what is up everybody we are live with batch leads Nation I got Landry on here
what’s up Landry nothing much
going by what about you really it’s been going fast wow just a ton going on just
yeah videos you know I’ve I’ve had a lot going on I went and saw the Transformers
movie Last Night Beat the Beast Wars thing I I was a big fan when I was a kid yeah it was good that was all right yeah
I haven’t seen him in a long time I didn’t even know that there was a new one that came out yeah I’m not I just
heard about it I was like let’s do it and um anyway yeah so it’s gone fast for me yeah yeah nice
cool yeah well I’m excited for today uh really good to jump in
jump in about who on here has a batch leads account work you guys are wondering about batch leads but it’d be
cool maybe we should have people post in the chat like if you guys have batch leads right now comment a one if you
don’t and you’re excited to learn more about it common to two then we can kind of get a good idea of who’s joining us
today yes please do that and and again if you do not have batch leads you need to it’s time to step up it’s time to get
it you know and I just threw the link in there so today what are we going to be going over is how to reach out to agents
efficiently effectively and how to get deals that is what we’re going to be doing that’s what we’re going to be talking about and I’m going to give you
some live examples of how to talk to agents because I am actually looking for a deal right now on five units plus
between 5 and 16 units I’m looking for an apartment complex that I’m gonna buy with one of my buyers that I wholesale
the deal to I wholesale I wholesale I wholesale and wholesaled him a deal for
thirty thousand dollars at the beginning of the year it was an aplex and I reached reached out to him and I said hey man you know I want to own some
apartment complexes if I find you some is it cool instead of you know taking out big wholesale fee is it cool if I
take some and get Equity ownership in the property and he’s like yeah that’s totally fine too so this way I’m using
agent Outreach and leveraging someone that’s an apartment owner and knows how to do all that stuff to for me to get in
and own some apartments oh that’s exciting oh cool okay well I can’t wait maybe we we can walk through like
exactly what parameters you would be thinking of when you’re trying to find you know the people to connect with to
find this this apartment complex you know yeah yeah so so what we’re going to
do we’ll get started if you want to pull up your batch leads account and I’ll kind of go through how I’m doing this
um just yeah pull it up and then I can share your screen so everybody what’s going on is I have networked with a
buyer and again this is very important because it no buyer that you just randomly meet is going to give you
Equity ownership in a property that if they don’t trust you if they don’t like you they don’t know you so this is why I
call it painless wholesaling is because it’s all about relationships it’s all about kind of finding out what they want
and what you want knowing their buyer criteria and I know his buying criteria so now it’s very easy to look for what
he wants so what I did is I said what do you want and he kind of told me the area so we’re using batch leads to kind of
filter down and look for the agents that would have those opportunities and we can look for listings that are existing
and pull those on batch leads apartments in the area he wants or we can just look for agents that are active and just
network with them through texting doing drip campaigns instead of you know calling them and trying to get a hold of
every single one of them you can be efficient and put them in like a drip campaign and you know I’ll show you that later today but anyway let’s let’s go
through pulling this list okay cool I’m super excited for this this is going to be really cool so yeah in in batch leads
you guys can now this has been out for two I believe two-ish weeks now it’s super exciting it’s a great way there’s
multiple ways that you can pull agents in here and network with real estate agents I don’t know what you think
Nathan but I don’t think there’s anybody that shouldn’t be networking with agents no find one reason to say no you
shouldn’t reach out to agents no I think a lot of people don’t is because they kind of maybe feel like they’re frauds
as wholesalers are like oh I don’t actually buy and they’re gonna ask me if I’m a wholesaler look everybody that’s
listening you need to listen you guys tune in everyone Wholesales like that’s just that’s just an extra strategy even
flippers I know a flipper that did 90 flips uh last year and he said out of the 90 flips there were 50 of those were
wholesale deals and he doesn’t even really wholesale he’s just a flipper that he gets properties that people
bring to him because they know he flips and if he doesn’t want to flip him he’s like hey let me just ask my buyers if
they want them wholesaling is something everybody does if they’re efficient and they’re smart and they want to maximize the properties they get yeah yeah and
that kind of brings a quick question for you too on something that came up recently in the community with a
property that we pulled up I believe it was in Memphis it was active right on
the market and in the description the agent had listed no wholesalers what
would you do in that case of reaching out to an agent maybe we should pull that property up today yeah great no
wholesalers yeah no I understand I wouldn’t want to just work with someone that strictly doesn’t does the
traditional way of wholesaling that I call it traditional because that’s what they teach where they just lock up a property and then they go and try and
find a buyer that’s that’s a waste of your time and and I think everybody’s time that’s not what I do I lock up
properties where I know it’s a deal or I have a buyer already and so it that doesn’t worry me when I see that because
that’s I already reach out when you guys yeah of course yeah it sounds like they
probably got burned in the past with somebody or I don’t know there’s too many people that learn this business that are new that just lock up deals and
that don’t know who they’re going to sell it to they don’t really know pretty much what they’re doing and they put a
lot of sour sour taste in a lot of people’s mouth but that’s not what we teach and what we tell people to do yeah absolutely okay cool well let’s pull
this up um if you guys haven’t used this in your account yet or if you’re wondering about it you basically just have access to
this awesome real estate agent directory anywhere in the United States so you have to search an area but then you have
other things in here so what what do you want to search for today let’s do what I already did and so people kind of get an
idea of what happened so we go Sandy Utah and we want to work with agents that
have sold a minimum of four in the last six months and
um a total of 1 million um to uh let’s say 10 million let’s see
how many pop up and this is a total sold so that would be like in Utah like one to two houses
to hit that million Mark okay go 10 million okay you did that okay for free
in the past let’s do 12 let’s do 12 months let’s see let’s see what we got and then search it okay
and how many do we have we have 36 36 okay we might uh go back to the filters
we might need to broaden that uh let’s see um let’s go to um
maybe the sole blessings we could make yeah a larger amount of time yeah go 12 months okay
let’s try that out what do we got okay so 164. perfect okay
so what I did is I took this whole list so you can do it for if you like Landry you can select them all
and uh you can select all and save it to let’s call this Sandy uh Sandy agents
and then um you can do a tag if you wanted to that was agents but it doesn’t matter all right so what I did then is I
went to lists um and then I selected I went to well
actually I think I went to the different tab which is uh properties on the left on the sidebar oh you did yeah my I think I went to uh
no not probably this will be a little separated like in terms of did you pull off the agents yeah I pulled off the
agents and then I selected and I exported that list and I put it into this new CRM I think okay so you’ll do
it right here so you’ll just select them right here in this kind of separated spot which is kind of nice because then you don’t have to worry about like which
ones are my agents which ones are my properties and like have this all jumbled thing so I think you just grab
it right here that that list yeah there it is there it is yeah and then select these and then you would uh
go to export to excel and then uh let’s see the only I don’t
need all 20 I just need the um the first 14 I think the first 14. okay so no
office counting no list count name tag count date updated okay cool yeah yeah and then next and then I exported that
Sandy agents yeah so my goal here with doing this is to
export this and then put it into the CRM that I use and then what I do is I text blast these agents specific and I put
them into a workflow of specific like messages that’s sent to them so I don’t have to go call 164 agents today I can
send out a text message to them saying hey are you still an agent and then if they respond then I want to talk to them
you know then that’s when I um would with deem it’s worth my time right
um because you could spend all day calling agents especially if you’re just calling one by one so you call and if
they don’t answer the next step in the drip campaign and do you know what drip campaigns and workflows are Landry yeah
yeah so like let’s say what you leave it would you say like a week that you would maybe like have an automatic drip set up
or something that’s a little bit sooner right well so for example if we send a text message and say hey what’s going on
are you agent and they don’t respond you can send the next text could be in a week right say hey not sure if you’re
still you know there not sure if this is your number would you still be interested and this workflow that is set
up it hits them up 10 times and then if they don’t respond within 10 times then it puts them in like maybe bad number or
whatever so that’s like the first step to agent Outreach right is like hey let’s at least find the people who are
the agents that are actively um responding that are hard work not hard workers but are working right yeah
they’re excited to get your text they’re like oh you know yes I’m still an agent
like what do you what’s happening exactly those are the people I’m sure you want to work with exactly so right
here is you you export a list and you put it in we don’t have to show people how to export and put it into the CRM I’m just kind of talking it through but
uh once you get them to respond then your goal is to let them know talk to
them network with them and uh tell them what you’re looking for now your conversation is going to be very
unproductive if you don’t have an idea of what you’re looking for what are you going to call an agent and just say hey
my name’s Nathan nice to meet you I’m new and you know like that’s just not gonna I think it’s a waste of time right
yeah well what would you say though if you don’t have your buyers yet and you’re using agents to find buyers how
would you go about that well you could you could call them and well see this is probably not the the strategy you’d want
to do to find buyers because you’re using these agents to find you deals so if you’re going to call them be like hey
I’m new I don’t really have I don’t have any buyers or I want to start wholesaling they’re going to be like
well I’m not really going to look for you right because you’re you’re not the
buyer so that’s why I would say in this situation you would really want to start off and know what people what your buyer
wants or what you’re buying so when you go to them you go to with authority you go with purpose and you sound like you
know what you’re talking about right right well what if you pull like let’s say in property searching and you do it
the kind of the room reverse way of like you narrow it down you pull a list of buyers and then you save the agents
attached and you reach out to those agents specifically and be like hey I saw that you listed 123 Main Street that
flip looks great you know I’m wondering if your buyer is looking for more yeah that that that’s not how you would go
about it that’s how I would go about if I’m looking for buyers but yeah this way of this is called Agent Outreach what we
just pulled like a list and we’re trying to network with agents to bring us deals this would be more something I would use
to try and network to get deals yeah so there’s a little bit of difference like when you go to the property search and
you search Sandy because you have a deal or you like have you’re looking for buyers in that specific area you’re
calling those agents that have listings in those specific areas now I guess you could do the same thing here you could
call and you could say hey I noticed you have buy uh you’ve listed a lot of properties uh either way it’s kind of
like this either way yeah yeah Okay cool so yeah I love that I mean easy you’re you put in your filters what you want
pull them out off I don’t know do you have do you want to share your yeah
that would be cool so real quick like I’m telling you when you’re calling let’s say let’s say you have a buyer by
now like you know what people are buying you want to have their buying criteria so I’m going to show you all how to create a uh buyer a buying criteria for
your buyers so when you’re talking to these agents you know what you’re going to ask them to look for for you if they
find it and they can send it your way and so you know you have a baseline to establish that credibility so if no one
knows how to do this it’s very very simple um we’re gonna go let me share my screen
really right here and let us know guys too put in the chat or the the comments
what questions you have if maybe you’ve been somebody that has wanted to reach
out to agents to help you get deals or whatever the case might be you know if
you have fears about it what those fears are whatever you guys have let us know because you know we’re live here right
now Nathan has a well of knowledge to share with whatever you guys are wondering about oh man thank you that’s
so nice of you to say that all right so just so you know what a buy
box criteria is it’s what buyers give to agents to wholesalers to people to let
them know what they want so I’ll show you one that a hedge fund gave
me let’s see is this it uh there’s this one okay
here it is so this hedge fund said hey if you find anything that meets this criteria send it our way we’ll look at
it we’ll make you an offer that’s what we want to give to agents we want to build an army of people looking for
deals that will meet our specific criteria so they’ve told me they want Atlanta Tampa Orlando Dallas Oklahoma
City and they want three beds two baths over a thousand square feet uh built in
1965 or newer and they actually even send like a nice little uh PDF whatever
you’d say graphic that’s looks cool so I want to make one I have never I don’t
think I’ve ever made one um our buy box what does that say our buy box
I’ll have to I’ll make it prettier don’t worry not at the moment I don’t need to
do that but uh yeah yeah yeah just make the note I’ll just make the note okay so
I’ll go to one of my buyers um that let’s see let me find him really
quick uh let me go to this other screen I want everyone’s seeing my text messages
give me a second so I’m looking for Jason who is my buyer um that I wholesale this property to and
he gave me his buy box criteria let’s see if I can um I’m good I’m actually blah blah blah
okay this is really huge too because it’s like putting on even things like not even this type of material for this
like types of properties like if you had that information from your buyers beforehand and you know when you go to
look at a property if it doesn’t meet that criteria you’re just like that’s not a deal for me you know for the people that I have yeah it helps you
definitely stay focused right yeah um at least find somebody else that’s looking for that instead but
so this is what I said to him just so everyone can get an idea anything specific you’re looking to buy now I
want to focus a little more on acquiring apartments and finding some for you to buy and get some equity in it if I find
a good deal and provide some value to you to stay in the deal good timing I was actually talking with my business
partner yesterday and we’re looking for more sub-institutional multi-family housing think uh like 6 to 16 units so
what I would say is six to 16 units right so now I already kind of have a
baseline of what I’m trying to do uh with uh these agents no dang I don’t
want it there let’s see if I can put it here are you son of a gun all right we’ll just do that okay so one
just did I say I said five six I think six to sixteen units is that what he said yes 60 16 units we are on the hunt
for something uh before the end of the year for cost segregation
um okay we are trying to stick within Salt Lake because I asked him where right yeah Salt Lake Davis and Weber
County okay so now we have uh location Salt Lake
right all right then what else is there um probably five million mark would be
the top of where we want to be right now so I’d say uh it’s kind of five million
mark would be the top of what we want to be right now for price
um so that’s it could I obviously I not use canva I can make it look prettier but that’s kind of like a good uh
Baseline to start off with so now if I call an agent who’s represented anyone
from a million to 10 million dollars in the last year I can say hey look my name’s Nathan I work uh with some I’m an
investor and I have some me and my partners are looking to buy uh you know apartment complex from 6 to 16 units do
you work with multi-family no I don’t well do you know anyone that does do you know I’m gonna I’m not only a buyer that
buys multi-family but I do flick Fix and Flip so now I’m coming to that conversation with value because
um I’m someone that can pay them right yes so that’s that’s the importance of having a buy wash Criterion ongoing
Apartments but I also can do single family nobody has to you guys don’t have to start off at apartments that are
watching this I just want bigger deals that will make more money right right so
you could just do this the same idea with with whatever types of properties you’re looking more but having this
prepared yes just like uh like these guys right
um there they have their buy box they even tell you what counties they want um I got this hedge fund that actually
gives you a spreadsheet and tells you you know beds bass square footage the
year built um what is that Ami not sure minimum rent
they even tell you hey we don’t want it if it rents are lower than this so it really keeps you focused and looking in
the right direction because when I first started wholesaling I was like uh running around with like a chicken with
my head cut off thinking everything was a deal yeah that can end up wasting a lot of your time especially if you don’t
know what people want to buy in your Market you could spend I spent a year working with like an old lady she told
me like she loved to talk to me so I was like okay and she had like some piece of land that was kind of weird but I kept
on talking to her and uh like took a year till she was like open to even signing and then her daughter like
walked in uh while I was on the phone I was like who are you talking to this guy’s trying to scam you and it was over so that’s a that’s a weird conversa I
guess that’s a weird example but I’m just saying you be careful how you waste your time because you know whether it’s an old person who can’t really make the
decision for themselves or you’re working on a deal that isn’t even a deal don’t waste your time that’s all I’m
trying to say yeah 100 I mean if you have this stuff ready to go you’re like this is what we’re looking for you know
let me know if you have something or get them excited to to help you get that deal so they can get paid too exactly so
um all you have to do in canva is once you make it again I’d make this prettier before I sent it out but you would just
download it as a PDF and then you can send this in a text message to people
okay okay yeah so that’s that’s as easy as it is it doesn’t have to be anything
I think sometimes thinking about buy boxes that can get over complicated like okay I have to have everything ready to
go like the exact down to the way the property looks type deal but some it’s
just the big things that are important to your buyer right and all I’m doing is I’m taking the text message that he sent
me and I put in here he said uh the right deal bill can sway
us to a different location
um there you go so let’s go to the CRM that I got and I just got this set up guys today because
I was like yeah let’s freaking try this this looks awesome so what this does is this will automatically send out offers
to people um it will take the listed price and do a certain percentage or it will take the
estimated value and send a percent percentage in a PDF so uh if you guys just check this out
uh where is it nice so it will go here else this is my
company letter of intent it took the address it sent the offer to the apartments that I want to buy and the
agents are responding now and that’s who I want to talk talk with or the agents
that are responding I I don’t think I’ll necessarily get this offer but uh or them say yes I’ll accept it but again
I’m just trying to get on the phone with anyone that has a pulse really that I can talk about yeah so wait so you said
that this is automatic that it’s doing that and then sending out your Las yeah uh letter of intent yeah sends out the
letter of intent if they have a listing that’s currently on the market or if you do the agent Outreach which we showed
everyone where you’re just calling them if they’ve had listings and you’re talking I’m doing both I’m sending out
offers and I’m also just trying to connect and network with people yeah oh Loi I was like Los what am I saying yeah
yeah actually no I don’t want to correct you but letter lo I I think you said why
no why yeah like intent yeah yeah yeah there you go all right let’s see
so these are agents that are responding to my offers and my agent Outreach
automatically without me having to call them so um let’s look at this uh this is one
that received my offer Hey Dean I just sent you over an offer can you let me know if you got it it closed this week
over asking so I have the opportunity to continue the conversation over text
email or I can call them uh because this is someone that’s you know actively
doing deals right I can let’s let’s do it let’s call them normally I probably
would like text a little bit more like hey do you have some time to talk um you know I got your email but let’s
for the purpose of this uh call let’s let’s show people how it’s done all
right so Dean we got his phone number right here um let’s give them a call
called Dean let’s see connection loss come on I mean I gotta
refresh this thing see if Dean’s a nice guy
I’m curious all right and this is once again the list you got
from agent Outreach right match from batch leads solid you know
okay I actually have to unplug this in order for everyone to hear it I think
I can’t hear you looks like you’re muted all right all
right can you hear me yeah okay let’s go back to uh I have to I think I have to share my screen
um through a window tab yes sir okay cancel that
that’s dang technology everybody I know all right let’s see
um let’s see Asian outrage processes Auto
dang I gotta find that tab come on
tell me if you can hear um let’s see if you can hear this dial
okay I’m just clicking all over what’s going on here
all right let me refresh this okay let’s do it again can you hear this
ringing it’s ringing right now no
hey Kristen I was trying to get a hold of Patrick day is he is he available
oh Patrick is the broker oh hey
it’s it’s breaking up a little bit can I call you right back okay call you right back
okay so you couldn’t hear that so I wanted to hang up because uh what’s the point if you can’t hear my conversation so
yeah yeah dang technology I know you’re like you’d think that you could just do
anything you wanted and it’ll come right through yes it’s giving me a hard time I’m sorry batch Nation I’m sorry if that
happens I’ve been having a ton of technical difficulties lately with my computer like shutting off the screen in
the middle of a meeting so I feel you I’m letting batch Nation down right now I feel like oh no
let us know if you guys do have questions though comment them um while we get this kind of up and
going anything that you guys are wondering about it doesn’t have to be about agents either just anything that you guys have you know around
wholesaling uh or the system of course too I am curious um about what I’m talking about Landry
do you find this uh helpful because you know I like feedback yeah yeah absolutely I think these are the things
that when people are going through at least within the community everybody is
trying to find a process that makes sense so I think for anybody watching
let us know if this is making sense to you because I think this is super helpful in terms of on the other side of
when you do already have buyers that have a buy box that they have provided for you you can go and use agent
outreached it literally in a couple of seconds pull the list and then just start reaching out this is super
powerful how now that you have the CRM setup that showing that process freaking
money yeah yeah that’s awesome well let me say something else that is going to blow your minds everybody like with
texting there’s obviously like laws and they’re passing a bunch of stuff like you can’t spam people like agents are
put they put their numbers out there you can agent will never sue you for texting them they can’t like yeah they’re like I
want this business exactly so this is like a super compliant way to do business
um and look there’s 18 I just sent this out this morning 18 conversations and people responded this is an offer I sent
out to uh one of the um what’s it called uh the properties that I want to buy and
the agent already responded pass this along to and spoke with the seller he will decline already
he’s responding that’s amazing that just saved me so much time now what I’m gonna
do is I’m gonna look up this house there’s a Zillow button I can click it okay so this is a uh eight bedroom four
bath duplex so I’m going to call this agent and and chat with them about what I’m really looking for in my buy box
let’s let’s give it a shot let’s see let’s see if I got what it takes um and I think I shared it so the the
volume should be working uh when I call so let’s let’s call it again
all right Patrick Patrick day
if it’s ringing I can’t hear it just adds up okay it hasn’t rang yet but okay just let me know
oh I hear you please hold while I tried to connect you [Music]
I always loved the music before for calls
hello this is Kristen Wetzel hey Kristen uh sorry about that this is Nathan I called and I was trying to get a hold of
Patrick because he has a listing on East Red Maple Road uh that it’s a complex
yeah let me give you his phone his phone okay yeah um it’s so interesting so I guess is this the
office or is this your number and I just came in yeah no this is the the broker it’s this
number is really for I didn’t
on things so don’t don’t even worry out if he has direct number well I’m glad I got a hold of you you seem like a great
person to work with too all right um so his phone number is 801.
okay give me a second let me pull up my notes real quick okay so 801
nine one zero nine one zero six three eight seven six three eight
seven and um and so I have your number uh your
name down what was it again I’m sorry my name’s Kristen k-r-i-s-t-e-n and then wet Soul w h e t
z e l so I’m the managing broker for exp Utah wow that’s awesome so do you have a
lot I’m assuming you have tons of agents that uh you work with then we have 500
gosh and you just you you were able to answer my phone call being that busy with all those agents wow
oh we have a great we have a great system work Cloud Beast brokerage so
there’s two people that broker the state wow and then but we’ve got just an
incredible support staff you know behind us that does all the other things so I
always answer the phone and if I don’t get back it’s usually within an hour yes
well you never know what’s on the other end of that phone right it might be a listing might be something right so heck
yeah right do you by chance have sure I’ll call Patrick in a little bit but do you by chance have like three minutes I
just want to ask you a couple questions and tell you what I’m looking for maybe you might be able to help me out
um sir let me let me get a piece of paper though let me grab yeah I know you might be able to help me
you might not you might even know like what agent to send okay so I can you know network with them okay are you an
investor or I am yeah buy something I’m an investor so I’m always looking for
old relationships and Network and and find deals great okay tell me what
you’re looking for so right now I was specifically like a couple years ago well recently I’ve I’ve moved into
apartments and looking for multi-family Investments but I I have done mostly like fix and flips I’ve wholesaled a
couple deals but now I’m looking to invest in in multi-unit so I was wondering if if you come across any or
if you know any agents that specifically focus on apartments
so we’ve got we’ve got a commercial division that mostly does so residential
um usually goes for and under before it hits commercial
designation so anybody that’s got a residential license can still be commercial right but we do not like our
agents to sell in the commercial space unless they’re super super Savvy and and
up on that so we’ve got an entire commercial division that mostly works with that they do have a ton of pocket
listings um we definitely have people that specialize in that if I can get your
information I will connect you I just want to make a couple phone calls um and then I can have them give you a
call yeah that’d be great because I have like my criteria of what I’m looking for like five six to 16 units within like
Davis or Salt Lake County and I can go up we’re really not trying to go above like 5 million we’re trying to keep it
like five between like five and lower but you know we’re open if it’s a good deal
okay perfect do you specifically only want that area
uh we can be sweet no we can be swayed depending on the deal so if it’s like in
um you know box elder or even lower Utah County uh we’re open but we usually just like kind of that area because that’s
where we live and we like to be kind of closer to our our units more Hands-On yeah yeah we still kind of think we
still okay we have like a rule we only really like to buy uh apartments that we
would live in ourselves just because that make that kind of helps right you’re out like hey okay this is this is something we like and we feel like we
run it out oh totally totally makes sense and what
is your name my name is Nathan Payne uh p-a-y-n-e and uh just to kind of let you
know a little bit more about myself I I do like I’ve been an investor for a while so I teach like what I
specifically do is I invest but I also teach people how to get into um real estate investing as well so
maybe I’d be a good contact for you and I can send like you know maybe some of the people I coach to uh to list with
you your your brokerage if they have flips they won’t listen
and awesome okay I will definitely keep your information and as I said you reach
the broker so this is the broker number awesome I’m Kristen Wetzel so if I can do anything for you you know don’t
hesitate to call back but let me make a few phone calls and really connect you
with with somebody that will best be able to help you in our organization awesome and
um yeah appreciate your time of course yeah so should I just wait to hear back um from someone yeah I’ll call them
uh-huh I’ll call them right now um um Dr Bill Nieves is the one that is our
commercial broker and he is absolutely incredible his network is is
so vast wow that’s why a lot of the stuff um that he’s got is really
kind of pocket was jeans yeah if you will it’s it’s his networking and really
being able to connect with that community and those resources to kind of match you with something that’s working
out really well so I I will make the phone call to him yeah I know I said
that’s perfect because that’s exactly how I do business too on the single family side it’s all about your network you know you find deals all the time oh
for sure don’t even hit the market yet yeah and that’s what I kind of oh yeah but now I gotta I want to like go hire
into you know multi-units and put the money my money to work for me that way a single family like the rental game is
you know it’s okay but multi-family is way better oh for sure do you have any properties
yet yeah yeah you know how many properties do you have like that well I have a couple rentals that are single
family I am now venturing to the multi-family so I don’t have to be I’ll just be frank with you I don’t have any
multi-units at the moment I’ve usually just not yet but you’re yeah I’ve usually just you’re moving towards that
I’m moving towards I actually wholesale day um apartment complex an aplex to one of
my uh the buyers but now I’m partnering up with them where I’m looking we’re buying them together so that’s kind of
why I’m making these calls looking to get as many as we can we got to put we gotta invest five million before the end
of the year so okay down the perfect it might I’ll call
immediately but sometimes to really sort things out it might take you know a day
or so so I will make sure that um the contact is made and that it will
get you connected with somebody shortly well I really appreciate your time and your your kindness that’s I’m excited
let’s let’s do a deal together you’re welcome I’d love to I live in St
George actually oh really oh okay yeah I raised my family in Lehigh and moved to
St George well hey the weather there it’s feeling it’s beautiful I love going to St George on like like a staycation
trip I’m in Sandy right now so
um 1300 East 1300 East and I think yeah it’s right by Midvale it’s like where
where Sandy cross is in the Midvale oh oh right house right off seat Street if you know
where you went to golf is um yeah yeah it sounds right you’re on State Street so my backyard was actually
when a golfer so I had a house there and when I moved there back in the day there
was nothing but a Big Field it was so funny I’m actually trying to get out of here
it’s getting a little too crazy here in Salt Lake is it really because it’s too
crowded or you got some two cities moving in I think it’s getting crowded that’s my my
you know yeah yeah I I was raised my kids in Lehigh
because my husband was a golf pro at Thanksgiving Point so when we moved to Lehigh it was still a one cow town so
they I mean literally going to Highland if it was just one-way Road
in each Direction you know and I blowing up now
oh I was there when yeah it was nothing but filled and it’s
just crazy to just to see what’s happening you know down here it’s yeah St George is growing insanely yes
exactly yeah well I I envy you because the weather there right now it’s a little cloudy right here so I’m sure
it’s nice and beautiful down there oh it is it’s it’s always I always feel
like I’m on vacation it’s just I just love it here it is it was good to live
up there while I did but then I was just done yeah and I’m sure the golf is good for your husband too down there because
it’s there’s some beautiful horses down there well hey Chris uh Kristen it was really nice meeting you and I’d love to
chat here too and my my way and yeah let’s let’s do it okay together sounds good you have a great day we’ll connect
shortly all right bye okay bye thank you oh that was scary huh that was awesome
that was really really great for hopefully I mean for any of you guys watching hit the like button that’s super valuable to see that I think you
know agents or Brokers they’re waiting for your phone call and it might not be the right person for what you’re looking
for if you guys do ever run into somebody but there’s I mean she’s like okay I don’t do maybe that personally
but I know the broker for the commercial side and they do a ton of pocket listings all right come on that’s that’s
populist things is free leads you don’t you don’t that’s why I teach this is like batch leads has given you a great
way to do off-market deals but on Market deals too and if you partner up with the strategy I’m showing you guys you don’t
even have to pick up a phone call until you know someone will answer so it’s it’s this is what I’m showing you is is
a game changer and it’s gonna help you get way more deals and it’s not scary
um and did you notice that I was like I’m a wholesaler you repeat it you said it multiple times just to really be like
yeah that’s what I you know I’ve done that multiple times and I think people want to like not say like it’s a bad
word everybody everybody it’s out there everywhere yeah and I said hey I
wholesale the uh apartment complex to my buyers and I’m working with them she’s like great awesome good for you right so
what we do is you just be open honest and you work with people and you network and you see if you can provide value to
them see if they can provide value to you and you do deals that’s uh that’s it so
um hopefully that was helpful everyone we kind of went through uh going and getting the list calling making offers
using the CRM or you can just do if you don’t have the CRM if you’re interested in this CRM hit me up because I can send
you a link that gives you a little discount on it um but yeah doing that and then reaching
out and networking now she’s going to send have me have the commercial broker that gets tons of product listings give
me a call we’re gonna chat we’re gonna see what we can do you saw me use my buy box criteria I sounded like an expert
have I bought an apartment complex by myself before no but did I sound like I knew I was talking about yeah she’s like
oh yeah what other ones do you have you’re like I don’t I don’t yet have multi-family I don’t yeah I’m new I’ve
been wholesaling single family for the last five years and now it’s time to get some apartments yeah so
um yeah does any any questions that we should uh go over before we wrap up or does anyone have any comments they want
to put in there yeah let us know guys before we hop off I thought that was super valuable to see the the process
rather than because so many people of course are are uh using the strategy to connect with agents to find buyers but
seeing the other way around of how to find deals through agents is huge yeah it’s it’s honestly super exciting like
yes one it’s a game everybody like there’s nothing to be afraid of like let me show you one more screen so this is
the agent Outreach text that gets sent out hey Adam my name is Nathan I found your number online uh and was just
wondering if you’re still an agent yes I’m still an agent great I’m looking for another investment property do you work
with investors yeah I work with investors what are you looking for what areas what price range so he wants to know that
do you have any properties coming soon that may be a good uh investment not the moment but I can’t keep you posted so
this would be a perfect opportunity to send him um a uh what’s it called a buy box
criteria and then this thing you can tag you tag it tier one agent if they
respond because we want to work with tier like tier one and above right so if you do a deal it’s like tier three tier
four you just keep tagging it so this thing if you’ve all kind of struggled with knowing like the best workflow the
best way to go through it this like helps you out a ton to like organize uh but if you don’t have a system it’s as
simple as just getting on the phone and telling people what you’re looking for and they’ll look if they’ll find it for
you right I mean of course we pulled the list of in this example 164 agents so
it’s like for any of you guys being like I can’t do it because I don’t have a system put in place it’s like get that
out of the way and just start doing on your phone sure it’s going to be more time consuming but you could literally
just take what Nathan has right there make sure that somebody’s an agent and is responding to you and then go from
there I think that’s really really and super simple too yeah let’s let’s just respond to this guy just so you know
that I practice what I preach I can keep you posted okay great um
let’s see I’m sorry I’m not good at typing right now I’m I’m specifically
oh my gosh I have those days too I’m like I can’t I can’t well my family
do you uh do you come across those a lot
this is what I’m oh my gosh I’m looking for
and then you can add uh your PDF in here which we just did our buy box it’s not pretty but hey I
don’t care I’m sending it anyway and sending it as an SMS so I said um
right here oh I was about to say I was like when does those messages pop up there we go okay great I’m specifically
looking for multi-family do you come across uh those a lot this is what I’m looking for right now and then he can
look at it and he sees the buy box he’s probably like yo am I dealing with a three-year-old
no he’ll love it he didn’t put any graphics on there or anything all right not the moment so we’ll see but now this
is good now if he responds and we start vibing and I like him I’m gonna call him or I have my virtual assistant in here
responding zeeshan and he’s going to call him and say hey I work for Nate I’m his virtual assistant
um you know this is what we’re looking for and if he Vibes with them great and if he doesn’t he’s gonna send to me and
I’m gonna Vibe it’s all about the relationships again yep love them cool
I’m excited well if you guys have I mean Nathan you’re in the here let’s get this link really quick too and maybe post
yours as well for in your community but yeah let me get this link for anybody watching to get into the community
Nathan you’re in there so people could message you and ask you questions there too if they think of something right
yeah 100 come on in um I will show everybody my um
let’s see where this is at let’s see if anybody’s interested in uh
checking out my community it’s just a Facebook group it’s called painless wholesale group we do a free uh training
every Wednesday at nine right before this call uh where we dive deep into how to find buyers and and get deals without
you know having to uh spend money on marketing when you’re brand new obviously as you get deeper yes we’re
pulling lists and marketing is so important but in the beginning all you
have to do is you know reach out to some agents find some buyers first and then get the deal done but yeah that’s
there’s this group and I can go to you want me to share the screen of your community let’s see bachelor’s Community yeah let’s see we can just give you guys
an idea we use slack so if you guys are familiar with you know Discord it’s
really similar to that and it’s kind of just threads of messages that you guys can connect with each other and Squad up
so yeah this is the community I’m a part of as well love it there’s always stuff going on live webinars CR you’re
crushing it with Jamil see over here oh yeah those are those are some good ones we’re always posting all the live things
that we’re doing for everybody to hop on so yeah definitely yeah there you go yeah classes in there like everything
you can think of to get connected and know how to use your systems so you don’t have a headache when you look at
your computer because yeah there’s really no excuse for not taking action when I have a free community batch has a
free community we do these calls really the thing that’s left is up to you to make the calls make the relationships
and and find the buyers that you can bring deals to absolutely get the systems out of the way and then focus on
your skills of of actually starting those conversations and to just take action so well this is super cool the
way that you’re using this and hopefully this is valuable for everybody watching um I don’t see any questions or anything
so far I don’t know if you see anything on your end that I’m missing here I’m excited so can’t wait to see what
comes of this next time we hop on the call love it all right were there any questions that you had from the
community that they wanted to bring on the show or are we good I do have one question for you actually now that I think about it let me just share this
um so somebody was wondering from the community so if I make I’m just reading
this off of them so if I make an offer for pre or on a pre-foreclosure and it’s for less than what is owed on the
property who or whom is responsible for the loan balance not the end buyer right the seller would be so I if I owe 200
000 on my mortgage and someone makes me an offer 150 000 I would have to come out of pocket me the seller fifty
thousand dollars to to be get the bank the bank will never not get their money they’re going
to get their money so you you can’t accept an offer that’s lower than what you owe without paying it out of your
own pocket so could that happen though after it’s closed or it has to happen before
um you what do you mean by after it’s closed like if it goes under foreclosure or no like beforehand like if you’re
making that offer on that pre-foreclosure and then you they accept it and everything to pay that out of
pocket before you’re like yes I think I think at close they would have to bring
the money to because when you purchase a property the title company like make
sure that that everything the title transfer so in order to transfer the title the existing the first position
lien or the loan right has to get paid off and that’s that’s how it works so if
they didn’t come with the money the transaction wouldn’t go through I guess in some cases you could I think
I’ve heard of somebody giving the seller some sort of if it’s not anything crazy is that something
that you’ve ever heard of to get it done for them to bring that to or is that oh
to catch it up to make it current
ly oh yes her device disconnected okay but I can answer that question because I I
understand what she’s saying so let’s say that someone is behind on their mortgage they’re about to go into
foreclosure or and they’re in pre-foreclosure uh she’s back they’re about to go into pre-foreclosure sorry
they’re about to go into foreclosure they are in pre-foreclosure pre-foreclosure just means they’re going to get foreclosed on and lose their home
uh I was answering the question so you’re good um so what you can do let’s say the
person is behind ten thousand dollars right they owe 210 but they’re behind ten thousand so uh you can catch up what
they’re behind and make the loan do like not do a current so then it won’t go
into foreclosure I’ve done that in the past so I I bought this guy’s house that was in pre-foreclosure he was behind
fifteen thousand dollars I brought fifteen thousand dollars of clothes the loan was now uh current and then I just
assumed his current payments on a subject to deal and that’s that’s what
can happen so the house still has a uh uh alone on it it still has the the
mortgage uh so it’s you would have to continue to pay that until it’s paid off
I thought that was a really good question so I wanted to bring that up before that is a good question yeah because a lot of people will get excited
they’ll be like yes the seller accepted a hundred thousand dollars and then they see that on batch or the seller tells
them they owe 180. well that that’s great they accepted a hundred thousand but they owe 180 so it’s not going to
happen yeah it’s not going to work yeah yeah that’s super important all those little things that kind of get left out
just like same thing with if you see that a property has a lien and you didn’t see that before and now you’re getting to the end of it and you’re like
wait I we can’t do anything now so yeah you got to pay the lean off there you know
or you catch it up and make it current if it isn’t proof foreclosure and then you know eventually that lean’s gonna have to get paid off so it’s whatever
you if you buy it on create on terms yeah 100 okay cool well yeah there
there’s a ton of just kind of same idea questions like that I don’t have any other big ones right now so if you guys
have anything any of you guys that have watched that are in the community or in Nathan’s Community make sure that you
guys are reaching out or just in general networking because asking those questions is is huge for each other then
everybody has different levels of knowledge to provide so always here for you batch leads Nation
we’re investors Thrive nation is here Landry’s here we got your back we want to help you succeed nothing makes me
sadder than people that uh don’t use utilize the the resources given to them
so they can succeed and they feel like they got to do it on their own you don’t have to do this on your own you got a lot of help
100 cool well thanks Nathan thanks guys peace out everybody