and uh when I started wholesaling I I came from the door-to-door industry so I
knew the only way to make money was to go talk to somebody to go go take action so I started just knocking doors when I
first started wholesaling and be like hey are you selling I had no idea what was after that but I was gonna figure it
out so I want to let everyone know that’s watching this is don’t get hung up on the earnest money get a deal first
and then you’ll worry about the internet money and then you can come on batch and say how to get earnest money you can come on this call and we’ll answer that
question but make sure you’re taking action that was a little bit of a rant but anyway no it’s a big a big thing
when I first right before working for batch and then I have some other questions we can jump into but right before uh working with batch I used to
go and uh door knock a little bit with somebody on my brother’s team and uh one
time I did it or a couple times I talked to the seller and it was just like that where I had my opening line of asking
them you know are you interested in selling were you know local investors I didn’t know what to say after they
replied it was I was just like okay and I was listening to kind of the story of their property and after they finished I
was like don’t know what to say so it kind of just you go with the flow and then you learned Quirk I’m assuming because
you’re like I don’t want to be in that spot anymore yeah I was like uh I I didn’t I don’t think I did it after that again I was a little nervous but I made
him do it well hey there are some are you seeing the comments that are coming through on um it’s under comments uh I
don’t I don’t know if you want to check okay I see this yeah let’s let’s check it out okay Phoenix awesome we gotta do
we want to address some of these I’m assuming yeah yeah so where can I find a good partner to GB with in St Petersburg
great question uh Ali are you there I can answer that question unless you want to take it Landry no yeah that’s that’s
all you so I’m a great JV partner I will JV with you if it’s a good deal I’ll help you
out I’ve done many deals in Florida I’m actually working on a deal right now in Florida uh if you want a JV with me let
me share my screen I’ll show you what you guys can do uh if you let’s see I’ll share my entire screen
wow let’s see right here so if you go I have a website called sell your if you already have a
deal under contract all you have to do is Click there and fill it out it goes to me it goes to my VA my VA immediately
comps it checks it out he’ll call you he’ll say hey you’re out of your mind this is not a deal what are you thinking
or he’ll say hey this is a great deal let’s proceed we’ll help you find a buyer so that is one option to find a JV
partner uh or or just go to Facebook you can find people through real estate
Facebook groups so let’s just go you’re in St Petersburg so what you could do here is just go uh Florida
course let’s just see if St Petersburg has a real estate investing uh Facebook group
St Petersburg Real Estate Investors
uh right uh real estate investor St Petersburg you join this there’s 1400 people here or or I got a lot for you
guys because uh I JV that’s primarily like what I like to do you can
go here under comps and JV deals and this is my community I’m sure you know
batch if you guys don’t have a channel for jving you guys should um but yeah these are many people put
deals in here and then we talk about it and I’ve done several deals with people in the my community through them posting
I actually think even I posted a deal in here recently uh hey I got right here
hey I got a deal to dyspo anyone got buyers in Del Rio I made a landing page
for it uh like this I put it out there I said hey bring me a buyer I love jving with
people I want everyone to get paid so I kind of uh went overboard on that
answer but uh I gave you like multiple ways to find JV buyers there you go there you go Ali I hope that answer your
question let’s see if we have anything else that’s awesome by the way I really like that form that you can just fill it out
makes it really nice and seamless appreciate it are you able to actually click on the um comments and have them
pop up on the screen or do I have to do that laundry yeah you have to do that I’m not able to I’m giving it a try right now so which one do you you want
to check out next all right let’s see I like this one from Alex I’m looking to wholesale out of state what Market do
you feel is the most saturated and easiest to get into all right I’m looking to wholesale out
of state do you want to take that or do you want you want me to take that one I personally just to clarify I don’t have my own experience in doing deals I just
talk with a lot of investors so not me are you serious come on you seem you seem like one of the top investors or
whatever that’s funny no not me that’s gonna be all you all right uh what Market do you feel is the most saturated
and easiest to get into you know this is this is the way flipping works as a wholesaler our our
end buyer or our the person we’re selling our deals to are flippers right so you want to go to areas where there’s
the most flips and if there’s a lot of flips going on that just means that it’s there’s a lot of competition right like
that’s usually what happens now if you go to the middle of North Dakota South Dakota Montana there’s not gonna be a
lot of competition so you finding a deal will be easy but selling it will not so
Utah where I’m at very saturated lots of investors I was calling invest uh in
Memphis today with one of my students and I was talking to an agent I made an offer to an agent he’s like oh yeah you’re never going to find a flip here
if if there’s a flip opportunity I’m gonna take it or an agent’s gonna take it so but that’s not true that’s just
his that’s it was his mindset right his mindset was that there wasn’t any opportunities for flips unless you went
and found it yourself like by knocking doors or something crazy that’s not true so it’s all here if you live in a major
Metro it’s it’s a good place to it’s a good place to wholesale because that’s
people are moving in if people are moving in that means a lot of you know flips are going on so uh let me give you
a couple markets that are I would I would Target if I were you Atlanta money
well let me actually give you I’ll I’ll show you instead of me talking I like to show and if you guys watch a lot of what
we’re gonna do it’s going to be showing instead of talking it’s gonna be a lot of talking too but I like to show so let
me uh go here so there is a this these are buy box criterias the way I teach people how to
wholesale it’s called um painless wholesaling you it’s reverse wholesaling you find your buyers first then you go find them deals so I put the buy box
criteria of my buyers in here and then I go look for deals for them so if you
want to know the best places to wholesale right now uh this is a hedge fund that’s actively buying there’s not
a lot of hedge funds that are buying right now a lot of them pulled out but this hedge fund’s like yeah we’re still going and this is these are the the
cities that they’re buying in Atlanta Tampa Orlando Dallas Oklahoma City if I
was a wholesaler uh starting off new I would Target one of these areas if
you’re brand new because you can’t handle them all it’s too much pick one and you know you at least have hedge
funds that are hedge fund that’s buying there or you know that this is a hot enough place that this hedge fund that
has thousands and thousands millions of dollars of other people’s money to invest they’re trusting in these markets
to put their money even when the times have been kind of funky so
major metros are good but these are the top in my opinion right now Landry how do you think I did on that
one I like that a lot especially because once again coming back to the idea of like should you find your your buyer or
your deal first kind of thing like that’s even a um a video we did back in batch TV a
while uh a while ago but um talking about like getting the deal takes the skill or the most skill anyway
so it’s it can be really helpful especially for people getting started to find their buyer first which I really
like that that method that you’re talking about so getting an idea of like what are you actually looking for just
so that I have an idea that when I’m going out to find deals like they’re going to be for you like you you know
you’re gonna already wanna that’s one of the biggest problems I feel like new wholesalers have is they don’t really know what they’re looking for right yeah
and they’ll spend months and years following up I did it I did I I spent months and months following up with
someone that eventually was like yeah I’m ready to sell and it wasn’t an opportunity the the area was bad it just
wasn’t something that worked out but I didn’t know because I was a you know I was new so yeah waste a lot of time if
you don’t do it this way yeah that actually brings me into another question which uh kind of ties into something in
like where I live is that there’s this property you know I’m over here in Tennessee and when me and my husband
first moved here we were driving past this neighborhood and on the corner it’s probably like 900 square feet this
property I think I looked up the details because I was just like what’s going on right with that that house it completely
boarded up and this comes into a question that we just had into the the community the other day which was
um basically would you go after properties that have all of the windows and doors boarded up because that for
example this property this is a different one that the Community member was talking about but it was the same
scenario like everything that boarded up so I know that at first it’s like oh nobody’s living there like that’s
definitely distressed what do you do with that what are your thoughts because I know that that can sometimes not be an opportunity after all that’s why I love
batch leads right because you can look and see who owns that and usually quickly you’ll see that the state owns
it or uh you know like I think in Utah the the transportation like system buys
a lot of properties like that and so they can build in those areas so you could spend a lot of your time just like
thinking or you could just look at batch and be like okay that’s the situation with that property uh quickly so uh
usually I see those and I don’t even think about them because that’s you the situations some someone is like visibly
it’s a great area it’s just a random house so it’s like okay they’re going to do something with it but you can call if you want it doesn’t hurt but I mean what
do you do if it is owned by the bank you know at that point is there something okay you just leave it alone I leave it
alone because when the state owns it or uh the Utah transportation department or
whatever uh and just I guess company that’s doing it they usually have like a big plan and I would be making an offer
to like flip it or buy the land and I don’t think that it might be a scarcity
mentality of me being like Oh I don’t think that there’s anything going on with that but uh I don’t that’s good to
know yeah that’s really good to know because I think that people getting started at least even in the beginning especially like if you’re driving for
dollars you’re like oh that is beat up like that’s completely nobody’s been there in years kind of thing it can be
like oh that’s perfect yeah so it’s very interesting when I first started I’d see
those houses like that they’re boarded and I would look up the owner and sometimes the owner wouldn’t like come
up so I would look up who was related because when you skip Trace you sometimes have relatives so I would look
up and Skip trace the relatives and go knock on their doors and be like hey do you know who owns this and they would
sometimes when I did it they’d be like get out of here we have so many people come by and ask but that is a way to get
around that if it is owned kind of in a funky way you can reach out to the relatives yeah but what is your time
right yeah I was about to say I guess it kind of you just kind of go with the flow and if you want to pursue it or not
yeah you want to spend your day driving all over the place trying to knock on people’s doors yeah exactly yeah let’s
see if we have any questions in here um Jordan did say uh hey I’m always willing
to JV so um hey there you go connect Jordan and all Ali that’s this is what we’re here
for um connect everybody yeah it’s so much fun to see everybody kind of uh you know even in the community I’m sure you see
it all the time too people getting into maybe new markets and being introduced to that through other people that are
are working there um do we want to let’s finish up Ollie’s
so Ali said thanks Nathan but I didn’t answer because correctly because he he had to go a little deeper so let me
answer this I’m more looking for a local partner in St Petersburg to go look at properties example working on a current
deal but seller won’t accept offer sight unseen totally get it um Ollie so you got to be careful about
these because I’ve I just talked to a real estate agent this morning in Memphis I’m not in Memphis and he’s like
you have to go see the house before I even will accept your offer okay so now
if if I didn’t have experience I’d be like okay well I gotta go find somebody I gotta go and that could take me all
day or maybe a couple days but what I said to the agent I said look I will I’m
willing to send someone out there if you accept my offer at this price I’m not
willing to do all this work go do this and then I say hey this is my offer and you not accept it I’ll do that but these
are the conditions right so with that seller you have to say to that seller
hey I’m if you’re willing to accept my offer then of course you know I I you
and I’m very transparent I say hey I don’t live in St Petersburg I live in Utah I’m an investor that invests all
over the country I’m willing to do that but first we have to sign the paperwork
I have a due diligence period where I actually have to spend my money and time to send out my contractors that’s what
the due diligence period is for I understand if you don’t want to accept my offer before I see it but that’s that’s the process we go through if I
just sent someone out to every house before having it under contract I’d waste a lot of time and money you have
to understand uh and you can level with them now if it’s if she accepts it and it’s a great deal but she just really
the seller just feel more comfortable then I would network I would go to maybe some Facebook groups you have the batch
Community you could say hey batch Community who in here is in St Petersburg would like to help me out you
can pay a real estate agent like 20 bucks I’ve done that before you can just pay them to go to take pictures for you
there’s another uh service called task grab it where you pay like 20 but it’s an app I don’t know you basically put
the task you need and people can bid on it oh and that’s that’s another way I
that’s cool let me can I tell you a story real quick of how like what I had to do one time
yeah so I had a seller this was when I was more of a noob all right but it’s it it it I went above and beyond so I this
seller was like hey I don’t have an email and he accepted my offer so I was like man I can either mail this but I
don’t want to mail it so it was like nine o’clock at night and he was on he was a truck driver so he was only at his
home in in Texas some city in Texas for like one day out of the month so he got
home and I was like dude if I mail this it’s not going to get there and I’m gonna wait another month so it was nine
o’clock at night and I was like who can I call that will go and print off a
contract and drop it off to the guy have him sign it and then he can mail it back so I started calling all these print
print shops and I was just trying to negotiate like hey will you just go drop it off all the print shops were closing
it was nine the only place that I found that was open was AutoZone AutoZone and like all these random like Oil Company
place like oil change places ozone and I was like hey no this is weird I know you guys got printers can
you help me out can you print this contract off that I can email to you and we drop it off and the girl was super cool she’s like of course I can oh what
she’s crazy I know isn’t that crazy stuff she printed off and I gave her the address she’s like oh this is in my
neighborhood yeah no problem so she went dropped off the contract at the guy’s house the guy got the contract didn’t
sign it oh he ghosted me so I wasn’t expecting that you’re like
and then it was just smooth no no no he ghosted me so what I’m trying to tell you guys is when you got to jump through
a lot of Hoops for these sellers you got to be careful because sometimes they’re like yeah you gotta I’m not gonna sell
this until you see it and then you’re like you do all what they want and then it does they ghost you it doesn’t work
out they don’t accept your offer so you set the terms you be in charge be like hey look this is how I roll like and if
they don’t accept that then obviously you might have to bend a little bit but don’t don’t be calling someone in AutoZone nine o’clock at night getting
someone to send that was a complete waste of my time I mean that I I do I think that there is something too that’s
noteworthy with that too is that you know within your business and just like with anything you just don’t know what
somebody’s gonna say until you ask it’s the same thing I feel like or the same like uh mentality with making offers and
what have you it’s like you don’t know AutoZone I would never guess this and we’d be like yeah no problem let me do
that that’s crazy yeah taking action I love that yeah but knowing what I do now know now it’s like hey I probably would
have said hey man like you can just get an email it’s pretty easy let’s get yeah yeah probably
so it’s all good and then uh Ali just said uh the struggle’s real well that’s
it is but that’s when I first started brother I would never do that again so I’m giving you advice to don’t bend too
much for sellers they’ll they’ll make you do crazy stuff let’s see here I think there’s a
question from and then we can pull up uh some batch here Alex says when using batch for virtual driving for dollars
how can you save your route and create a list of properties to skip Trace awesome question let’s do it here let me get
this up all right let me know when you’re ready to share that by the way driving for dollars on batch is awesome
because you can do properties you can create a specific list go skip trace it driving for
dollars is huge one of my biggest deals when I first started it was like a 48 000 deal driving for dollars just
marking properties and uh yeah it was it was great uh it’s called texted the
seller the seller was like yeah we want to sell went over there signed the contract it was like super easy uh
process so I love that that’s super cool like you yeah I I also wanted to ask you like how
did you get started because this is another question too as I’m kind of getting this up were you uh you know
doing something full-time were you just able to jump right into it like you know
talk a little bit about that because I think we had some people in the community that they are getting into it
just like so many people trying to get into the business but they still have their nine to five and it’s just it’s
hard so yeah so I was doing door-to-door sales I worked for Dish Network for like
six years while I was in college graduated got married and then my wife me and her move to Utah and we were like
I’m not trying to move around the world you know every summer as a door or sales guy you go to a different area so I
wasn’t trying to have that lifestyle so I basically ended stopped doing it quit
and uh I was like what can I do that utilizes my skill set to talk to people I like talking to people sales so I was
like real estate my buddy in college one of my roommates his dad was a whole wholesale than Missouri and he was doing
lease options and trying it in college I called him said hey what are you doing for work he was doing working for a tech
company I said let’s let’s go all in on wholesale let’s start a company so our
wives this is not something that everyone has the luxury but our wives worked uh life work my wife worked we’re
very frugal we don’t spend a ton of money so we were able and I had a lot of savings from door to door so I was able
to have that cushion and I just went all in it was me and him every day cold calling knocking doors uh looking for
deals with no idea what to offer what how to comp how to do anything we just knew the formula of 70
minus repairs of setting percent of arv minus repairs minus your wholesale fee which by the way is doesn’t really work
anymore um but that’s what we did so we were getting low deals but the amount of
opportunities we were losing because we were noobs was probably huge we were probably missing out on a ton of stuff that’s that’s how I got started just
went all in and I knew that the only way to get deals is to take action yep and
uh and I think that’s a lot of people struggle with that in this industry they they see the the gurus or the people
flashy say the flashy checks and they’re like oh that looks easy it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of commitment and
uh it’s pure action that’s that’s how it’s how it happens yeah the consistency I know that everybody hears it you know
a million times over but that’s the big thing for sure let’s see if we can jump in here and show people how to do this
as well I can share it are you ready are you blurring or I’m not gonna blur yet I might have you just because there’s not
really anything showing here um but yeah I do think that that’s so cool it just depends on like your situation and what you’re able to do and
then just jumping jumping into it so thanks for talking about that and for those that have a full nine to five you
can do this it’s you just have to you know schedule your time correctly and it’s all about the offers if you’re not
making an offer nothing can get accepted so yeah I know it’s the cliche thing if
you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don’t take so it’s like find out ask you never know
um okay so in here I really like the I love virtual driving I love driving for
dollars in general especially I think for getting started for people because you don’t have to know the perfect list
to pull or anything like that you’re just out there and seeing properties with your own eyes obviously with virtual you can do this anywhere in the
market or um in any Market but with this a lot of people might be like well I’m
not physically there like what can give me the confidence to add properties that I’m not standing in front of so we’ll
talk a little bit about that too um here let me zoom in so basically in here and if any of you
guys you know are maybe not familiar with batch or if you have batch this is something that was rolled out in
September I believe and people were given the option to get into the newer plans kind of deal so if you don’t see
this in your account where it’s like grayed out you can have it so there’s also a mobile app so you can actually go
out and do this physically as well go on a walk I used to talk to a couple investors that would scooter for dollars
which I really loved so there you go yeah it was awesome but with uh this I
always recommend people start in satellite view just because when we get
down into the street view places like Arizona I swear somebody’s out there and they’re just amazing updating the
imagery every single year over here on the East Coast it’s just not so much so
if any of you guys have ever seen you know a car when you’re out running errands that has a spinning camera on top of the car those are people that are
obtaining imagery that Google’s able to provide so it just depends on where it’s
at and some of it’s not going to be as updated but the this view right here the
bird’s eye view is updated like every one to two-ish years so you get a good idea of like what’s happening with the
roof what’s happening with the backyard which can give you a lot of insight because sometimes the front of the property looks totally fine but there’s
a whole other situation going on in the backyard so always start off in Satellite
let’s go over here I’m just going to go to Arizona or do you do you want to go maybe we could go into like your Market
or what Market should we jump into uh let’s let’s do one and
um in Utah let’s go yeah I know some good areas so white city is one of the areas that’s uh kind of near me that’s
um White City Utah let’s see if it yeah and it’s got some older homes so that
might be a good place to look and we can see some distressed stuff okay cool so at this point then it’s you know finding
your area and then just start zooming in to kind of see what’s going on it’s super quick I want to let everyone know
in this strategy that I teach called painless wholesaling if you start with your at the end in mind you have the
buyer in mind already instead of just randomly picking a random neighborhood that’s that’s really important because
if you go drive for dollars in the neighborhood and it’s like hey this is actually the war zone of your city
nobody wants something yeah you need to know that information so what I do is I talk to my buyers and I say hey exactly
where are you buying like give me a neighborhood and they’ll say okay give me give me something in Woods Cross or
give me something White City so now I have a better idea if I find something I can call my guy John or Nate and say hey
I found something I’m talking to the seller is that is this a property you’d be interested in and that way you’re
already step 10 steps ahead and if you just picked a random neighborhood and you don’t know who you got so that’s
that’s what I want to let everyone know try to do it that way or do it that way and that will save you a lot of time
that’s big too because especially getting started with this where you don’t have your buyers list yet because
you’re you’re thinking that you need to just jump in and get the list and then reach out to people after you have the
deal kind of thing but I think if you have that set up and ready to go you can have a lot more confidence in okay cool
I know my buyer is interested in this area so it’s going to be in my best interest to focus my time and energy
here so I think that’s really important all about confidence yeah yeah let’s check it out so I would be looking for
obviously you know depending on the market maybe empty your green pools you know damaged roofs kind of deal nothing
obviously you’re going to be jumping down there to check it out a little bit more but once again just to really
clarify for everybody if you go into a market which right now you guys will see
when we drop down there we don’t have the date showing just yet in Google you can go and cross-reference if you really
want to know when the picture was taken but this view will give you a good idea of you know kind of what’s happening so
let’s just start here I’m seeing this property right here looks like there’s a bunch kind of going on in the yard like a bunch of maybe cars are trash piled up
the neighbor kind of looks that way too so let’s just start here and not over complicate it I’m going to drag and drop my Google
icon I love it onto a blue line and check it out uh the very first thing I
would do let’s see if it’ll let me maybe it’s my computer let’s go back the very first thing to do when you’re
down in the street I always track my route because it won’t do it for you automatically so you want to make sure that you’re tracking where you’re going
to there we go let’s get out of this cul-de-sac real quick so let’s say we drop down in this street
and we would start our Virtual Drive this little car icon in the bottom right hand corner always do that it’s just
going to help you a lot you know where did you already visit and it will keep track down the line so that as the
months pass hey it’s been seven months since I’ve been in this area I’m gonna go check it out again you know tape deal
but I’m just going to click on the arrow on the road to kind of move forward and
check out the streets everybody has kind of a different method especially when you’re doing this virtually because
you’re not physically there being able to turn your head really quickly so you could always start with one side of the street and kind of just stay in one area
I guess and then when you’re done you know flip around and check out the other side
so let’s see what we have going on down here
what would you say um you know and now talking about maybe avoiding properties that are like completely boarded up and
everything what would you say you’re looking for it when you’re driving for dollars or when you got that deal Nathan
I wouldn’t say avoid avoid them I’d still mark them but just know that uh there’s usually something going on if
it’s if it’s like a really boarded up house on like a main road that’s usually what we find in Utah but if it’s a
boarded up house in the middle of this neighborhood yeah definitely Market okay depending on kind of the area and
everything yeah what’s going on there when I see a lot of boarded up seven Utah it’s mainly on main roads where there’s probably they owned a lot of
land and someone bought it you can still reach out I’m just letting when that question was asked it was mainly like
don’t don’t spend too much time on those if trying to find out what’s going on just look up badge and anyway uh so
let’s look at this one so this house the the yard looks pretty bad uh so who
knows what they were doing but that this would be potentially something that’d be like bad yard that that for me that’s a check mark yeah someone’s got a bad yard
okay so let’s just check it out because obviously the rest of it doesn’t look terrible or anything it’s not like the sighting is falling apart and the roof
looks good but let’s just you know still see what’s going kind of going on here um here I probably should blur this out
let me ask you a question when you drive for dollars virtually do you dive in to look at the the data like or you do okay
yeah yeah usually I would just at least with showing people like if you wanted to if you are more you know on the
analytical side where you do want to kind of soak it up as you’re looking at it or it just comes down to do you want
to just like bust it out and be like I’m gonna get 100 properties added today and then go in and spend my time once I get
to it which is probably the better way to go about it would you say kind of just get them in your account yeah the
way that I am it’s there’s so many uh you have to go through so many opportunities to find for so many leads
to get an opportunity then I don’t want to waste my time uh like looking at data
or that’s just me I could be wrong there could be people that are just like the the snipers that are like oh I have to get a hold of this person yeah for me
it’s it’s like okay call call call uh or Mark a bunch Mark a bunch of properties
um because I could waste a lot of time I see okay kind of getting that group together reaching out to them together
kind of doing it all to you know and I’ll I’ll dive in once I can get someone on the phone or someone responds that’s
how I’ve looked at it cool all right well let me I think it’s probably fine with just this I’m just going to click
save you guys could definitely jump into the details I’m going to skip over that for now just because a lot of the
information we’re not able to share on YouTube so if anybody wants to we definitely can but just to answer Alex’s
question about how easy this can be to just get in here track your route where are you going and then add your property
so let’s say that we want to add this one I’m going to just add it to a list I already have in batch leads it makes it
really easy to find my data the way I organize them and I’d love to hear your take too Nathan on how you you do it
because I make my list kind of like my main idea like what’s when I look at that list of properties what’s going on
with it like are they did they default on their taxes did I get them from driving for dollars you know are they
vacant properties do you do it in a similar way 100 weird okay cool because I do like my tags deeper like where did
I get it when did I get it right so this one for example would be create a new list if you didn’t have it already I
would say driving for dollars list and then the tag would be White City right yeah or the neighborhood you’re driving
or maybe even the day I don’t know yeah yeah sometimes with driving you know if you uh because usually when we’re
talking about driving for dollars I don’t know if you used to have a kpi in mind for that like I might be telling
people try if you can if you have the time in the bandwidth to get a hundred properties added five days a week kind
of deal would you say that that’s a pretty fair kind of number to aim for or like way Overkill or what what do you
think it depends on what area of the United States you’re in so like in in Utah there’s not that many bad looking
homes uh because the uh I wouldn’t say there’s it depends on the area of Utah
but a lot of people take care and there’s not the weather doesn’t really impact us that much like in Texas the
Midwest like yeah there’s a lot of stress looking properties but you’ll see in this neighborhood it’ll probably be
different for someone they’re like oh that doesn’t look that bad and because I’ve have the experience here I’m like that that’s probably an opportunity
that’s probably a lead that’s important I really to keep in mind especially if there’s anybody here maybe getting into
other markets and exploring that to kind of see it’s going to range it’s going to be different same thing with the way you
run your numbers and everything so yeah okay let’s add it to a I have a virtual driving for dollars list and a physical
one just so I can kind of keep track like what did I add in person what did I add on my computer and then I’m gonna
just do a date that I can come back to because this way since my route was being tracked then I can be like okay
cool that was in you know White City so what is today the 15th 15. well my
keyboard wants work 3 15 23 and click save so this is how you would kind of
start with Alex’s question here you know adding your properties finding something and now it will mark it as saved so I
don’t have to question like wait did I hit that one already you know type deal let’s say I want to add the neighbor
same kind of process if you want to go about it the Quick Way click save add it to your list and move forward
um and then once they’re saved into your database I’ll show you guys how you can just skip Trace them in bulk to move
forward and actually reaching out as long as there’s no questions on this virtual site before I get out of it but
let’s save this one too and do 3 15 23.
cool and yeah if any of you guys are wondering about battery you’re looking for a system that can you know pull pull
data or like with a kind of a list format Android for dollars and have a mobile app and be able to Market through
mail depending on your plan texting and and so on check out batch leads you guys can click on the link in the chat to do
a trial and then you guys can always attend like trainings and stuff like that that I also help out with in host
so you know what’s funny uh is I think a batch mainly is like wholesaling right
or for like for wholesalers Real Estate Investors but my buddy um my business partner we actually separated we’re all friends but he went
a different way uh he he is doing epoxy floors right now so he’s doing marketing
for flooring and he’s like dude can I use your batch account to send out some mailers to uh some epoxy like leads and
I’m like sure so it’s not just real estate that you can use this for you can use it for mail like marketing to pretty
much any type of Industry so it’s really cool yeah I had some somebody I talked
to in the past that was using it for uh their landscaping business obviously other people getting into your roofing
companies and and so on so it’s really cool to see uh especially in like in the community people saying like hey this is
what I’m doing in my business and to see that grow outside of just wholesaling there’s a lot of people using it for
different things so you know let’s stop this so basically you know
you’ll stop and save your route it’ll kick you out of there let you know how far did you go how many properties did you add and how long did you spend on
that so you can really start keeping track of like you know what do I want to be or the amount of time I want to spend
on this and you know kind of go from there so I can see where I’ve been and
also there’s been an update in batch two if any of you guys do have an account if you go to the gear icon interior you can
now see all of your past routes on the map which is really cool so you don’t have to like click through you know
different different routes that you’ve done in the past you can see all of the ones here let’s zoom out a little bit
absolutely hold that one yeah it’s so so nice because then I don’t have to hit a neighborhood that I’ve already been to
because I’m kind of like going down the list of my hundreds of of routes so let’s do this because I’ve been in
Arizona if you train your virtual assistants to do this you know you can pay someone like three four bucks an
hour maybe even two depending where you’re getting them in the world and they can pretty much probably get your
whole city or area within a couple weeks if uh you know you just have them do this primarily like this is their main
task yeah I actually had somebody I talk to probably two-ish two or three months
ago that they had too many cold callers on their team virtual assistants but
they had basically like become like family they don’t want to like take them off their team because they wanted to
still provide an income for them and I was like why don’t you have them virtually drive so they started getting
them up on driving while making calls so maybe somebody can take care of they just didn’t have the um the volume to
have both of them cold calling all all day so yeah you know this is a perfect way to be generating leads so
let’s go over to my list so basically you’ll track your route you’ll add properties that you want to the system
will take care of every everything there as long as you’re tracking and then in my list this is where you’re going to be
able to see all of your properties you know where you have them organized by like those lists I was showing earlier
and then you can bulk select them let’s just grab a couple to give you guys an idea and we can always go into
more detail if you guys need to but then I click actions and then skip Trace so
really easy to add the properties you know to spend a couple hours in the day that you have the time to get it into
your database and then get their phone numbers all at once and then you’ll be able to see them kind of all over here
so all of these ones already have skipped traced but I’ll be able to get their info really easy so
I love it Alex says thank you I think virtual
driving will be awesome for my out of state lead gen yes definitely I had somebody it was a long time ago like
when I I first started working for a batch that I talked to somebody that had their virtual assistant out virtually
driving and I think they got a deal that was like 84 000 that they made from it I thought that was so awesome it was over
in ah what’s it called it’s a lot of money yeah it was in Jersey that’s what it was yeah it was it
was pretty cool that’s cool let’s see what other questions we have here too because I had some other good ones for
you um and then we can jump into like the property details a little bit okay
okay this is actually a really good one this won’t just you know that I got from the community that
I don’t think anybody answered this one actually so I got it dude yeah I’m like
you’ll know this one so do we as wholesalers need to know the exact number owed on backs back taxes if
applicable when presenting our deals to end cash buyers actually had a lot of questions about understanding back taxes
and and running your numbers with that I’ve been wholesaling for like five almost five years and I have no idea I
never asked that question um I let I I usually find that out my title company you will tell me what’s
going on so that’s not something that I worry about that’s not something on my mind maybe that’s bad but uh if if I go
to a deal I’ll do a deal get it under contract of the price that makes sense and then we go to the title company we
find we assign it we find that there’s an issue a title then I would just go back to the seller and be like hey uh
we’re buying this property but there’s all these uh these back taxes you you’re gonna have to take care of it out of
your proceeds obviously if there’s they’re just selling to me for what it’s worth then we’re gonna have to figure
out like what’s gonna happen but I usually don’t worry about that um about stuff like that until until it
comes to the end okay kind of crossing the bridge when you get to it and dealing with as it comes okay cool yeah I think a lot of people that uh that
want to learn how to do this they think about all these scenarios and it’s like look this there’s gonna something’s gonna happen
that you can’t even imagine right so let me give you an example like I have this deal in Del Rio uh the one I showed you
that I’m trying to dispo two years ago it came across got under contract for 60k signed it for 50 75 15K ready to go
went to title they can’t sell it they inherit it from their debt their dad that died and he didn’t do anything
correct two years later it’s they call us and they’re like hey uh are you ready to buy that house so it’s two years
later and we’re like okay well let’s see if that buyer’s still there they can’t the buyers like moved he’s not
interested in that property anymore and the market in Del Rio is not as hot as it was two years ago when I gave her the
offer at 60k so I’m just letting you know there’s who would ever thought that would happen now
I gotta this boat again I’m probably gonna call the seller and say hey I’m gonna need this thing at 40. you know
we’ll see what happens but don’t everybody that’s watching this don’t don’t worry that question probably
wasn’t worrying about like the future maybe they had a problem but don’t worry too much about what’s gonna happen you’ll find out when it gets there and
then come on this call we’ll answer your question yeah yeah all the you know kind of um what’s the word I always say it
wrong it’s the thing something paralysis analysis
paralysis yeah I always want to say analyze brows I don’t know why so yeah analysis 90 of everybody is in there and
I’m telling you you want to get paid you got to get out of there that’s the only way you’re gonna get paid yep just take the action move forward and see what
happens Let’s uh do you want to maybe talk a little bit I was going to ask you with
you know talking about comping a little bit so we could show that in batch and maybe we could copy property in here let
me get one up and I will blur it really quick and I’ll let you know when I’m ready uh do you want to do something actually maybe we can do something in
Utah as well because I use a lot of my same properties just over and over again so maybe we can do something a little
bit better you want to do that Del Rio deal yeah yeah yeah we should I mean if you want
to can you pull it out it is it is kind of difficult to get well actually Texas is a non-disclosure
state so I know it’s difficult for batch to get uh yeah along with every other software so
um in Utah’s non-disclosure too so I can kind of tell people when when there is a
non-disclosure State what I do is I look at what is for sale what’s selling because the sold data won’t always be
accurate but uh that’s I like to use that but um that’s huge actually that’s
a really good point because usually it’s like you know you’re not you’re looking at the Active to see what’s kind of
going on in the market but you’re not going to be basing basing off of that but when you’re in a non-disclosure
state that is the actual like in your face data obviously that you’re able to get to that’s right yeah that’s really a
good point and when you have a good relationship with your buyers that they’re really the ones that are paying any money so they’re they’re going to
tell you if you’re on your offer on and I think a lot of people they they think they worry a lot about comps too which
comps is good to have like an idea but I use my buyers a lot to be like what would you pay
yeah because I you know what you were talking about earlier like the 70 you know we’re always talking about it’s
whatever your cash buyer will pay it’s not they could be wanting to pay 80 or
90 you know it’s not always going to be 70. um
yeah let me let me grab something really quick and I’ll blur it out sorry did you want me to give you a property or you
can use one I mean let’s do it anyway especially with keeping that in mind um let’s try it let’s look at that uh do
you want to do that property specifically in El Rio let’s do it I know it’s gonna be tough and this is this is just what happens guys like this
this when I was doing this was two years ago when I was doing Nationwide pay-per-click I was getting leads from all over the country which is a
difficult strategy to like Master but uh yeah so let’s let me give you the Del Rio one the address is uh let’s see
500 West 1st Street Del Rio Texas
and let me know am I good to share your screen uh not yet because I probably have to blur out a few things oh you’re
good so again every anybody that is in Texas
Utah uh any of the non-disclosure areas what I do is you can network with a real
estate agent and get their login uh or if you’re not a real estate agent for the MLS or just use the for sale data
and then look at how many how many days it’s been active on the market if it’s
listed for a hundred thousand and it’s not moving and it’s been on the market for 90 days you can just you can assume
that uh it’s not moving because no one you know it’s too high right so that’s kind of what I do in situations like
that and I don’t really care too much of getting like the exact arv I need an idea and then I I go real low on the
offer price and uh you know anchor low and I try to get as low as I can and then ask my buyers what they’ll pay
It’s probably hard it’s probably hard to come up with some data in Del Rio there’s not a lot yeah let’s yeah yeah
this will probably be kind of tough to to get it but let’s still look at it anyway okay do you want to do the thing
um you know with huddling on slack so you can look at the details or do you have it up on a different screen so that
you because I can read off the stuff that I’m blurring uh I I think I know the details really I got it okay cool
all right so you ready I’m gonna share it no not yet sorry I accidentally just
clicked that that just uh oh you got the whole guy and try is that YouTube you know they’re
they want us to Basha’s got such good data YouTube’s like you can’t I can’t show this to everybody this is too good I know okay
there we go let’s do that we’ll start with this page I might have to take like you take it off every now
and then if we want to look at the other stuff but just to kind of start it off the basics no worries really quick Alex
said what does non-disclosure mean non-disclosure just means that specific States will not let you know what homes
sold for uh so I think there’s 11 non-disclosure States
um where you can only see what houses sold forth if you’re an agent and you have MLS access so Utah you is one of
them all right do you know why that is by the way Nathan like what’s what’s the deal
I think nobody talks about it they’re just like oh you can’t you can’t see it I don’t know I think I think they do it
I think the answer that I heard was it’s it’s like valuable data that they don’t want to uh just give out and it’s it’s
like valuable okay right and it is valuable because then you’re able to determine your offer
it more easily but uh with the market changing the way it is I don’t even think like something three months ago is
that uh that useful because the Mark at least in Utah things are changing pretty quickly it’s either going up or down
um so I always check active even if I have solds yeah okay cool yeah good good
to know okay so let’s let’s talk about this one a little bit I don’t know if you want to go over kind of obviously
here I just blurred out their um like their basic info so you can kind of talk about this so we can go into the other
stuff but yeah it’s it’s uh it’s what is it it’s a one one bedroom one bath uh it
it can be a two but they knock down like the the wall so they made it a big one
bedroom so uh yeah really you would have to comp it with
two anything in that square footage range not with bedrooms and baths so that that’s another you have to do when
you guys are comping is like there’s funky situations like this where this is technically it would be a 2-1 if they
didn’t ruin it and you wouldn’t just look for one ones you would have to look for like two ones three ones because and
1230 square feet uh you can fit you know three to four you know three to four bedrooms if you you did it the right way
yeah okay well let’s look into take me off one more time and then I’ll go to the comps and blur something out we’ll
get the hang of this guys like as time goes goes on with our blurring and all this fun stuff we’re doing for YouTube
okay I’m gonna do that real quick foreign and by the way anybody that’s watching
live uh we go we’ve had some some good engagement um just go ahead and and let us know
what you’re thinking about the call any questions we’re here we do these for you that’s that’s why we’re doing it we’re
not we’re not doing it because me and Landry like to talk you know even though you’re cool I do like to talk yeah I
like to talk too but it’s it’s good for you guys this is yeah it’s just it’s for you guys and we want you guys to get
value out of it so I hope that you guys are liking this obviously we’ll switch it up I think we’ll have some some good
ideas for future videos too for you guys as long as we you know hear your guys’s feedback so I’m excited okay let’s try
that out and oh nice I the software that I found
uh the blurring one it is I self to get used to it but it is
really nice you know know what matter what page I probably could have just skipped over you can show it now um I
just wanted to blare out some of the other addresses but nice um
all right so when we’re in here um obviously I think that this is where it’s going to be difficult as well I
know that this you know this there’s some regular subdivisions around here too but with something like this where
they’re a lot more spread out um and I’m not seeing any there’s active sold let’s take off some of these
filters um yeah I know that this gives you pre-determined ones right yeah maybe on
the uh let’s see would you ever I mean obviously with what you’re saying too
it’s like if you’re not feeling like the three months like that’s not even something that you’d want to use
um I know that this is in this is in Del Rio so a little bit different it’s right on the border of Mexico there’s not much
data out there in Del Rio yeah so would this be something that you’re just going
to continue to cross-reference and then just kind of go with the flow on it you
know where you’re not feeling like you need an exact number to bring exactly this is exactly what I’m doing in this
process is I call the real estate agent in the area and I said do you have cash buyers and if so what would they pay
that’s what I did on this one I’m not worried too worried about comping this out because it really
does anyone want this thing does you know what are they wanting to pay and I actually have a text message
conversation with her I I told her to put it out at 75 when we had it and I said did you do you have anybody she’s
like no I don’t I’m like why not I want to know why she said the price yeah or
what price do you need it at okay I needed a 30 for example okay I gotta go to the seller and get it under 30. so it
it’s I think a lot of people over complicate this with like having to have the exact numbers and stuff it’s like
be transparent with the seller I’m gonna go to the seller and say Hey look it’s been two years things have changed we’re
either gonna have to list this thing or I’m gonna need it lower unfortunately because I’m not buying right now in there but I have some people that will
and they’re here so yep starting those conversations and just talking about what what it really
is with everybody involved well let’s at least um with that being said especially with
this property and since we’re already here just to show you guys if um I know that this is non-disclosure and this is
kind of a funky one for this scenario where you’re not going to have an exact number and it’s not going to be where
you’re just doing your math and you found it and now you can make your offer with exact kind of thing but when you do
come into the comping tool in batch leads what I really like about it and I think it gets missed a lot is that
there’s quick filters here that can just kind of make it more than a comping tool so of course it’s going to let you know
what sold what’s active and pending around this specific area around the deal that you’re working on in a certain
time frame and so on but you have things like oh there’s three cash transactions here so I could even use this to help me
find a buyer near my deal you know so I’m looking at this one right here this navy blue one that we’re
looking at this uh Del Rio property so around here three other properties were
purchased with cash so what if it was right down the street and I’m like hey I actually have a property that’s the neighbor of the one you bought you know
eight months ago and flipped type deals so you could start pulling those up I don’t really look at those to be real
let’s so you you click it and it will tell you which ones were purchased with cash huh yeah so there’s three here that
I could dive into it’s so hard with this blurring and stuff I almost want to just like look at it myself and just
verbalize it to you guys um but you could click on that and then go into their sale and loan information
what did they buy it for what did they end up selling it for obviously if you’re able to get that data just so you
guys know with non-disclosure States and batch leads we have just have a bunch of aggregated data to get you as close as
possible just like any other software with these type of States so you can get an idea but it’s not going to be exactly
the estimated value just looking at it seems pretty accurate if if someone’s willing to buy it for they were willing
to buy it 75 you know they were going to flip it they probably could sell it for around there after the full rehab so
nice Okay then you could jump into sale loan tax info and then the MLS tap right here uh
just so you guys know like what Nathan was talking about starting the conversation with the real estate agent I could easily get the information here
of whoever was involved and this is a good spot as well to just see the description if you’re looking at a
property that you’re trying to reach out to maybe a potential buyer and you see that it looks really nice you could read
the description and it could say you know newly renovated or it could say something like uh Fixer-Upper needs some
TLC like this tab right here can give you a lot of insight start conversations with agents and just find out a little
bit more about the property if it’s there foreclosure lien owner profile is really big too
just because this will show you if the owner owns let’s see if it’ll be blocked okay cool a little bit it’ll show you if
they own any other property so this person in particular they own six others I need to call that guy should I call
him right now I think yeah you should uh let’s see so there’s
we’d have to skip Trace them correct yeah well let’s see so that so someone asked
what is I can’t we can’t it’s blurred right now does it give you a name or is he is it an LLC here let’s uh it’s a
name it is a name yeah so we could skip Trace Sam and give him a call and be like hey we got something for you yeah
let me uh or do you have another screen to pull it up that you want to do it on or do you want to do you want me to try
sharing screens with you in slack to show you or
and I’ll reimburse you I’ll give you like 10 cents oh no not for that for like uh you know so it’s blurred out
because then you’re not gonna be able to see it I’m gonna slack it to you hold on oh yes like it to me I’ll call this guy right now okay cool take me off real
quick and then I’m gonna blur the contact info and then um
we will do it so I’m excited we’re about to sell this property live everybody let’s see yeah let’s do it okay
um I’m just gonna put in a new list real quick so what I’ve been doing the strategy for this Del Rio deal is I’ve just reached out to the agent because I
like using agents to sell my deals I give them a little I’m paying her fifteen hundred dollars to find me a
buyer so if it’s a fifteen thousand dollar wholesale fee I’ll pay her out of that I like that because I’m busy you
know I got things going on I don’t have time to call these buyers in Del Rio but uh that’s that’s the strategy I like to
because they the agents usually have the relationships while she is
um doing this let me actually call the agent I’m working with let me ask her if she knows this guy because if she’s
legit she probably does know this guy what’s what’s that seller’s name seller’s name is one sec
Jose what’s this that’s probably gonna be hard in Del Rio there’s a you got a last
name a little bit of a language barrier oh no we were saying talking about Jose okay uh
I was just saying there’s probably a lot of Jose so if I just say hey you know Jose she’s probably like yes that’s my
brother dad Uncle um there’s a lot of them can you wait can you see it on my screen the name now
it starts Villarreal I think that’s how you say it uh let’s did you slack it to
me no hey what’s going on antonietta I’m doing really good I was calling
because I was I’m trying to sell this deal I know you’re trying to help me but I saw that there’s a buyer that like
kind of bought a property close there and I thought you might know him since you’re an agent there his name is Jose I
think it’s Jose Villarreal [Music] um
I can look for him let me see apparently uh he’s he’s has like five or six
properties so I know you’re pretty tapped into the the market out there um yeah it’s uh v i l l a r r e a l so
via VIA real yeah Via Real yeah that’s right and um
yeah so I don’t know I thought I’d ask you just in case you you knew him I was going to try and call him but if if you
knew him then maybe it was not going to be worth my time
yeah I do uh do do you have that Landry the property
I know you had if you went to the other properties that you owned that tab so I’m just working with one of my uh one
of my partners on this one so kind of can you tell me a little bit of the feedback on this like have they just
been like oh wow I need to be way lower or what’s the situation
when they get in the house really looks I mean it’s been MP5 I don’t know for how long yeah like two years now since
we last talked it is not the same as when she saw it
so did she is she interested if we can give it to her at a lower price or she just completely out
of a lower price what price are you thinking you know what I the same conversation we’re having right now I’m
gonna have to have with the seller I’m gonna have to say hey it’s been empty for two additional two years it’s probably got more damage more stuff so I
I I don’t have a price that I would give it to her at in my mind I just need to
know which makes sense for her and then I can go renegotiate and get my fee in there and then obviously we’ll pay you
for bringing the buyer okay okay well let me let me have let me see the price and then uh then it’s let
me know how much and then we can go from there well well can you check with your buyer and see which they would feel comfortable paying and then I can just
reverse engineer and go back and get it lower and have my feet I I think that’s the best idea is just see what your
buyers are willing to pay okay do you still want the the Via real
reality you want to know what properties he has in case you want to check with him just in case that way we have two
more options okay and I appreciate you working with me you’re very responsive I I thank you for helping me out because I
mean I’m trying to get you paid I’m trying to get this done this has been two years that we’ve been working on this we deserve to get paid I know thank
you okay all right well do you have any questions for me you know just so whenever you you know
the uh the property that Jose okay and and you and just tell me as
soon as you uh know from your buyer what they’ll pay and if it’s if it’s something we can do we’ll just wholesale
it to them and if not I’ll have to go renegotiate and we can probably still get it done thank you
yeah bye love it so I’m gonna take these
screenshots you sent me and I’m gonna stick her I’m gonna say get them go get Jose Villarreal because I don’t wanna I
I don’t wanna have to go find them um but she she she’s got the opportunity maybe you should go knock on his doors I
love that relationships starting conversations and you know and so on I I know we missed a question I know we’re
like over time I want to see if we can answer it before we hop off today um thanks for doing that I think that’s
really cool for everybody to see that you know it doesn’t have to be it can just I know that you have a little bit of a relationship with her but still you
know you got to start somewhere with starting the conversation so we’ll check this out I talked to her two years ago
and then I I texted her I called her two days ago that was our third conversation
on the phone so it’s not like me and her type like but when I call people that’s
the thing that’s that’s cool I love that yeah yeah so everybody that’s on here that watch that it’s not like me and
antonieta have hung out and we’re best friends like third conversation we both have a common goal you’re getting paid
into I’m getting paid let’s get this done that’s our relationship right nothing else other than let’s both get
this done yes love it okay well uh this last question I think we should answer is from Reen uh what’s the best way and
I hope I’m pronouncing your name right if not I apologize uh what’s the best way to get buyer info if they bought in
a entity and or LLC what do you usually do for that I I again I’m I’m kind of lazy I just
asked the agent that represented the buyer usually that’s where they I find the LLC is I look at it and then it was
listed by a real estate agent I’ll just go to the agent and be like hey um I’m a wholesaler can you is your
buyer looking for more deals if so can you can I can you bring this to him and I’ll pay you a fee I don’t really try to
find the LLC like the owner of the LLC mainly because they’re probably busy
they got uh like I own some LLC so if someone were to like go through and find out who I am and then call me I probably
would say anyway hey go talk to my agent you know or or go yeah so so that’s
that’s number one I just go through the agent right I don’t mind paying an extra thousand or fifteen hundred three thousand to not have to deal with
finding someone and they have that relationship already they already trust the agent so I don’t have to try and
build that now if I want to find then you’re gonna have to either skip Trace that LLC or just search it online and
see who’s the owner it is time consuming to do that but that’s the only way that I know how to do is you’d have to
actually search it yeah I think that’s the big one so agents are valuable uh relationships to
have they’re huge yeah I love agents they’re great I think um like and when I first started
wholesaling I did not want to work with agents I didn’t I thought they were bad I thought they were trying to like take my deals but then I’m like if you change
your mindset and you’re like hey they’re trying to get paid too you can work together they’re the expert in their
area especially if you’re doing virtually you don’t know as much as they do that’s their primary area so use them
love it yeah I think we’re gonna even be uh adding more information you know
hopefully like around agents within batch leads too I don’t know exactly what that’s going to look like but I
know it’s going to be good so I’m excited Ah that’s sick I love it see if we missed anything else I think we got
all the questions this was a lot of fun I’m looking forward to uh doing this every month I hope that you guys liked
it I’d love for you guys to let us know too before we hop off like if you learned something today you know if
you’re looking forward to joining us monthly I think it’ll be really cool okay yeah me too I’m really pumped I
love doing this stuff it’s like what I live for is just to chat I like it yeah
like to chat and answer questions and help out how I can because I I’ve been there I’m in there I’m still doing it
but when I when you’re Noob you waste a lot of time and a lot of money thinking you’re being productive my goal is to
help you guys not waste your time all right so down below it says register for my free master class I have a free
Master Class I’m doing I do show you how to use batch leads uh batch leads I
don’t pay for a lot of softwares this bachelor’s just pretty much one of the only ones that I have I have another
one but that’s that’s pretty much it’s a CRM two two softwares like batch and to
find deals and that’s it like you don’t have to get crazy with this um I’m very I’m a very lean company
right now I used to have multiple acquisition reps and a big marketing budget but now it’s like hey let me I’m
doing it really really cheap really inexpensive just did a 10 I just got 10K check yesterday not to flex on anyone
I’m just saying like that’s you can do deals and not be crazy uh like spending all this money you just have to be
efficient so coming to the master class that’s what I teach and I’m excited to I’m on here every Wednesday and then
with you Landry once a month and I’m excited to do that as well so appreciate everyone that came and um yeah I think
that’s it I’m excited and by the way Diego I wanted to say I see your chat I took a picture of that so let me have
somebody on our support team reach out to you about the dialer to get you taken care of with that before I forget I did
catch that so all right I hope to see all my master class you register for free and uh Landry we’ll see you later
thanks all right awesome thanks Nathan bye guys