Nathan Payne + Landree Morby – an agenda = a chance to learn what you really want to know about wholesaling real estate.
we are live what is up Landry how you doing pretty good up here in the office
in Phoenix so definitely you know feels a little weird that is a that’s a good
looking Studio though do you feel like I know I’m like I gotta get my house looking like this so I know seriously I
got the little virtual background that looks kind of yeah yeah we’re liking it I’m liking it well uh welcome
everybody that is watching live this is the weekly investor Thrive live uh call that where we basically break down all
the the things that everyone needs help with like any questions that ever anyone has how to use batch what’s going on
with wholesaling if you’re if you’re struggling if you’re not getting deals why not we’re here to answer those
questions we’re we’ve teamed up basically to provide as much value as we can for everyone here so uh yeah we’re
here to answer questions and uh help you guys succeed I’m super excited for today had a great morning
um how was your morning Landry pretty good yeah it’s uh it’s you know the time zone is is kind of messing with me a
little bit here because we’re two hours ahead where I’m at so um other than that it’s it’s been good
to see everybody and obviously got to meet you the other day that was really cool so yeah enjoying the visit here so
you know what’s really interesting about being virtual and this is this is good for everyone to hear because if you do
virtual wholesaling it’s uh you know but anyway being virtual it’s like you feel like you know someone right but when you
meet in person it’s like this is so much better oh I know I’m like yeah you kind of feel like you know somebody already
and then you’re like oh I can just you know actually get to talk to you and you don’t have to schedule something out to to get time with somebody so I love it
exactly so for anyone listening to that like so she you’re you live in Tennessee I live in Salt Lake but we met in
Arizona for uh an event and a meeting in person it really does help develop relationships way better so if anyone is
doing business in their own markets and a seller wants to meet you are going to
have much so much greater impact and connect with them over uh like in person than you will over the phone now me
having said that like I love to just do deals over the phone and over Zoom just so I don’t have to drive anywhere
um I get lazy like even if someone’s in my neighborhood and wants to sell I’m like let’s just do this over the phone
because I don’t want to waste my time time is so valuable but if you’re new to this I would suggest when you’re new
doing it in person because you are going to be able going on appointments in person meeting with buyers in person
going to meetups because you’re going to develop so much better relationship with people versus just virtually so yeah
absolutely I agree it was really cool to see that too at the event you know and and other people coming up to you that
Free Masterclass
have just you know seeing videos or whatever and just meeting people from the community it makes a huge difference
and was so nice and exciting to actually see people in person rather than just on
a recording or a video or whatever so I love that exactly and for anybody that’s
watching this live we love to have you want you to drop your questions but if you don’t get to catch this live I do
have a master class that I do every Thursday at 6 PM Eastern Standard Time where I teach you exactly how to start
wholesaling from start to finish so if if you’ve watched this uh not live and you watch it later hop onto the master
class where if you want to learn because it’s free and I teach you how to use batch and uh many other strategies to
get going so uh yeah anyone I want to let people know about that so let’s Dive Right into this
um do are there any specific questions that people have um that you guys want to put in the chat
and if there’s no no comments coming in right now that’s totally fine we can answer any that maybe Landry has I have
obviously there’s questions I get all the time that we can I can pop up in there but that’s kind of what I want this call to be is like let’s let’s
answer questions let’s uh help people uh I guess overcome struggles that they’re
having right now right yeah absolutely so yeah if you guys have questions um I’ll be able to I can’t see them just
Overcoming Struggles
a heads up Nathan but um if you guys have questions about where I’m going to
be showing you guys how to do some of these things that Nathan will be talking about on batch leads so you can you know
pull up that data or whatever you know kind of thing to just get a hold of how
to actually do this and and get things organized and everything so um I you know we’ll we’ll uh be
answering kind of a couple things that I wanted to bring up here or bringing them and then we’ll kind of just go from there I think
oh for sure what so you have some right now that you got um that you we can go
over yeah let’s go over um I really wanted to talk about and just sitting in as well with you the other day and your
call we could kind of just talk about with people cash buyers and building
those relationships I I know that you’re talking about it all the time with reverse wholesaling but uh just for
anybody that hasn’t maybe dabbled in that or hasn’t done it that way I think would be really cool to kind of talk
about that and then I can show it in here as well you know as we’re going over that or maybe afterwards so
yeah so you want me to dive into kind of what is uh painless wholesaling reverse wholesaling what that is and why yeah
yeah and maybe we can talk a little bit about what to like the big questions to
ask to when you’re trying to determine their buy box and and things that are gonna the biggest things that are going
to really help you find those good deals quicker of course so a major issue a lot
of uh wholesalers start out with like when they’re brand brand new is they do not know what a deal is they do not
right like they just say they’re taught like hey go find a deal right so they’re talking to a seller the seller is like
yes I want to sell um my house is worth my neighbor sold their house for 250. I’ll sell it to you
for two hundred thousand right so as a brand new wholesaler you’re like that might be a good deal the house
might be be let’s say the house is in decent shape right so it doesn’t need that many repairs so you’re like okay
two she’s giving me a 50 000 discount that that might work so they put it under contract and they they put it out
at uh two 210 right it’s the arv let’s say it’s 250 the seller’s saying I’ll
give it to you for 200 and they’re putting out at 210. so they’re trying to get it sold and they can’t find anyone
that is interested in the property and they’re like what the heck I got it for like way lower than uh then it’s worth
right right the problem is there’s a couple problems that street
that area where they have that deal could just not be a place where a lot of investors are interested in it could be
in a bad industrial area it could be in a bad neighborhood so there’s a lot of issues right there like just just with
location location is very important when investing you could be a brand new wholesaler that’s doing this in the
middle of North Dakota where there’s a population of a thousand people and you’re trying to do this in a town where
no cash buyers are flipping homes that’s another problem not only is it the neighborhood’s bad maybe you’re just in
a bad Town bad city right and I know this because I did Nationwide wholesaling for like I still do it I
still do deals all over but uh we would get leads from the middle of nowhere and
the seller would be so motivated and we’d be like oh wow this is great we got it like 50 but uh then you’d find out
that nobody is buying in that area you tried everyone you were calling agents you called everybody but no one no one’s
buying so that’s that’s a big problem that wholesalers are having is they just are told to go out and go find a deal
but there’s a lot of things that can happen that cause them to waste their time so location’s a problem and how do
you overcome that location issue is well you you find the buyers in the area first and if you can’t find any it’s
probably not a good area to invest in right yeah if I I mean that’s one of those things because sometimes we’ll uh
Make a Huge Difference
you know with with challenges or whatever we’re doing and going into batch leads uh people will be like well
what if I can’t what if there are no comps or what if there are no properties that have sold here within a certain
time frame and and uh it will just kind of depend on the group but a lot of the time people that just stay away it’s not
going to be you know it’s going to be so much harder or almost near impossible I hate to say impossible but nobody wants
to to be buying over there you know type deal so right make a huge difference so
let’s just say this right let’s say um there’s not a lot of comps that probably means that there’s not a lot of
action going on in that area right if there’s not a lot of flip comps so that’s not good news for you uh but
let’s say you’re in a small town let’s say when I say small town I say like 50 000 right yeah let’s say you’re but you
find you find that buyer who buys up everything he loves rentals in the area you just found the right person to work
with right you found the guy that’s gonna buy your deals so if you go ask that buyer if you
network whether you take them out to lunch you call him you get on a zoom call do not just text that’s not going
to help you develop that relationship but you call them and say what are you looking for and he gives you that specific criteria of what he’s looking
for you are going to have a much easier chance of getting that house on that street that he wants now let’s say a
random lady um on a street that he did not say he’s interested in says hey I’ll sell you this house and I’ll give you a great
deal well who’s the best person to talk to that buyer you can say Hey you your
criteria is not in this area would you even be interested should I even pursue this and he’s like no no don’t even that
I’ve been do I’ve been investing for 10 years that place stinks right yeah because then you know I mean then you
Building Relationships
move on to the next one and and go from there I think that you know building
those relationships with buyers and that’s why I think your whole like what
you’re always talking about painless wholesaling and and uh really focusing on reversing that and reversing the
wholesaling strategy is just building those relationships first so that you have the confidence to know what to look
for because we can talk all day about like if a property looks like XYZ do it
but it’s like is somebody going to buy that you know even though it’s it’s going to actually be a great discount
like in your mind what you’re going over so I don’t know if uh if we want to show
maybe I’ll just kind of show how you can pull this up yeah exactly it’s like how to pull these buyers for people that
you’re like hey I’m gonna pick 20 of these people 10 of these people and and try to give them a call and and build
those relationships just like that yeah let’s show it let’s show it okay so all you have to do is go to present your
screen and then I’ll let you let you present it oh there it is okay I’m like using this other monitor down here and
it’s like Teensy tiny buttons I found it okay okay and by the way last thing I want to say about this before before you
pull it up is I I really this really hit hard when I was doing Nationwide wholesaling I was in a area called
Peoria Illinois right and I kind of know about Peoria Illinois because I did door-to-door sales and that was like a
big area where we would sell Dish Networks so I was like oh this is a great area so we we had this lead that
was someone was asking it was like worth like 200 000 fixed up but um they were
asking for like 50 000. so that’s like obviously 50 less than 50 off and we
were like whoa this is a great deal we’re gonna make a ton of money on this so yeah so we get it under contract and
we send it out to you know using the strategies you do to find the buyers using batch um we sent out to every buyer and they
just laugh at us they’re like we’ve all seen this deal in this town we’ve all seen this this this this house sucks
it’s right by the railroad it needs a ton of work and it’s just in a bad area but because I didn’t know that area I
didn’t know the buyers I wasted all my time negotiating with the seller getting it under sending the paperwork following
up on the contract to find out that hey this is just a bad deal right dang I
mean what would you what happens in a scenario like that I guess with with that seller I guess they just have to
run into somebody that’s willing to buy it like what happens with that it’s like if you really want to offload it you’re
just waiting for the next person to come by that that is interested in that wall right well I mean I don’t know yeah so
then you’re able to have like a better discussion after once you have that knowledge right but you wasted all that
time if the seller’s not going to go lower if they don’t go lower like let’s in that deal they were like I need this at 20. so when I went back they were
like no we’re not going to 20. we’ll just wait we’ll just wait that’s what the seller said so the only other option
you have at that point for that seller is to say hey um I can help I can list this for you
because the only way we’re going to be able to get you this thing sold all the cash buyers in town I know I’ve reached
out to them they’re not interested the only thing we can do for you is list this and find a partner that we can partner with on MLS and that’s called
The Innovation you’re telling them that you can find a buyer for them on the MLS you won’t charge them any fees you’ll
list it you won’t charge them any commissions and you’ll take care of the whole process so then that there goes the Novation and then people would be
like what about creative well do you want a rental or do you want a property in the middle of a crappy area probably
not right it’s probably not going to be easy to run out so um but if you have the knowledge of what
the buyers said because you understand the area then you could without having to sign the agreement negotiate you could just say hey talk to a lot of the
people I know in this area they’ve seen this deal just like me it’s not going to make sense at that price yeah and then
you can go right into the options and the time that just saved you probably saved you a couple hours you know first
yeah I think that’s big too because uh you know when you at least for a lot of the
people that I talk to you when you’re getting started especially you hit a wall you’re like that’s all I knew what
to say I don’t know what to say now you know when it gets to the point of I thought that this is where somebody buys
my deal and I I get you know I get my spread but uh you know when you you
start to learn about the different choices and things like that and helping them list or like Novation you know a
type deal so that’s really important yeah and it’s it definitely gives you confidence knowing you know what people
are buying versus just trying and I I was doing a call on Jerry so I help out Jerry Norton and um on his coaching
calls and some of his students and it’s not just his it’s everybody they they they they struggle to they get a deal
and they can’t sell it and they were like man I was so excited and if you keep doing this if you repeat this pattern of just locking up stuff that
you have no idea what you can do with it you’re going to lose confidence when you get a contract you’re gonna be like I don’t know if I can pick something yeah
I’m gonna nothing’s gonna happen with this and there’s nothing worse than getting a contract and not even being
excited about it you want to be excited once you get a deal you’re like I’m about to make some money yeah yeah 100 I
How to find buyers
think that’s so cool it’s you know it’s all of those little things that maybe don’t get talked about as much or
whatever the case is they’re just all important so let’s kind of go over you know for you guys that are watching if
you’re you’re thinking about um oh and I’m gonna pull this up maybe I can see on
let me know if you still okay perfect it still shows batch leads I’m gonna pull this up on YouTube I just realized they probably can pull it up here to make
sure I haven’t missed anything so far uh in the comments let’s see no there’s
nothing there it’s good okay perfect I want to make sure that yeah you got it all right so when you’re in here and you
are wanting to start like how do I even find these buyers obviously there’s a plethora of different ways you could go
about it uh in the community Nathan has a community and Discord we have won it for batch service in slack that you can
connect with people in your same exact Market There’s real estate agents like everybody Under the Sun is in there and
it’s a great place to network in these communities that’s a way there’s Facebook groups but when you’re wanting
to pull this data as well in batch leads let’s see let’s just pick Phoenix because that’s where I’m at right now
I’m always doing Phoenix we could do a different Market too if somebody wants to feel free to put it in the chat and
we will pull up your Market but I’m gonna go to Phoenix Arizona and it’s just pulling up the total over here so
over 445 000 properties found and then we can start narrowing it down now there
is this quick filter down here just to kind of give everybody the idea of how this works as well if you’re using batch
leads or wanting to is these quick filters are really cool because they’re breaking down what you have on the right
so out of these 445 000 there’s 11 you know a hundred and eleven thousand cash
buyers but it’s super broad so I’d love to um kind of pick your brain too Nathan when I open up these filters like what’s
important to you in because this is where I usually go is these deeper ones down here so that we’re not pulling up a
hundred thousand you know what I mean we’re gonna be yeah that’s more specific so usually I’ll put things like you know
always has to be a cash purchase this filter right here is you want to cash purchases or not that’s really all there
is to it this one right here so yes I don’t usually do the owner type are you ever specifying like do you need it to
be or do you prefer if their company or individually owned I don’t because someone will purchase it with an LLC or
someone will purchase it in their own name it doesn’t matter because you can always learn from there and talk it over
okay do you ever do this is another one that I usually skip I usually do like the purchase date to make sure it was
recent enough you know to at least get a niche down list and the number of properties owned but do you ever do a
purchase amount I feel like when you’re getting started you’d probably leave that alone as you’re I don’t know what
would you do for that I don’t do a purchase amount unless the I don’t unless it’s like a giant list still and
I’m like okay let’s narrow down my property that I have is under half a million so let’s just kind of narrow
down the buyers that have purchased in that price range but usually I don’t it’s not necessary cool okay so let’s do
usually I’ll do like last three months you give it a bigger time I go 12 months I go 12 months a minute okay yeah and
then if we wanted to we could make sure you know they own at least two or that they own 10 you know type deal so that
we’re pulling people up that didn’t buy it to live in it with cash type deal and they’re not really investing do you care
about that or do you just like to pull like a broader thing again if it’s if it gives me too much then I’ll narrow it
down but usually just go abroad and by the way for anyone watching that just popped in tell us where your what Market
you’re in and um you know we’ll see if we can uh you know help you out and ask any questions that you have because
that’s the purpose of this call because yeah 100 so welcome yeah that would be perfect I know I always get a good mix
of I usually always have people in Florida and Texas are the big markets uh
when hopping on here so yeah let us know where you guys are at and if you are having trouble finding these these lists
of of buyers or sellers or whatever you guys want to go over this is what we’re here for so that’s right that’s right
but yeah so I usually go Broad and then if it’s too much data then we go we go smaller this is how we’re looking at
buyers Everyone by the way we’re looking for buyers in specific areas yep so let’s do that and I just have it blurred
Single family vs multifamily
over here for YouTube if you guys are wondering oh one other thing because this is 4 700 but let’s say I’m not in
multi-family because you can see that these are like Apartments would you also make sure that you’re doing like a
single family that’s what I would do if it’s single family let’s keep it single family if it’s residential uh multi-unit
then you go multi-unit Okay cool so you guys can do that in here too that you’re looking for cash purchases that are for
a certain type of property or even a certain type of year build if you really want to narrow it down but I think
keeping it broad is better so we’ll do that click apply so now we’re looking at about 2 800
properties and you can see some of these are really nice homes but let’s not pay too much attention to that and look at some of these let’s look at this guy
and I might have to blur some of this out yeah so Landry what this is doing is this is pulling properties that have
been flipped uh recently that are active listed by real estate agents and it’s showing hey this is this is the end
product right that’s how it’s determining that it’s a cash buyer because it’s listed right most of the time that’s that’s how these actives are
Fix and flip
with these no I would do something a little bit more
are more likely to be like fix and flipping so let’s do that too because then this one right here the logic
behind it is just truly if it’s a cash purchase so let’s let’s put something
down here sometimes what I’ll do is with the cash
buyers what we did is that they purchased in the last 12 months and then I will go to the either the ownership
info to see it already sold on uh wait here it is let’s
see ownership last sale date yeah I’ll do sometimes like the last sale date to be like they bought it 12 months ago and
then they sold it you know in the last three months type deal right and then it will pull up people that
owned it and then sold it which is good to know because then you can find people that are actually like this one right
here let’s look at um I don’t know if it’s gonna open up here for me
that’s true right because then it’s like okay that must be a flipper that must be a cash buyer right because
because of that 100 here and let me put this uh do I have to blur things that are just just whatever
or only contact info names
yeah okay cool all right well either way this property right here let’s see if we can make that
work out I think that’s good uh getting the hang of like this blurring thing but they’ve owned it for seven months it was
built in 1946. and this is an awesome property that you
can tell has absolutely been professionally flipped so then we could you know reach out and Skip Trace here
let me block this off real quick but uh skip Trace them and start those conversations about
I know I’m like I’m liking this sometimes you’ll look at a house and you’re like oh the Landscaping it’s
beautiful it looks awesome I was on like a you know we were doing showing people how it works it hopped in and I was like
ah they just did fresh paint they didn’t do anything so it’s always good to come in here and
kind of see you can tell these are all brand new doors just oh awesome awesome look at that that’s cool hey shout out
to Sean Baxter from Salt Lake City Utah for joining us thanks for telling us where you’re from man let us know if you
need any any help we’re here we’re basically going over how to find buyers using batch leads let’s go awesome yeah
How to skip trace
welcome Sean uh and we can go to you know in in Utah and start pulling these
lists too but basically from here and obviously guys for YouTube we’re not going to be like showing this certain
bits here so I’m just kind of blocking these off but um there we go but what you could do at
this point is if they still own the property and you could skip Trace them and get their contact information with
just a click and give them a call right here in batch uh you could also go to
the MLS tab I mean talk a little bit about Nathan like your relationship building with agents because yeah look
how cool this is to come and just be like oh this has been professionally remodeled I’m going to call up the agent
here and you know go from there but this is important too you know yeah so real
quick I want to let everybody know that if you look at the ownership name if it’s blurred out right now but it’s an
LLC right so if you skip Trace that most likely it’s going to be difficult to find the number because it’s difficult
to find llc’s because they’re like you know they’re a little bit a little deeper than just someone’s name so you
can take this LLC and just Google it um as as far as I know Landry isn’t that right like whether it’s an El Senior
Skip trace it does not always like return the right info just because if it’s like in an LLC
I know that we can we do have information on llc’s in here to skip Trace them I can’t say for certain in
terms of like it’s always going to or it’s not as likely but I will say that 100 you could skip Trace LLC oh shoot
then I’m wrong then everybody I’m sorry no go for it I mean you know and if that that you know that doesn’t work out then
of course you could definitely just look them up to online so either way so check this out I um Landry what I like to do
is I like to call the real estate agent that represents the cash buyer because I know that the agent usually has a good
relationship with not only that probably cash buyer but probably many more so we can see right here who this agent is
it’s Scott uh Meyer and um as you’re yeah as you’re blanking it out I love it
um but uh we could give him a call that’s an office number so I usually like to call search it in Google and try
and find out their uh you know their cell phone number and right if if we want I can call all Scott right now and
try and see if he uh you know would be a good contact do you think that’d be a good use of time or whatever yeah I
Reach out
think that’s a great idea yeah I think definitely reach out and because this is the whole idea is that you’re pulling
you know for everybody on here you’re pulling this data in your area and you could really narrow it down if you’re
focusing on like even a zip code or if you want to make it broader and do an entire County type deal pull up the
information you know you don’t have to pull this huge list of 5 000 people into your account like narrow it down pick
some people out and then just give them a call and find out you know what are they doing if they’ll work with you and
and everything like that so I think that’s a great idea if you want to give them a call here let me call right now yeah did you get here I don’t know if
you can see it probably not I just looked them up online I’m calling I’m gonna see if I can just get his cell
phone number because I don’t really like calling the office yeah it’s just a you know waste of my time but I found his
number let me see I just Googled his his name in the broker’s name so let me give them a call I’m going to reference the
property that we’re looking at and I’m gonna say hey uh you know I see that this is an amazing flip
um I’m I’m just I’m an investor out of Salt Lake but I’m looking to actually buy my own home in Arizona I’m thinking
about moving but also potentially maybe flipping I was wondering for anything that does not meet my criteria
can I give it to you would you be able to help me um you know dispose some deals basically that’s the and you can
use an agent as a buyer as well because they can connect you to their buyers
I think you might be a little Frozen that might be on my end I don’t know
but I’m frozen I’m gonna fix it with switching my camera we were just talking
about that it’s uh gives me sometimes a little bit of a tough time so I’m going to switch it over to my my less fancy
one no it’s all good um do you want me to call right now or do you want me to wait till you switch
that thing over yeah here give me one sec just so that I’m not throwing and throwing anything off here and by any by
the way anybody that’s watching this live give me a little shout out I’m I’m gonna put you out on the the YouTube
screen so uh oh there you are oh yeah that’s still a good camera I like it
yeah yeah it’s a good point yeah okay cool but yeah definitely give me a shout out yeah give me a shout out and I’ll
I’ll blast you on here live hey guys let me tell you the importance of networking whether you’re networking with us networking with anyone that’s in the
chat it’s so important you get deals I’m telling you I’m stressing it you get deals from networking and and creating
relationships with not only um buyers agents but wholesalers I’ve done tons of deals with wholesalers okay
so can you scroll just a little bit so I can see the address of this property so when I call them about it
um yeah let’s see um here let me let me get it for you really quick I’m just gonna see if I can unblur or you can just tell it to me it
don’t matter um I can’t see it either so I’m gonna there we go okay
3092 North it’s like a picture of that and I’ll send it to you what’s cool
about this before you do that Nathan is just so you guys know you can also like
it’s so powerful at least to me I love this stuff because you can you’re
running your numbers in here after you figure things out like if you’re looking at your subject properties like with comping you can look at all of this info
and when you’re looking at buyers you can start to see their portfolio so this person this LLC I’m actually surprised
it’s an awesome awesome flip but they uh own two properties so yeah yeah it’s
good to know though because then you can get get a kind of an idea of what their buy box is as well so when you’re
starting those conversations with those buyers eventually you can already kind of see that a lot of the time they’re
investing in maybe older homes like their average year built you can kind of see peaking right here or they’re
usually buying three beds two baths like things like that is important to kind of have a visual when you’re starting to
reach out as well so anyway I want to bring that up before I forgot but let me send this to you really quick Nathan
yeah of course and this is in uh what city of part of Asia is this in this is
in Phoenix Phoenix okay yeah yeah let me just send you this screenshot so that you can have it you sending to me on
slack yeah oh wait I’ll just text it to you so you can see that a little bit easier
that’ll work that’ll do it okay perfect there it is
perfect perfect all right let me see if I got it got it no problem
all right AZ let’s let’s call our guy what’s his name oh yeah I got it right
First Call
here Scott Meyer all right let’s call him this is my first call today by the way you probably should start your calls
off with like a role play or practice or you’ll you can come off Rusty we’ll see how I do first call of the day
with an agent right let’s see and by the way agents usually
do not answer their phone so I call twice and I do have an out of state number so they’re probably gonna be like
I ain’t answering the spam number um I don’t answer calls that call me
once ever really that’s what no offense Linda you called me before this call I didn’t answer I was like I don’t know
who this is I was like this could probably some some scammer from India well that’s why I
text I always text after that’s the same same thing with me so this is the second call let’s see if he answers okay
it’s usually like a 90 chance they answer again but if not whatever Scott ain’t trying to make
money I don’t get how agents I’m gonna go on a rant right now
I don’t get how agents they get paid to answer their phone and accept offers and
they do not answer their phone if I called an agent that I listed my house with and he did not answer immediately
taking uh my uh my listening away with him from him oh yeah
I’ll record your message initially what I would say if you answered
hey Scott how you doing my name is Nathan I’m calling about your listing that is in Phoenix
um I was on 3029 North the reason I was calling is because uh I see that it
looks like a beautiful home that’s been flipped I’m actually looking to buy a home in the area myself but I also flip
but I primarily do my deals in Utah uh but the reason I’m calling is looks like
you represent a lot of cash buyers in the area that um you know that are flipping so I was wondering if we could
chat I uh I’m looking for some flipping from opportunities to flip properties I also find properties that I don’t want
to flip and I want to wholesale so let me know if you’re interested in working me it looks like you do work with uh
cash buyers so I’d love to chat so give me a call back or I’ll send you a text as well and look forward to talking
thanks bye all right so that would be basically it
and just see you know what work and we would network right and right after we Network I put his information my CRM and
I follow up um if you have a lot of conversations I’d say at least 10 to 20 conversations
like that a day you’re going to get a deal you’re going to find an opportunity if you do this consistently the problem
is a lot of people they want to make money and do deals but they’re not making calls they’re not connecting they’re not they’re not taking action
First Call Advice
you know what I’m saying yeah I I mean would you say that for anybody that is
hesitant on starting to call either buyers or agents
you know obviously it’s going to be so much different a different Dynamic and and uh feel of the call compared to
sellers but what would you say for that specifically because that can be really scary even you know talking with uh
buyers and agents for some people for any advice that you could give people on uh how to kind of get over that hurdle
or would you say like role playing is a thing for people to try out find people in communities and things like that yeah
so there’s two I got two answers to that so uh one I would say role playing and practicing is going to help you out a
ton so if you don’t have or if you’re not a part of a community I definitely would uh invite you to join I think the
batch can anyone join the batch Community or do you have to have batch leads we uh yeah I think anybody could join it
so if you guys have interest in it then we will definitely get you in there I mean there’s so many different people providing value so I I don’t want to
exclude anybody from that definitely yeah and I also have a free community as
well in Discord on my Facebook group as well um where you should be connecting with other people to just role play and
practice now that’s the answer to one the first answer second is if you aren’t
genuine if you’re not real if you feel like you have to lie it is going to be
difficult for you to get on that phone so when I’m when I’m saying that if you’re calling this agent and you’re like hey my name’s uh John and I’m a
flipper and you haven’t flipped one deal it’s going to be hard for you to want to make that phone call right so I’m not
telling you guys if you’re brand new to lie I’m telling you just be genuine call this guy and say hey look
um I’m new to the area I’m from wherever or just say hey I’m new to investing but
I find a lot of opportunities and I’m not ready to flip right now but I see you work with a flipper if I find
anything can I bring it to you that you would help me bring it to your buyers that’s a genuine conversation you’re
being honest being real and you know there’s nothing to be afraid of if the guy’s like I don’t want to work with you
you’re new and you don’t know what you’re doing yeah call the next person but I was just about to say you know for
anybody like that and just move on you know from somebody that maybe doesn’t want to deal with somebody new but
because I think that that’s a lot of the fear as well is I don’t want to say that I’m new and that’s where the lying comes
in it’s totally fine I sound credible and and like I know what I’m talking about even though I want to just get the
ball rolling and you got to start somewhere I think being this conversation that
people build up in their mind as new investors that they have to act like they’re an experienced investor they have to act like they they know like
everything that’s where they get messed up because like well what if they ask me a question I’m not ready don’t don’t do that I can have a genuine conversation
with someone I’m new in Phoenix I don’t do a lot of deals in Phoenix so I’m gonna be like hey I’m new I’ve done
deals in other areas and if I didn’t haven’t done deals I’d say hey I’m brand new investing in general but I know a
little bit about it I’m gonna start looking for deals can you help me she’s like you know I don’t work with Noobs
then be like okay some agents are gonna like that they’re and they’re gonna miss out because who gets who brings people a
lot of deals new Hungry Investors that are willing to hustle and grind that’s I brought when I first started I brought a
deal to an agent I didn’t know I got like a 42 000 assignment fee I thought it was great it was great but what
happened is he was more experienced he took it from me and he went in flipped it for like 150k and but I didn’t know
right so that’s all I’m saying is people that do not work with new investors not
saying to take advantage of them but they they just don’t know how to make the amount of money the experienced person would so if you don’t work with
them you’re you’re given up on a lot of opportunities right absolutely I think I think that is super vital to just
remember is that you with anything you got to start somewhere and you just
gotta to go along and and uh figure it out and be honest along the way and genuine so that’s right Braxton Sutton
from uh I think he’s from my community says you’re right Nathan this is true and I I
really believe that’s like deep down like that’s why people don’t want to make these calls is they feel like they got to be something they’re not and if
they get caught they’re going to look like idiots or feel like they’re dumb nah don’t just don’t just don’t try to act
yeah you’re gonna find the right people I think that you want to surround yourself with anyway that are excited
for you to get into it and it’s not it might not be your first call you know it
might be down the line but to just continue so um I wanted to ask you too Nathan this
Looking for Deals
question just came in since we’ve been talking about buyers let’s talk a little bit about you know now with looking for
deals I have this question in the community with dealing with wholesaling notice of sale
Dealing with Notice of Sale
in pre-foreclosure like can this be done you know had a couple questions about
this and people going back and forth with notice of sale which by the way you guys can find that stuff in here too and
bachelor’s I’ll kind of have it up while we’re talking about it but what’s your if any like your experience with that or
um you know those types of properties and what you can do with those if something has not been foreclosed on
like if the bank does not own it yet you can do a lot of things you can stop I uh
you can stop a foreclosure so if someone’s in pre-foreclosure you can stop it by showing like an agreement
they’ve the right to purchase it we actually stopped a sale in uh Richmond
Virginia where it was going to go to foreclosure but we had the attorney that we were working with the title companies
this information they were able to prolong it so um yeah like if you’re working with so
that’s actually a super motivated seller lead right if someone’s about to lose their home you just need to be able to
act quick and that’s the power of networking is you might not know what to do but if you have the right attorney
the right title company or the right you know coach or Mentor that can help you navigate that situation you can
definitely make money on deals like that by stopping it and getting it done so my
I think to answer your question is just if you have that opportunity just make sure your uh you have the right people
in your corner so you can take it to the finish line okay cool because you know there’s a lot of things like that and
What is a Type Deal
once again for all of you guys watching if you’re wanting to get into a community like let us know once again
Nathan has one and Discord we have one with batch service to help you obviously with the product and to have this this
group of people answering those and and asking those questions that maybe you’ve always wondered but you just haven’t put
it out there type deal and in your Market as well so I thought that was a really good one just because there are
so many different data points that when you’re I found anyway when talking with
people new into the investing space they’re like I don’t even know like is this a good data point like what does
this really mean and what I found is that nobody wants to ask what does this
mean type deal like you know people just say oh pull a pre-foreclosure list or or
whatever the case is and then people just say okay and they don’t know and I think it’s just we have to talk more
about what these data points are actually bringing up and what is actually going on in that type of of the person that
you’re pulling in that list like somebody that has a notice of sale type deal like why is that somebody you
should reach out to how could they seriously benefit from you reaching out to them and and what type of opportunity
is that so yeah I love that and you guys can pull that right here in batch leads too yeah nothing’s it’s so sad when
sellers lose their homes because they just drag their feet right it’s like we
could we could help those people we can take over their payment we can do pretty much anything to get them to that like
help them not lose their home but that’s unfortunately a lot of the time sellers are in pre-foreclosures because they
drag their feet right they’re they’re not making their payments they’re not taking action and they’ll lose their
home you know unless you do your your best your job to help them get the state like get it taken care of right get get
it to the Finish Line um yeah so we had a deal that was actually in pre-foreclosure the seller was like
yeah kind of like dragging his feet and we’re like dude you’ve got to take action you’re gonna lose this thing
you’re gonna have a pre-foreclosure on your record we’re gonna make sure you do not and we’re gonna get you some money out the door now it took like some major
convincing but we were able to get it done and it’s sad it’s weird it’s like we have to like make you sell your home
or not make you but like really push you to and yeah that’s what you got to do sometimes
What CRM are you using
yeah 100 I mean it there’s been times too because I think that that can also
be difficult like when you come in here you’re pulling your list and you know you’ll run into people when you’re
making those calls they say you know you have the wrong number whatever the case is sometimes people are lying like they
don’t even understand that first of all they might have been getting a ton of calls from other people trying to help
them in that situation but they don’t even know what to do about it or they will lie when you do talk to them about
it like oh we’re getting it taken care of we’ve got it and then shortly after you’ll see that the house has been
foreclosed it’s really terrible um
oh you’re like we could have helped you so it’s it’s sad to see so that’s the whole thing in here is is being able to
to uh make your your spread and everything but you’re also finding these people that are in distressed situations
so for sure for sure I I there’s a quick question that came through the YouTube Sean Baxter’s asking
what CRM are you using so if you’re referring to this software that we have pulled up that’s batch leads it it can
be used as a CRM but that’s batch leads that we’re looking at I actually put the link to batch leads uh in the comment in
the YouTube comment if you guys want to try it out for seven days for free but uh the other CRM CRM that I use is um
it’s it’s through go high level if you guys ever heard that’s like a one that I’m that’s like built for I coach right
so it’s for coaching and I use it for real estate I wouldn’t recommend using the one that I have for just real estate I am looking at a new CRM right now
that’s actually very very inexpensive um that’s like for holding your leads holding your buyers your agents
um following up that’s something I’m exploring so uh just check in with me Sean later uh maybe in a week I’ll be
able to tell you a little bit more about this new CRM I’m checking out yeah but if you guys are if anybody’s
Batch Leads
wondering about this or you aren’t familiar with batch leads where we’re showing you guys like how to pull these buyers how to find out like one of my
favorite things when you’re in that MLS tab reading the description because you’ll find kind of a mix of things
sometimes you’ll see the description saying this one needs a lot of love this needs a lot of work and you’re like oh
cool like you can tell that this one is a fixer-upper kind of deal and then you’ll find on the other end of like
beautifully remodeled things like that but you guys can find all of this information through batch leads finding buyers
sellers in here you’re able to organize and manage that data as well so you can list Jack and find you know those really
really motivated sellers too within your database skip Trace them to get their write party contact information here
drive for dollars market so if you guys are curious about this use the link that Nathan dropped because this is an
awesome platform that we have awesome data to to provide here too for you guys so that’s always improving
yeah and I’ll teach you guys how to use it if you get into the community uh and and everything like that and then
obviously having the support of other people that are using it every single day is huge but I love this stuff
obviously Nathan likes to is really passionate about this and in all of his his teaching that he provides for you
guys too so that’s right that’s right well uh yeah
anything else Landry I think we’ve we’ve done pretty good today kind of talking about buyers
yeah yeah I really I think that that is is huge to to really focus on so I’m glad we got to have a good conversation
about that um I had this other one let me see if I can find it for you guys is there anything else that we’re missing in the
chat or anything that you guys are wondering about that are here with us you want to look at your Market uh help
with this stuff while we’re here together put that in the chat you know if you want to go and do what I kind of
did here and see how to do this so that when you hop off you can do this
properly let us know and we’ll definitely do it and check it out but in the meantime I want to find this question I just had the other day yeah
definitely and by the way anyone that’s watching this I know Sean and and Braxton have been pretty active if
anybody’s watching and I see there’s a couple people watching uh if you have any questions please this is the time
like if you’re if you’re scared or you’re not scared but if you’re it’s tough to take action or there’s
something that’s holding you back let us know what it is and you know we’ll do our best to help you out like that’s that’s why we do this we don’t do this
because we’re just wasting time we we want to help people succeed whether you know
they’re using batch right now or whether you know anything we want to help you guys make money because there’s nothing
worse than wasting all your time we don’t want you to waste your time we want you to use it wisely and have it uh
returned it you know dividends absolutely yeah put that in the chat
Picking Your Market
guys uh while while you guys do for you Nathan I wanted to ask this
question that I got a couple weeks ago in terms of when you’re brand new how do you pick
your market like what are the things that help you even decide where you
should go like how large the population be does that matter like those things for anybody here that is thinking okay I
live here in Arizona I guess I gotta do it in Arizona you know what I mean those things that I think aren’t talked about
either that also comes into making sure that you’re finding good deals not just
whatever you’re seeing in these huge list type deal too so I can share my
screen really quick and answer yeah let’s do that question let me see so this is an outline uh that I made for
Landrees Mind Map
uh my business and I’ve give it out to people that I work with in our my program
um show them like how to pick their Market or pretty much to do the whole business
so this is my uh my my mind map okay so right here picking your Market all right
number one pick your Market that’s pretty much the first thing you have to do when you’re starting a market anyway so best casing to work your own backyard
it’s just easy because if you’re brand new then you can go meet with sellers you can shake hands you can get denied
in person so you’re learning quickly right um but backyard is probably the best
this this enables you to see properties and meet in person you don’t have to only do your own backyard if it meets
the following criteria though you don’t want to do your own backyard if you live in a town of like a thousand people then just waste your time so population is
needs to be greater than 50 000. I’ve actually heard it needs to be greater than a hundred thousand from other it’s
it’s an opinion at that point um but if you if you follow the strategy that I I teach and find your buyers
first and you find like that top guy in the market of 50 000 and you find out what he wants and you could do it in a
market of fifty thousand um because you have that buyer but you definitely don’t want to
um sorry sorry that was a call I got but yeah you definitely don’t want to do it in a town that’s super small
um if you don’t know who’s going to buy your deal but yes so there you go so you want to do your own backyard if you can
and you also don’t want to do it in a town that’s small if it’s over 90 miles
away from a major Metro now why why is it important to be in a major Metro or highly populated areas because that
that’s usually what causes flippers or investors to want to invest if there’s a
low interest in an area for rents like then no one’s going to really want to buy rentals right like so you’re gonna
have to have population that’s constantly moving um if the there’s not a high population then people aren’t you know moving their
families around and moving into the area to live so that’s it’s very important that you work in a market that is uh
populated okay that has investor activity now how do you find out if there’s investor activity well
there’s a couple ways you can use batch and you can see the activity that’s going on right if you just circle an
area and you’ve searched for cash buyers you can say okay there’s a lot of cash buyers here another way that I like to
do it is like I told you guys I like to work uh with Buyers so I ask buyers what
criteria they have and uh luckily I know how to work with hedge funds so hedge
funds tell me where they’re buying okay so would you want to invest in an area where hedge funds are yeah because
they’re taking millions of dollars of other people’s money and investing in it that probably shows that it’s a good market right so let’s read through some
of them Atlanta Birmingham Charlotte uh Columbus Dallas Denver Fort Myers
Greensboro Houston I mean the list goes on but these are this is a list of good areas to go you can even see that
they’ve closed some areas so they closed Salt Lake which is weird because that’s where I am now that doesn’t mean that Salt Lake’s not good it just means that
they’re not wanting to invest their money in that markets right they’ve narrowed it down even further
um so Tampa Tucson uh San Antonio so to answer your question again work your own
Market it has to be populated has action you can check that with batch from what we showed earlier with the cash buyers
or you can start working with buyers and find out what hedge funds or what people are buying in in this hedge fund is
literally giving you markets to go in pick one market do not pick every Market because you’ll be scrambling all over
the place it’s all about your buyers and your relationship so you want to pick one and you’ll be too spread out if you
try to do too many I know because I did it and it’s very difficult to maintain relationships all across like multiple
cities I’m sure yeah I think that you know for for everybody here once again it’s like
Finding Buyers
kind of just recapping on being able to start with finding your buyers and you
can once again do that right in batch and through communities through Facebook so many different ways and different
resources to find these people but find the buyers give them a call give the
agent a call and and go from there on what they actually want and then once again you can pull your list right in here do a
circle on the map you know focus on that one area but being able to start somewhere I think is huge you know with
that because it gives you a clearer idea when there’s so many different things that you could focus on you’re like what
do I get good at first it’s like you know building those relationships with buyers I think has just become so
obviously one of the most important things when you’re getting started of course now I want to say one thing so
there’s this guy named Jay Connor that’s in one of my uh Master Minds that I’m in and he I think he lives in a town like
north of North Carolina like not north of North Carolina North of one of the bigger cities in North Carolina it has 50 000 people in it but he he crushes it
in that one little market but he’s the buyer he’s buying so he knows what he wants and he um he’s kind
of like the guy he everyone knows about him when he has a radio commercial or ad like Jay Connor he’s the guy to sell
your house too if you’re distressed so if you’re in a small area yes you can crush it but only if you’re the buyer
and you you have the money and you’re constantly doing those deals or you know you’re bringing deals to that buyer but
if you don’t know who that is you’re gonna have trouble moving it in such a small area so that’s how you can succeed
in a small town is if you’re the go-to guy that’s flipping or you know the go-to guys and you can bring him deals
love it Sam do we have anything else or any questions that you guys have had kind of
in the meantime let us know here in the chat if there is anything but yeah
yeah so most of the most of the comments have come through are just like hey yeah you got this I think I’m not sure what
this uh Sean you said you got this well I appreciate that I don’t know if you’re giving me encouragement or or anything
but hey I guess I got this you got this yeah yeah all of you guys got this you
know it’s it’s I think it’s just huge to continue to always verbalize that too with everybody that you’re around and
provide that that value and support to everybody that you’re in communication with and continue to just uh expand that
as well so of course now I I guess I want to leave with one one last thing to to motivate everyone
here remember that motivation is fleeting right like I can motivate you guys you can get pumped right now to
make a call but motivation again it will it will it will go away consistency is
the key like a routine and being consistent is what will get you where
you want to go do like diligence like being diligent in your process of like life um because today I had a great day right
like I felt good woke up early I’m feeling good so you could say today I’m motivated yesterday I was so tired I
didn’t want to do anything yesterday I was so tired but because of the deal like I’m a diligent person because of my
consistency I was able to not need motivation to take action I just knew
hey this is what I have to do to succeed so if you guys are listening to motivated
um you know speeches or whatever in the morning to get you pumped like that’s that’s okay but really you need to be
able to take action consistently even when they suck even when you’re feeling great that’s what’s going to help you be
successful not like you know me coming on these calls and US pumping you up you need to be consistent so that’s all I
want to let everyone know is um consistency is the key love it yep it’s it’s always going to be
Letting Go of Fear
number one and Braxton coming in here hot saying Nathan have a great has a great
Community is very helpful and wants to see everyone become successful we just have to let go of our fears there you go
thank you Braxton I appreciate appreciate you saying that and um it’s so true like we all have fears I get it
nobody wants to sound like they don’t know what they’re doing how do you overcome that you have to kind of go through not know
what you’re talking about for a while to get there right um and then you got this actually was a
thumbs up it’s just the Emoji didn’t come through got it oh I see I see um let’s see what this is Jared said a
Using Hard Money
little off topic but are there any examples of using hard money on an investing strategy that is not a Fix and
Flip that’s a great question so are there any examples of using hard money that does not affect some flips
um yes so you can use hard money Jared to purchase a property uh and then you
can refinance or Burr out of it uh instead of flipping it right so for example if I want to buy a house in
um Arizona right now right let’s say the house in Arizona is needs a little bit of work it wouldn’t qualify for a
traditional loan I buy with hard money and I’m willing to pay the two percent and the twelve uh two percent uh for
points and 12 interest over the year and then I know okay I just got to fix up a couple things and then I’m gonna live in
it myself I would then um instead of flip it sell it I would just refinance cash out refi out of the
property and go to a bank and say Hey I want to live in this and then they they do an appraisal they figure out okay you
bought the house for 180 it’s worth 300 000 or 250 now and then if you have any cash in it they would refund they’d get
you get some cash out of it that’s that’s called a burr um so Bert a lot of people use hard
money to burn okay they buy with hard money and then they they refinance out of it
well actually Burr is actually when you rent it out I was referring to you would live in it
but if you wanted to burn rent it out you would you could do that as well right with our money I don’t think there’s anything much other than that um
with hard money because you’re usually if you’re going to do it you’re trying to either sell it but you can’t keep it
if you’d like for yourself help that helped here that help Jared I don’t know if you can respond quick enough makes
sense thanks all right you got it all right everybody well Landry that was
awesome I had a good time do you have anything else um you want to say before we wrap up I think that’s that’s pretty much it but
The Power of Connecting
I think that just the power is in in connecting and I think just overall you
have to start somewhere and sometimes you’re just not gonna whatever it is like literally whatever it is you’re not
gonna know what you’re talking about at first until you continue doing it and now you know so I think that literally
is in anything we go through in life whether it’s investing or relationships
we have with people or things that we’re practicing within ourselves is you just gotta to take the action and continue on
so anyway I said I think I think everybody watching here wants to know where you got that cool shirt that’s that’s oh
it’s actually a dress I just bought it yesterday yeah it’s pretty literally cool yeah yeah where’d you get it always
just wearing like super like jeans and like you know stuff growing up with all
my brothers and everything but today I was like I’ll mix it up you know but it is pretty cool where’d you get it that’s
nice it’s uh at Lizard Thicket it’s like such a specific scissors yeah I know I
was like I’m visiting down in Arizona I’ll go to a few places I used to go to uh over here that I don’t see in
Tennessee like over where I’m at there’s like nothing you know the one like busy road where everything’s on you’re like I
don’t even want to deal with that place so yeah it’s been good it’s been good to visit that’s what’s up I get most of my
clothes from Costco as you can see oh heck yeah oh heck yeah way to go there’s some good stuff yeah we have Sam’s Club
yes but yeah we got stuff there all the time Sam’s Clubs is great too but you know Costco Costco that’s where it’s at
yeah if we had a Costco that’s where we’d be going it’s either it’s either Kirkland or it’s uh like batch it’s like
batch gear right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah all my I know I have a bunch of bat shirts and jackets and stuff it’s a good
thing that’s it okay well now everybody got that question answered now right okay we’ll see you guys next
week we do this every Wednesday at um 10 o’clock Mountain Standard Time wherever you are just figure out that time zone
difference and you know we’re here we’re here to help out peace out everybody awesome thanks guys
all right okay
©BatchLeads 2025. All rights reserved.