How to use virtual assistants to get deals

Best lists to pull and cold calling as your main marketing channel – Investor Thrive Live

what is up everybody this is investors Dive live on the weekly batch call we do
uh we’re excited to be here we got Sean Young what’s up brother we got zeeshan how you guys doing what’s up what’s up
zeeshan how you holding up bro you hear us oh man my awesome awesome love it love
it so hey for everybody tuning in why should you watch today why out of all the days if you’re just tuning in well
virtual assistants are key to real estate investing you really need them to help you grow your business especially
for people that are doing this part-time the people that don’t have all the time to do the the work that a virtual
assistant can help you out with so shall we got shot on here I bring them on here once a month and uh Sean can you kind of
tell us a little bit about how why why why why virtual assistants why is it important 100 guys if you’re out here
trying to do the heavy lifting in your business by yourself um it’s not going to be long before you figure out that that it’s tough to do
especially if you have a nine to five um spinning the dedicated hours that it takes to do the tasks that it takes for
your virtual assistant to do it’s going to be nearly impossible especially if you’re competing against those who have
a virtual assistant so guys you need to have at least one virtual assistant and my suggestion is start doing your
business first do your business for at least a month or two get some reps and make some phone calls go through some of
the tasks that you’re going to want your VA to do or your virtual assistant to do so that once you do hire that virtual
assistant you’ll be much better at managing them at those tasks 100 yeah so
we have here our guest on here we got Zees Sean he’s uh one of my virtual assistant I don’t even like the word
virtual assistant to be honest indeed indeed I hate that word I like just saying employee you know we work we work
with us so Z Sean kind of tell me before we kind of dive into uh what virtual
assistants or employees that live out overseas do kind of tell us how you even got into the business I’m curious
yeah so uh I got into the business I uh in August or September last year
basically I got a client from uh a person who referred to me hey I have
this client and I don’t have time see if you you want to make some money and this
is how it goes so I didn’t knew anything literally anything about the real estate all about doing any kind of online
business I was doing my job here with the World Health Organization and I was pretty cool with it with it and so I got
a connect and connection here the person was based in Illinois and who was starting and trying to start the
business in real estate or in affiliate marketing his ambition was to make some
extra cash doing any type of online business so he he got at that point he
spent over 15 Grands purchasing different courses about real estate
about affiliate marketing and stuff and he was not so as Sean just said that you
should be very familiar with every term so you should practice first yourself so
so you should be able to manage your employees uh uh very at very good uh
Pace on you know so Dwayne his name was Dwayne Thompson so
Dwayne told me that this this and I have I want to make money online so I don’t know I’m not so much tech savvy see if
you can help me so I just said to him that hey I am new I am a tech savvy guy
and no you know I’m very good at different things uh technology and Etc different softwares but I have not done
this before uh see if I would learn it through your premium contents that you paid for and
I’ll you know after a month or so I’ll let you know that hey this is how it goes and this is what I can do for you
so he agreed to it and he agreed for the we agreed on a payment plan
so after a while after a while a month or two we were able to start doing
things that he thought that hey I am doing something progress even though we
launched a campaign from a CRM an SMS trip campaign and when he saw that
people are responding to you know drip campaigns and he saw that there is a
potential opportunity this man is learning something I was not able to do these things and so we I would go ahead
with it and after the three months he lost kind of lost motivation because he
was paying me he was paying for different softwares and you know at that point we were not able to get a deal in
Angel’s day so after that after that uh when I was not
able to at that point and he’s thought he said that hey uh and what I’m gonna do is learn it and master it myself I am
good at doing this physically except for mutually things so I would you know say
you thank you for this and you know we would dog and we will stay connected and this type of thing so I said to him that
yeah I said to him that this is good and I did not lost motivation though I you
know kept trying in the real estate I thought that this is the thing that I can do and I you know keep trying
learning from the free online resources and contents that how what are things
and how I should learn and at that point I got connected Nathan
was doing a 30-day challenge at that point and I got connected uh fortunately
with Nathan and you know here I am we are you know I at this point I think
that I am very good at I know exactly you know different things in real estate
that I was you know before now I’m very confident that I can close even deals uh
you know just for them acquire them in everything you know run the numbers on them you know put the whole selfie
connect with the players connect with the sellers connect with the title companies you know everything just
pretty much so let’s freaking go thank you very much
very smart you’re obviously you know you’re a hard worker so as you can see everybody that’s watching this like
um just because someone is in the United States doesn’t mean they don’t have the talent the ability to get it done right there’s many investors all over the
world that are outside of the states that are helping that that are getting deals right so
um that’s what I wanted to show everyone at zeeshan thanks for sharing us your uh your story so I want to like pick that
apart so that that investor you work with probably a great guy but you’re saying he didn’t understand the
fundamentals of the business he just hired you to figure it out is that kind of what happened yes that that’s what happened actually
he and he was doing a job like 10 hours a day he was not able to spend time as
well so he was busy earning money to spend on those and his family Etc got it
and he hired you to kind of fix the problem right or to get to do the whole thing so just like kind of what Sean
said at the beginning of this not not the key to success right
right Sean no absolutely 100 not you gotta do exactly the process that
zeeshan just said get in there get in the trenches learn what’s going on first or is he or you’ll have someone telling
a story just like DeShawn just did saying hey I was kind of lost at the sauce there yeah exactly so Sean I know
you have a uh a virtual assistant company kind of tell people how um how they can work with that if if they want
to go that route 100 guys guys I have a a professionally trained uh virtual assistant company
that is based in the Philippines we are based overseas we’re headquartered here in Atlanta Georgia uh but just like
Nathan said guys if you are looking for a professionally trained monitored and managed virtual assistant guys hit us up
we are at again that’s guys give us a give us a shot and we would love to take care of you help you grow your business
and all the things we’re discussing they will be things that you guys can look forward to to when you come on as a
client as well awesome now there I guess there’s two options right people can go and look for their own virtual assistant
whether it’s Fiverr upwork Facebook groups or they can just go and get a done for you approach with you and then
you manage the whole thing correct 100 and I’m glad you you pointed that out because those are two totally different
processes and a lot of folks fail because they they try to again do it themselves without having all the the
components in place that that will make that you that will make that Union successful so they’ll just go out and
hire someone and just like zeeshan said they’ll just kind of have an expectation that their new employee or their new
virtual assistant are going to be able to accomplish particular things but without training without ensurement of
that uh you’re just wishing and hoping for that and throwing money in down the trash yeah and I’ve used uh virtual assistant
companies that uh like years before I haven’t actually worked with you specifically because I feel like uh
since I’ve been investing for quite a while I’ve actually been able to find ones through networking like zshawn and
not everyone can do that right not everyone can find those top a players uh through their Network and through
networking but you know if you are attached in the game for a while then yes it it can be potentially possible
but at the same time having something like your business is hands off right so you give them the list they take care of
everything so you don’t need to worry about it right 100 yeah they handle everything guys um they they our va’s
can handle literally everything from pulling the list doing market research loading those listen to your dialers managing your your text campaigns your
voicemails follow-ups sending out agreements guys the list goes on it it’s really Limitless just like like Nathan
is saying when you when you find quality folks or find a quality process and you realize that other folks need that then
you do what I did which is create an agency to provide that for folks I love it and batch we’re on the batch call
right this week so everything that Sean’s talking about these these uh the virtual assistants you this is Sean do
you call virtual assistants or what do you call them yeah I do I call them virtual assistants but I just like you I I kind of don’t like that term I just
like to say they’re they’re my employees I you know we’re a team we’re a family and uh and the same thing when I hand
them off to you know our clients they’re part of your team now they’re they’re now your employee awesome love it so uh
what I wanted to go over today everybody now that we kind of have a good understanding of what when you should get a virtual assistant when you should
start working and bringing them into your company now I kind of want to show you the strategy that I use it’s called the painless wholesaling method and Z
Sean um you know before did you know about this strategy um you know did you use it
I didn’t knew about that strategy I never used it so I’m glad that we
connected so I was using my time that was not worth it so now I’m using my
time in an optimized level that every time that I’m spending on is you know
either producing me results or I am learning a lot you know that I would not
do this thing you know again so the painless message is that we do not take
so much pain we do only things painlessly that’s right brother
love it so I’m going to show everybody how I work with Z Sean where we’re at in our process and how I’m having him find
deals that meet the criteria of top buyers that we’ve connected with all right so let me share my screen with you
everybody here it would be awesome if you also I know that you’re going to do this but it but
um when you show folks you know how you get these numbers if you could show people how you’re able to do that overseas because of people a lot of
folks are like how are people overseas able to get accurate numbers how are they able to do this so I’m sure you’re
going to dive into that as well yeah definitely we can talk about it Z Sean you could probably even walk me through
the process I’ll take you I’m just going to show people what we’re doing and then comp some deals and because I know sometimes it’s not only it’s hard for
you it’s hard for me it’s hard for everybody kind of to comp because comping is a science um yeah let’s go over here right here so
here is the uh blueprint uh like a little uh process that I made for Z Sean
as the leads manager um so I have him have specific kpis that he needs to hit so it starts with number
one number one is to find to start with the criteria of the buyers that we have
and right now zeeshan’s actually focusing on Atlanta itself I have a lot
of buyers but I say hey zeeshan if you want to crap if you want to Crush the game you’ve got to Master One Market so
right now zeeshan is looking in Atlanta for criterias that hit these hedge funds
that we have and is that correct Z Sean yes of course perfect so he’s got these
specific criteria so he knows now exactly where he’s looking he’s looking in the Metro Atlanta area he’s also he’s
I think you’re working with multiple hedge funds right now correct yes boss okay so you know in their
criteria if I’m not um mistaken is pretty much all the same right they all kind of Target the same around the same
stuff right and yeah before you before you move forward Nathan I just want to play um a devil’s advocate in the
audience what is a hedge fund so folks can understand what that is what you’re saying of course hedge funds are companies that invest other people’s
money into properties so they can get a return on their investment so hedge funds it’s just a it’s a fund uh that is
looking for properties to invest in and these hedge funds have specific criteria of what they want to buy and before
during the pandemic they were buying like crazy uh and pretty much anything overpriced but now they’ve actually
closed a couple of their markets but they uh they’re still buying so what we’re doing is we’re looking for their
criteria and they’re in these These funds these companies are coming together and they’re saying yes let’s
take our funds and let’s invest in this this meets our criteria Sean did that was that a good answer 100 100 percent
good just the folks out there in that like man what is he talking about no I think that’s very important to uh
clarify that because you know a lot of people might not know but right now we’re focusing specifically in the
Atlanta area as you know guys if you try to Target all these areas oh man you’re
you’re going to be all over the place it’s gonna be extremely difficult to build those relationships with the hedge
funds and we’re not only targeting hedge funds if we we have a buyer right now and um or is it called uh East Cobb so
if we happen to come across a properties cob that hits our buyers criteria we’re going to reach out to them too so we
have specific buyers who we work with and we really enjoy working with because they’re responsive they’re quick and
guys it’s not about having a giant Mill I’ve over 1.5 million buyers on a
buyer’s list but I don’t have relationships with 1.5 million buyers okay that’s impossible unless you’re I
don’t think anyone can do it so what we’re trying to do is build relationships with people who are quick or responsive and they will answer us
and we can bring them opportunities daily make offers and they can give us a yes
or no so now that we have the criteria it’s time to find some deals now you see Sean’s got a couple different ways that
he looks for deals whether that’s jving on market um but using batch it would be very easy
to um look uh let’s see let me get the uh I gotta pull my other one so using
batch you can actually Target if you want to do off-market marketing with batch leads you can actually Target a
specific area with uh the the criteria that your your buyer wants so if I went to Atlanta
ga let’s search that I can specifically go to San let’s say
well we know what the hedge fund wants the hedge fund pretty much wants um everything that meets their criteria
in Henry County for example they have a couple counties but we’ll just narrow down to Henry County so we’ll go to Henry County so down here
they’re cool with Henry County and if they want three twos a minimum sorry minimum three
two year built they want nothing older let’s just say 1950 and Max square footage
they want at least a thousand so what we’re able to do is put the criteria of what they’re looking for and then we can
go put more additional filters on it like okay we want to make sure we’re talking to people at least have 50
equity and we want people that uh are at least that are absentee owners that are
out of state so then you can apply this and you can see okay in Henry County
there’s this many there’s 6596 records of people that are absentee owners out
of state um and you can pull this list and you can text you can skip trace it you can
text it you can cold call it you can do whatever you want for marketing well our strategy that I like to use is I like to
Target ones that are on market and see if uh there’s any potential for me to um
you know make an offer that could get accepted and I look for properties that are distressed right but uh that’s kind
of one of the first strategies that I like to use and then off Market marketing is uh is next so that is how
you can Target off Market um Target marketing according to your buyer’s criteria so now zshot actually
has um you know the criteria he knows how to find the deals according to what I’ve
showed him now it’s analyzing is the next thing that Z Sean my VA does uh and
any VA that you guys hire you know that’s this is a process I’d recommend you send them a criteria tell them to
find deals tell them to analyze it and then make offers and if their offer is accepted or they have someone hot send
you the task send you the property to negotiate it and then you can lock it up
so that’s the process I think it’s efficient it’s effective um yes it requires a lot of offers just
like everything else does but if zeeshan runs into someone who is motivated and he doesn’t know how to get it done you
know obviously I’m there to help him out so now we’re going to go to analyzing the deal
so Z Sean actually has a property that he wants me to look at it
and are you making offers and all those deals that you get um do you talking about like on the on
Market yes yes zeeshan you’re making offers on all the ones correct
yeah so uh the the ones that fits our buyers the idea we’re making offers on
almost all of them where we see there is a spread good spread you know on any
property for sure so guys I just want to make sure you guys heard that it takes a lot of offers guys so make sure that
you’re making those offers and just so you guys know what Z Sean’s offers look like he’s calling them and
he’s also following up with an email that looks like this and and Z Sean
actually sees me in on the emails uh that he sends so I know when he’s making cash offers hey Timothy this is ishan
who spoke here’s my offer um we’re interested blah blah blah and he said hey this issan who just spoke to
you over the phone so zeeshan called them sent him an email and is following up and this guy said sorry so sorry for
the day we will pass but thank you for the offer now my follow-up on this would be hey I get it if that offer is a
little too low what would make sense or um you know follow up on that one right zeeshan
yes boss definitely so once he’s done once he makes the offers well in order
to get an offer out you gotta you gotta run the comps right you got to run the numbers so zeeshan sent me this one he said this
one’s a little bit uh tricky um and Z Sean I’m just curious you’re in Fort Myers you’re usually focusing on
Atlanta but tell me again why you you decided to do this one in Fort Myers I know you had a reason yeah this boss
basically came in um someone was uh marketing it to Facebook and I was connected to him he
sent me as well to see if we can you know Jerry on this deal so yeah so I
tried to you know connect with the seller he was cool with that as well so
yesterday uh he was cool to have an appointment with you
um about three o’clock 3 P.M today I’ll
see if he is ready now zeeshan the uh the reason so you
were in a Facebook group like I teach you and you you’re looking for deals and someone posted this deal and you said oh
wait we have buyers in in Fort Myers too because we we’re about to close on a deal this week in Fort Myers so that was
your reasoning right you’re like oh we have people there as well right yeah definitely
so that’s that’s the way the same way I am I I’m looking for deals online and if
I see something that meets the criteria of a buyer that I have or I know I have buyers in a specific market I’ll look at
a deal too so it’s not that you’re you’re only restricted to Atlanta or wherever you are it’s just you want to
focus but if you see opportunities you know why not why not so let’s take a
look at this deal so Z Sean the way I’ve got you and the way that um I’ll show everyone here is I have
what’s called an offer calculator it literally um shows you what offer to make on every
like every deal that you come across whether you need to do a wholesale a Novation a burr a rental creative it all
calculates you can put all the information out here and then it comes out with a spreadsheet that you’re able
to show this to the seller and the seller denies your cash offer then you’re like well hey you know that’s not
the only way I can buy your house you can actually flip it if you don’t want me to buy it have you thought about flipping it they’re like nah I ain’t got
no money you’re like okay well you know we can list this and find a buyer on the market which is a Novation they say yes
or no um you know owner carry back or you can just list it as is and just tell them
hey I’m not gonna do Innovation I’ll just push you in touch with one of my agents that I know so these are the options that this calculator formulates
so the first thing that Z Sean does is he’s going to um he’s going to see if it makes sense
for a cash offer because we always offer cash first so we’re going to look at this property the first thing I look at
is the zestman I’m just going to look at this estimate and this makes it a little easy uh to see we try and get a uh an
estimate going so we go to Zillow says this I want to know what um Redfin does
and what this does is this averages out the cons that’s like the quickest thing to do just if the data across the board
is um you know what it looks like so let’s see what redfin’s got to say on this one
let’s see let’s see what is going to say
it might not pull up a lot of good info okay so this one says estimated offer that’s estimated offer by open door so
that’s not necessarily the arv that’s just their cash offer uh see it usually has the estimate but
let’s um let’s try Redfin
337 is the Redfin estimate okay so we’ll go here you see what I’m doing I’m just
putting in the uh the estimates to see where what these Services think they’re worth
and then let’s check out what batch says
and this guy that brought you this deal Z Sean did he kind of tell you um
what the the seller wants for it or does he have it under contract or what’s the scenario yeah he he says that the seller
wants 275 actually he said I was asking for that much
okay 275 you said yeah
all right why is it not help hooking us up let’s get it maybe I gotta refresh who knows
let’s try this again
okay and this says it is 348. okay
um where’s that dang calculator got too many windows open all right 348
We’re Not Gonna trick We’re Not Gonna check this one so we’re just averaging these three to see what this is it’s
it’s the quickest way that I can know of to just add these up divided by three average this is the arv according to
these softwares now we don’t have to just leave it at that we can actually dive in and take a look
at it so you could say this guy’s just asking for retail um and we don’t have pictures on it
but the the next thing that I try to do is I click this in Zillow and all also
on batch you can check too you can check for comparables but let’s just do this super quick um so I put this in the address of the
property it should uh send us to the neighborhood it usually centers you in
on where the property is I don’t know why it doesn’t right now uh but it’s probably right right around here it’s a
three let’s see what was it a 3-2 three two one five six one square
footage we don’t know necessarily know the conditions what’s what’s do you know what the condition of the property is
the seller says Condition it’s in excellent position it does not require
anything besides cleaning just cleaning up it says the maximum rehab budget
should not exceed six thousand or something like that
okay so what we’re doing is we’re taking we’re checking uh we’re putting up some filters we only want houses we’re not
trying to compare this with anything else I put three two we don’t care about price
um and I’m gonna go down here and since this thing is a thousand fifteen hundred square feet we’re just gonna put a
filter on square footage of a round I’d like to go you know usually 500 each side 500 down 500 up
that’s that’s actually right there okay all right so
I don’t really care about your built and unless there’s like um you know I really need to there’s a ton
of data and I really need to restrict it so I’m fine with this um so this is the neighborhood let’s
look at this one I look at for sale right now I’m I don’t look at sold because I want to know
what’s for sale right now and what’s what’s not moving or what is moving so this is listed for seven days that
doesn’t if it was listed for 170 days that would let us know they’re overpriced but let’s take a look
so the first if I wanted to be really quick about this I could call the agent
and just be like hey I’m thinking about listing a property that I’m about to flip in the area just wanted to call and
see if you’re getting a lot of activity that’s how I would know if they uh
quickly if they’re like yeah man we we I think we’re we listed it too high then I’d be like okay that makes sense this
is a little bit bigger than ours it’s not even selling 320. it’s probably in similar condition doesn’t look terrible it’s not getting a lot of activity
um so I’ll look at this one 335 okay decent decent uh condition nothing
crazy 335 let’s see how long it’s been on there 48 days so again I could call
the agent and be like hey is this thing moving and if not um they’re probably listened to I I think they are listed too high 48 uh it
is a little bit bigger than our property but um it’s not selling so the so this one
doesn’t count this is new construction not a comp new construction not a comp
new construction out of comp so what we’re seeing here is about 320 to 335 is
what people are listing their homes for similar to ours um that don’t look necessarily flipped
I’m not seeing anything right now that’s listed that looks completely flipped
uh let’s see 332 32 days I want to see your built because this
actually looks like newer let’s see you’re built
and you also have to be aware of square footage like if if a house has like a acre or two acres and you’re comparing
it to a house that has like 0.2 then obviously the house is gonna be worth way more
you also got to be careful that you don’t want to cross major roads sometimes you can’t help it but you want
to avoid that if you can so these are the for sale information I have these aren’t flips so it’s hard to determine
like okay is this what is really the arv or are people even really flipping
houses that much in this area like is that something that’s really happening maybe people are just buying as is so
we’re going to go to sold and we’re going to go to uh here and we’re gonna go
last 30 days let’s see if anything’s sold in this area the last 30 days okay this this might be the one that threw
you off to you Sean you’re you’re looking at this and you’re like 385 this sold is that the one that threw you off
yeah this one looks like a flip though yeah definitely
okay 385 they kind of they forgot to do the bathroom I guess that’s an interesting
bathroom with the style they’re doing okay it’s got a pool so it’s got a pool so you got to take that out because ours
doesn’t have a pool correct yeah okay it’s got a big lot too it looks
like so you got to take those things into consideration and see how much
um how much the land it had uh State Road
2000 okay 0.32 acres and hours is
um similar similar but it’s a little bit smaller square footage right let’s see
what was the other one yeah okay it’s a little bit smaller no pool
similar square footage on ours but zisha I can already tell you if we
want to get our property to look like this bad boy it’s going to be expensive it’s not going to be a
six thousand dollar flip and I know his house doesn’t look like this without pictures right yeah
so you take this in and let’s let’s just be let’s be generous let’s just say okay it is worth 385 flips but we can’t say
that because it has a pool so let’s take off uh let’s take off 10 000 for a pool
let’s just be generous so the guy he said he wants to sell at 275 right zeeshan yes
so you put your numbers in there you say okay the arv is 375 if we really pimp
this thing out 275 is what he’s willing to sell for for us to buy it we’re gonna or our flippers gonna have to get hard
money a two points on the loan um it might take him six months to buy Fix and Flip and resell
um if he’s slow he he might you might that’s this is why knowing what your
buyer their criteria and like what they’re able to do is important because we don’t know if whoever at the moment we don’t know who we’re going to sell it
to if they’re an agent or not if they’re an agent then they only pay three percent for the
um buyer’s agent and then they don’t have to pay for the listing but we’ll just keep it at six so in order
for us to get the property looking like this one pictures would be great but
let’s just assume that the the kitchen and the bathrooms need to be updated so we’re going to go to a medium rehab
um just a medium rehab at 24 square foot it’s about 1600 square feet our property
and so it’s about a 40 about a forty thousand dollar rehab and we want to make fifteen thousand dollars as a
wholesale fee so if those numbers worked out um The Flipper is going to be negative
if he buys it from us at 290 because we get a 275
um we wholesale for 15 so we got a wholesale to someone to 290. so Z Sean what do we got to do if the numbers
don’t make sense here yeah we’ve got to renegotiate the price
with the seller and say yeah yeah definitely if they’re
able to you know yeah keep going yeah yeah if you if we’re able to renegotiate
the price print present our numbers to the seller that hey you know this is what where we are and we need to be at
that that point if you’re interested then we can move move forward you know 100 and all the sellers
understand that this that the investor would first look uh for return on the
investment before they go ahead with any purchase exactly so zeeshan what we’re
looking at here is we got to get this property to get the flipper that we wholesale to in the green or at least
the yellow it depends on the flip you’re working with some are cool 10 most right now want to make 15 so there’s a couple
things we can manipulate we can change the rehab cost we can say uh it’s actually not 38 it’s actually 30. so if
you know that it’s 30 you just change the number and you’re like okay this is actually going to be 30. so all right it gives
you it gets you then making a little bit more money um now you want to be careful you don’t like just just try to go real tight on
the rehab and you you shoot your your buyer short um if you know your buyer is like you
know hey he’s a he’s actually can do it in four months he’s really good at rehabs and he’s an agent so he doesn’t
have to pay the other side of commission now you’re now you’re starting to be able to work in more spread for them because you know what he’s able to do
um but still it doesn’t work so we know we need to negotiate this thing even further down for our buyer to get into
the yellow and if we want him in the green we know that we need to get him even lower than that so this is a deal
this would be a deal if all these things makes if it’s true that he doesn’t have to pay on the side of listing it if he
if he can take four months and it’s 30k now if any of these things are off if the the buyer you’re working with thinks
he’s going to take six months and he’s not an agent and he’s like nah bro this thing is going to cost me 45
000. then your numbers are your jack up so again that’s why I mean z Sean we
teach people you need to work closely with your buyers or you’re wasting your time uh because you look at the guy who
brought you this DLC shine it’s like 275. he’s like hey I think it’s a potential deal not not really Z Sean because at 275
it’s not even close to a deal and we’re assuming that you know the the one sold in the
area that’s still the arv that thing could have sold for okay just sold so we’re good we’re
good on that um but yeah we’re assuming that it’s close to that so it’s an it’s not a
perfect science it’s an art uh comping but uh we just know that a 275 doesn’t
make sense and for it to really get a hundred percent a deal that anyone would take it
I’d say 220 would be a no-brainer for anyone that wants to do this deal it’s
not in the green yet but it’s close we’d make fifteen thousand let’s say the buyers like look man I I can’t do it at
2 35 but I can do it 232. or 230 uh two then you would just
decrease your feet right you can you can move numbers around simple math so Z
Sean what you would do in this situation or if I called the seller I would say hey look you know I totally get that the
other property sold according to the pictures once we get pictures according to what we see it’s actually going to
take us a lot more money to rehab this thing it’s going to take us a couple months I explain my situation like what
we’re what we’re doing now then I come in and I anchor them with my offer like at 210 settle at 220 if the guy accepts
it we’re good and if not then I go and say look man the cash offer is always going to be the
lowest you can accept there’s a couple options you have here you can fix it up yourself you got it right now as is and
no one’s buying it you can fix it up yourself no I don’t want to do that okay well we can help you find a buyer on the
market uh we just need to list this okay and then we do the Novation route and we list it or we do creative terms and we
say dude I’ll give you 325 I just can’t I’m just going to cover your payments and I can’t pay you out until 30 years
from now and um but I can make the mortgage payments and I’ll give you a little bit of money up front and then
you run the numbers here which Z Sean I don’t know if you’ll feel comfortable yet you doing novations or creative
deals I think I have not mastered it yet but uh but
that’s the next the next step right yes so any questions on the workflow on what
I just did and and how how to run the numbers and if it doesn’t work where you pivot
yeah definitely both thank you very much not the questions at the moment but I was just curious that the this is the
house in same neighborhood listed at 3 20 and the other household for 385 you
know how I’m comfortable with you know taking this comp or that girl
look so the the what what we’re seeing in this neighborhood when it’s for sale
we’re seeing 320 and 3 about 320 is what people are selling their homes for as is
that looks like an as is number so when you look at um Redfin you look at all these places
it seems to be people are selling most of the homes in this area as is because
that’s where the um the estimates are coming in right like batch Redfin Zillow
they’re all kind of around that 330 Mark so when it looks like from what I can see when someone goes above and beyond
in this area and and tries to really make it look really nice you can get a higher asking price for it
but to a flipper is probably not going to um like bet everything on getting this
high of a price or 375. I was just saying for this example let’s just assume that’s what um you know that’s
the best case scenario I I would probably feel more comfortable saying hey if things are selling as is for
about 320 350 if you do a really good job this house number 350 because it
does not have a pool now changing the numbers to 350 really messes up the
formula again so you got to really get this thing super low for it to make sense so that that’s
where I what I would do Sean I would say Okay 385 is probably what a really good job of the pool does so let’s say arvs
are 350. um we need this thing at 200 000 I’m sure any flipper in that area would
definitely take this deal at 200 000 most likely because this guy and I’ve dealt with a
lot of for sale by owners most likely this guy’s gonna be like nah I ain’t
taking 200 000. obviously he’s trying he’s avoiding listing it with a real estate agent in
my opinion for most people is because they’re trying to make as much money as they can and they don’t want to pay commissions and fees so what I would
explain when I say hey bro I totally get that you don’t want a two hundred thousand dollar cash offer I wouldn’t
want that either but the only way you’re going to be able to get this thing sold
is you know we put this thing on the market for you and you and that’s the only way we’re really going to get top dollar or we do creative for you we can
we can pay this price over time so then you you have a negotiation with the
seller instead of just leaving it as a cash offer and then you take off and you say hey
um I’ll follow with you because if if you offer this guy 200 000 he doesn’t accept it he’s most likely not going to
accept it I can almost guarantee he won’t accept 200 000. yeah boss he does not expect I asked him that we need to
be around you know 2 10 or something like that he he was not you know and he
said that the mortgage payments is around 1800 per month are we able to make a creative deal at that price
so the only way that we’ll be able to really make 1800 work is if it cash
flows uh for more if we if the rent is more in this area uh than 1800 so what
we’re gonna do so we’re gonna go for rent okay look at that so two thousand two
hundred is what this nicer home it looks pretty good is currently they’re asking
for this property so how much did you say his was two thousand one thousand eight hundred yeah
so there you go like that doesn’t really give us too much room does it we usually like at least 300
uh between you know the mortgage payment and what it’s worth what it can rent for
um but if the guy’s willing to take zero down and just let us take over or a
little little a little Mount down then that’s something we can explore but if he’s like no I want 40K down and you
know cover my payment then most people are going to be hesitant to that because this is exactly what he said that I want
at least 40 to 50 get down yes if you wanna yeah Sean you might want to be
here and be Sean when you when you’re considering that mortgage prices well make sure that mortgage price considers
interest taxes and insurance as well so that so that you got a full understanding of what that that uh
seller is paying each month so so that way you can make this determination that Nathan’s talking about now when you’re
asking a question as well Nathan uh p-i-t-i is that that’s what you’re saying right yeah exactly what I was
talking about p-i-t-i so I’m not a creative expert Sean but I do know that
if they want a uh let me move this I know if they want a lot of money down and it doesn’t cash flow it’s usually I
don’t see how it can be a deal unless you’re one of these guys that somehow knows how to figure that stuff out for
me yeah I have no clue I have no clue brother I’m right there with you if they want a ton of money down it usually
doesn’t work the majority of my creative deals either they’re they’re wanting little no money down or very little very
little money down exactly you know I’ve heard I’ve heard people that are able to like do ninja
moves or they’re like yeah okay you want a hundred thousand dollars down and then they go get it from like a hard money
lender or some some I don’t know what they’re doing I haven’t figured it out yet but indeed me either
well zeeshan that is the process that I would follow and and I do this because I
have experience I do this on the phone with them I run the numbers it sounds like you’re you’re telling them where you needed to be it kind of sounds like
you did the Right Moves you you made the cash and I said no you said okay what would would you be open to creative if
we’re able to get um you the price you want the guy said yeah only if I’m able to do 40 uh down and then you know that
okay without even just looking at the rent there’s only like 400 potential cash flow in there
um Annie wants to bring down 40 I’m not willing to put 40 000 on a property and
just to make 400 a month that’s not I can there’s way better Investments that I can make and that’s what people
investors would look at now if he is willing to take if you could do 40 down and his purchase
his asking price was like 250 then you’re like okay that might be worth it I can bring some money down but in five
ten years when I balloon out I have all that Equity right that might be something that you can look at but uh
I’m sure that this guy he’s for sale by owner most for sale by owners again are trying to make as much
as they can to avoid paying age realtor fees and they are tough yeah
yeah they’re tough brother they’re tough um your best selling points are like Nathan is saying is uh to come back to
let that gentleman know hey you know if your options are you’re gonna have to put this on the market and it’s going to
require some you know putting some work into it putting some money into it that’s something you’re comfortable with doing you know we always try to push
them into that direction actually we try to push them away from what we’re looking for so that they’ll come running kind of back so just like that’s why I
love Nathan’s calculator because it’s given so many options that’ll that empowers you as the uh the wholesaler as
the investor to be able to make those type of pivots 100 so zeeshan what I would do is I can call this guy but I
think you got this bro I think if you call them and you say Hey look I’ve looked at your the numbers cash
option not going to make sense for you I get it um you you can hold out on the MLS you
can just wait for someone to come in but um sorry you can hold out on for sale by owner but the amount of people that are
seeing your property is very limited now if you want more exposure you know you can put it with an agent and he says Ah
man I don’t want to pay the commissions and fees then you can say well I get that what we can do for you is we can
put it on the market we’ll take care of all the commissions and fees we’ll even put any money into repairs
um to get this thing done and we’ll look for a partner on the MLS that we can work with and purchase this property
with and that’s Innovation right and then he’s like well how that how does that work and you’d say well we agree on
a specific price uh you know it takes the commissions and the fees like we’ll take care of we’ll we’ll guarantee you
this price or not guarantee you this price we’ll get you this price if ever if we’re able to find a seller and then
knowing that you could probably do a Novation if we run the numbers at 270.
you you probably could list this thing on the market after commission fees and everything still makes them and get him
the 270 he wants yeah I think that’s the play right there
create is not going to work definitely well thank you very much there was that
was very learned a session and yeah I’ll get in touch with him to see if we can
you know uh still make a deal with him but uh but yeah he he said that he is
trying to move out of the country so this is
so he also said that hey Z Sean I think your internet’s uh
it’s kind of slow hey it’s all good it happens to me too my internet went out at the beginning of this indeed indeed so
um Sean do you have anything you want to add to what we’ve chatted about no man great stuff great conversation um
again I didn’t want to interrupt your flow but with with you and Z Sean just wanted to add on and and there was all
great points guys so I hope that you all pay good attention to that um I know that you mentioned Novation a
couple of times and you kind of went through it very quickly I know that for sure that that what you just mentioned
it’s gonna have more people interested to learn more about that oh about the Novation route yeah about the Novation
route that you suggested Zees Sean take you know what uh you know what’s interesting as like most of the people
that uh we talk to are newer investors right so one thing I’ll say before I go more Innovations is like you want to
start baby steps right like if you’re pitching novations and creative financing like right off the bat like you’re gonna it’s probably gonna be very
difficult for you to for someone to trust you or to get a deal right so what it starts with is a cash offer right it
starts with the cash offer that’s low if they’re not open to it which ninety percent of the time they’re not because
you have to find that specific situation now if they’re not open to the cash offer then you want to educate yourself
on novations creative financing doing those other strategies now I’ve been
doing this for quite a while Sean’s been doing this for quite a while you’re not going to be able to just go in there immediately and pitch that and get it
accepted unless the the seller like really trusts you so what I would recommend is link up with people that
know how to do those strategies in your community that know how to do creative or novations that you can say hey I have
a motivated seller They didn’t accept my cash offer can you help me take this to the finish line and I think that would
be the best strategy if you’re you’re kind of newer to this because if you try to eat it all if you try to understand
it all at once you’re going to get overwhelmed so stick with the cash learn know that if they say no that is not the
end ask them you know just say hey are you open to any other options to to if we can get you close to your price and
if they’re really motivated if you have that motivation then link up with someone and uh or you know there’s tons
of coaching programs out there that teach people how to improve on their their investing skills
continuous education that’s my answer man good answer me I like that Nathan
good answer and good great advice to the audience as well because hey Sean we’ve been there when we first started you want to learn
everything you can but you’re trying to take it all in that’s right that’s right
well uh zishon you’re breaking up a little bit but is there anything you’d like to add before we wrap up
yeah thank you very much it’s good stuff it’s great to have uh uh Sean on this
call we explore different things but I would definitely uh would want to learn
all the strategies uh that we can present to sell out the options because the cash offer is also a lot I think
always like the best option that the seller can take they will definitely consider other options uh for the
transaction as well I agree I actually think the cash offer again I think it gets accepted like
maybe five five ten percent of the time yeah yeah five percent of the time very very low you have to find that situation
that’s why so many people like they’re always constantly looking for leads and that’s why va’s are so important because you got a filter but if you can improve
your sales process and how you uh approach people with their options then
you’re able to get more deals done now let me give you an example of why that’s true so right now I have a deal in Del
Rio Texas um I was trying to wholesale it the seller would not go low enough so I said
look what you want for cash it’s gonna have to be this price but I can find a
partner I can find a buyer on the MLS if I list this and I’ll take care of the commission’s fees and any any of the
cleanup in the house so you don’t have to worry about it so she agreed on I did an ovation and we’ve agreed to pay her
more than uh what the cash offer is and we just got an offer for uh 60 000 and
I’m paying her out fifty thousand so that’s ten thousand now now that’s not perfect but the best cash offer I had
was four forty thousand so by just putting on the MLS we got 60k Now 60 we
still have to take care of commissions and fees right we still have to uh pay uh closing costs out of well I think we
have to pay closing costs out of that and uh so there’s still you as you do Innovation you still have to take care
of the some of the fees um so it doesn’t you got to make sure there’s a spread uh but so that that
that’s where I’m explaining that option has enabled us to do another deal now the other deal we’re doing in Fort Myers
the seller on a retail instead of me chalking it up and like well shoot she want she’s not willing to accept 70
percent of minus repairs minus fees if you do that um she’s not going to accept that but I was able to flip it and be like well I
can get you that price if you give me time and I don’t bring any money down and she said okay that’s closing this
week so it is extremely important those are two deals I’m doing right now that any other wholesaler would have not been
able to make money on right so everybody it is important to to practice those but
don’t don’t feel like immediately you have to master it yet it takes time 100 percent
all right we’ll get you there Z Sean we’ll get you we’ll get you being a wizard on on what to offer all right
yes sir yeah definitely I’m gonna be uh
really really wizard as you said very dangerous guy on running the numbers and
doing real estate in the USA we want you to be dangerous on that phone brother getting deals
and and for everybody watching hit up my man Sean he’s uh what is it REI if you’re looking
for a virtual assistant I know he’s got some awesome players over there and they come trained
um yeah and that’s kind of like exactly what I did with zeeshan is what I recommend everyone do to to Really help
their their employees level up is show them to help them teach them and uh the cool thing about doing this batch call
Sean is I Dual Purpose it man like what I’m showing everyone here today was ishan I got to show zeeshan anyway so
might as well do it do it on the call great great stuff great stuff love it
all right guys well we’ll wrap up today see you next time guys see you guys
later foreign